Who would win?

Who would win?


asriel is a pussy bitch that you can beat with the power of friendship

When you try that on Sans, you get obliterated

But Sans only has 1 hp

because I don't think sans KR ability would work on him at this point

The real queston is this

>Asriel's DEF is infinite
>Sans' ATK is 1

Gee I wonder

What if Sans uses his special attack in 1th turn

>only thinking in power levels

Sans could just call him his friend, and Asriel would probably break down crying and say he's sorry

But they are the same.

But Sans have much more determination then him

I mean the other way around

If Sans had even an ounce of determination he wouldn't have gotten 1 shotted. His stats, if anything, show a complete lack of determination


Asriel, because the only reason you were capable of beating him is because of your save ability.
Sans is just a tough fight.

Yea thats why Asriel wont lose to him

Gote is cute! He wins me over with those floppy ears

Sans is both harder and non-spareable (without dying).

That was simple.

My dick

Why want Asriel even fight. Flowey was a psychopath because he is soulless but when he got all the souls and turn into a supargoat he should have instanteously turned into a good person.

Sans KR ability would not be as strong against Asriel, as Asriel is a legitimately good person. Sans can't dodge Asriel's attacks forever.

He would most likely lose the same way he does on the Genocide Route, his laziness would catch up to him eventually

He did.

I can't decide whether I love or hate the art design of this game.

This guy

Can you even lose the Asriel fight?

>drawing a goat that attractive

Toby knew what he was doing, didn't he?


Making the goats barefoot with toes instead of hooves was a good idea

so sorry comes out and shits on them both then eats them while shitting some more and saying so sorry over and over again.

so sorry.

It was a really hot idea

>we want the furfag audience

Well guess what Toby, it worked. Was getting caught part of your plan?

Did Toriel give anyone else a serious case of mom feels?

The only attractive thing in this game was Chara, you foolish user.

People hate me for it, but I always liked Asgore better than Toriel.

Everything gets one shot at the end of the game that's the point Its why Chara blows up the game afterwords

No, you'd be able to shot Sans regardless
He has 1 ATK, 1 DEF, and 1 HP.

even worse
>human child


He's great too, but Toriel just gives me the feels, man.

I think I gotta call my mom.

I'll make that goat kid and goat man


delet this


Asgore DA BES
Could just be that I'm coldly pragmatic about a lot of stuff so when you narrow it down into absolutes, why Asgore did ended up being the near best-case scenario despite his unwillingness to go all out on his plan while all Toriel did was forsake her responsibility as a ruler to go sulk.

Couldn't really connect with Toriel at all really, and I love my mom to pieces.

why are undertale threads always so shitty

Yeah, I guess I just like that he's kind of a tragic non-villain in a way.

Cuz u don't like the game

>name a more fuckable family
Protip....you can't.

Cause undertale is a shitty game qith a shitty fandom, dont act like you dont know the reason youre all cancer


Undertale is a great game, with a very loving and supportive fandom

at this point, i dont know if undertale posting is actually serious or extremely ironic shitposting

>"People disagree with me, so it must be shitposting!"

Uh huh buddy. Are you sure you didn't take a wrong turn at Reddit avenue?

>Undertale is a great game, with a shitty fandom.


*It's a flawed, overrated game, with a completely braindead fanbase

Now it's really fixed.

The Undertale fandom is completely fine and not significantly worse then fandoms of similar size.

Is it just me, or did the game kinda just gloss over Alphys' Mengele-tier creations?

I mean, they tried to joke about it, but no matter how frivolous the game tries to be about the ordeal, it's still really fucked up.

They were going to die anyways, and they seem ok with it,

>they went back to live with their families
everything was fine...right?

fuck off

Why are they doing the same pose?
I guess it's some kind of parallel.

Asriel, he is a literal god in that fight and Sans just had good reflexes.
It's possible he actually fought Flowey in its normal form and won but he can't win against Omega Flowey or Asriel.

Well, weren't they monsters to begin with anyway?

It's not like being a giant snowflake bird was normal.

But that's exactly what he did after a while.

His DEX was 999 and his evasion stats were off the chart.

Can't kill what you can't hit.

Sans' fault was putting that much effort into killing the MC. He should have been determined to do nothing in the first place when it was his turn.

deepest lore

toby did it again

>Sans' fault was putting that much effort into killing the MC

His goal wasn't to kill you though. It was to frustrate you until you gave up. Naturally he didn't want to stand there with you for an eternity and he wanted you to reset the timeline so everyone would be alive again.

If Sans had even an ounce of determination he would fight you in different routes.

Good taste.

Obvious choice

twink gote is hotter then asrielle

This game really played Sup Forums's contrarianism. First they love it, then they hate it and now both sides are big enough so nobody talks about it

Asriel is for bullying.

shota asriel>teen asriel


>thicc hips

delusional at its finest

Fuck off, goatfuckers.

I can agree with this

>mixing species

Finally, a tastefull Nazi Chara.
shouldn't you niggers be on /vg/ if you're just gonna spam art

there's literally nothing wrong with speciesmixing

/vg/ has way too many furries for my liking. No fellow Charafags in sight.

Would he be So Sorry?



asriel's pretty cute

Asriel is for cucking.

>Undertale shit

Okay I fuckin love undertale but shit like this thread is just gonna keep giving the game a bad rep

Be nice

What's bad here? This is way more civil and chill than undertale threads usually are.

>Undertale game

>Sup Forums

There's no reason for Asriel to know Sans. It's implied he and Papyrus showed up long after Asriel died.

I liked Toriel up until the end when she acted like a huge cunt towards Asgore



Yeah exactly. I mean I get why she acted that way, since she was so against what he did from a moral stand point, but it doesn't exactly make for such a likable character.

They generate so much edgyness the game crashes

It's short (not counting replays) and overrated but it was a nice experience that I'm glad to have bought, happy I played it within the first week before the greater-autism settled in.

FRIENDSHIP, you fucking retard.
