Friend starts playing a game he's supposed to be playing with you without saying anything

>Friend starts playing a game he's supposed to be playing with you without saying anything

Other urls found in this thread:

what does that tell you about yourself my man

Do you always assume the worst of others when they bring up something about someone else? He's the only person who does things like this.

It doesn't tell me anything about myself but it does tell me he's being inconsiderate and uncaring of his friend.

You're very insecure

Yeah well you're a cuck.

Shitposting aside I don't see how that makes him insecure. Observing something rude that somebody else does is insecure?

Why is he obligated to play the game with him or tell him about it? It's not rude, sometimes people just want to play alone or with someone else. Be concerned when your friend stops playing and talking with you, not when he goes off to play on his own once in a while.

What if its a game where it matters? Like a game with a competitive ranking system, or a coop game where making progress alone fucks the experience up for the other player?

He can still play how he wants. Video games are for entertainment, and if your friend thinks playing without your ass is gonna be more fun every once in a while, there's no reason to worry.

Are you one of those assholes that plays sparingly or rarely and then gets surprised when your friend plays more than casually or decides to play a bit to keep at the top of his game/make other friends?

Because if so, pic related.

This post was pretty gay bro

OP here. He's actually the one who plays sparingly not me.

>Its okay to be rude as long as you're having fun
Get a load of this nihilist rude cuck. I bet you use reddit.

>friend launches a game I'm supposed to play with him
>closes and relaunches it
>launches custom steam game "stop ignoring me"

>Being this clingy
There's nothing rude about it. Some of us actually have more than one friend or just like alone time. They don't have to explain everything they do to you.

>People with autism are individuals who lack empathy and cannot understand emotion.

>I'm an insecure baby

What's his catchphrase again?

>No argument

You just know this guy is rude is as fuck to his friends and is trying to justify it on some random Sup Forums thread because it resonated with him and he can't take responsibility for being an ass.

if he knew how pathetic you were where you feel the need to make a thread like this, he would never ever associate with you again. you are so sad it makes me laugh
Add me you nerds, especially if you play Killing Floor 2

>Complaining about "pathetic threads" on a chinese basket weaving imageboard where people argue about subjective tastes about choose your own adventure elements in digital interactive programs

There's a good chance the OP and the friend in question decided to have a fight over the issue in this very thread. They're both defensive enough about the issue for me to believe this anyway.

Jesus fucking Christ I hate this. Sometimes I just want to play the game by myself. I'm not obligated to tell you any more than steam or psn or whatever the fuck wants to tell you about my activities. I'm not your fucking child, stop being a self-centered piece of shit.

>Complaining about complainers

>start playing game with friend
>they hardly play at all
>ask if they feel like playing from time to time
>they say no
>inevitably progress further than them since they hardly ever play
>wtf dude why'd you go ahead we were supposed to play together

>Get a load of this nihilist rude cuck. I bet you use reddit.
This sentence alone tells me everything about why people would avoid you

>Complaining about people complaining about complainers

>You and friend get game with intention to play together
>Is busy for the first two weeks
>Never plays it
>Play it a year later
>Gets mad

If you wanted to fucking play it together you should've made time jackass

Not an argument

>used to play Overwatch 6 hours straight a friend
>one day he decides to play Comp without me
>feel a tad upset for a few days
>move on and just play all the shit that I wanted to and have !___fun___! cleaning my backlog

Stop bitching.

>Complaining about people complaining about complainers complaining about complainers

>Waiting weeks to play Overwatch competitive since the matchmaking system is broken in solo queue
>Friend pops on and starts playing competitive without you without even saying a word
Fuck this hits close to home. Why do people do this?

>Complaining about people complaining about complainers complaining about complainers complaining about complainers

this entire thread is autism