Dont mind me,
Just going to ruin the entire fucking game.
Dont mind me,
Just going to ruin the entire fucking game.
Other urls found in this thread:
Haven't played Hearthstone in awhile so I don't really keep up on it but what the actual fuck?
>t. Jade Druid player who plays no minions from turn 1-4.
I snapcrafted this shit 5 mins into the release. I glad my meme picks was actually top tech meta. I was going to try the 5/3 dreedsteed lego too but I wasnt too keen on it
Hearthstone finally gets its first decent combo deck and people are crying.
Stay away from other card games kiddo, they'll eat you alive.
All the new legendary secrets ruin the game. If you're against someone with a legendary quest then just forfeit because you're going to get fucked anyways.
Same here, the quest has a lot of variety to it which I love
A lot of people are playing the pirate variant with vanish but I am running a elemental variant with Flame Fly and Igneaus Elemental. Filling the board with 5/5 Flame Elemental's after you complete your quest feels great
>the counter to core rogue is to kill it before turn 5. Is this really the best solution? Isnt that the fucking counter to everything? How is pirate warrior still a thing?
>/hsg/ rated rogue quest lowest and hunter quest highest pre-release
lmao. That quest is slow as fuck and is easy to deal with with almost all of the current meta decks. That's literally the weakest quest right now.