fuck yes! i wanted this game to fail for dropping papa jontron

ironic considering jon wants the game to do well


What does dirt have to do with anything?


it's a bunch of worthless shit

>literally gets on its knees to suck Shovel Knight's dick
>even considers having an eceleb to begin with
Game deserved to fail

>yfw he was right all along

>Yooka-Laylee bombs
>they'll just blame it on neo-nazis or racists or whatever

>Jon dodged a bullet

This explains why they felt the need to virtue signal. They realized their game wasn't up to snuff and they wanted an easy reason to dismiss the mediocre score.

>e-everyone that doesn't like our game is an angry Jontron fan

Are those legitimate ratings or just assblasted Jontron fans?

That's not the user score.

>backing something on kickstarter

jontron wants the game to succeed you fucking Sup Forums migrant retard. stop clinging to shit you don't even understand.

>Rare now decides to make a real Banjo-Kazooie game that caters to the alt-right

I heard it has performance issues, basically a console port with little video settings and is literally Banjo 3, so if you go in without expecting just that you might not like it.

I mean, it's not doin a whole heck of a lot better now, but at least post the up to date score, OP.

How would that even work?

About how Iranian immigrants like his parents shouldn't be allowed into the US?

He's making a damn good case for it, I'll give him that.

>38 reviews in OP
>23 reviews in yours

But yours is up to date?

literally go check the site right now, that's what it says. I found that weird too, though.

>everything kickstarted is shit
no, but shit gets highlighted in our rushed viral sensationalist society.

Who gives a fuck about things that go smoothly?

His parents were legal immigrants. They were also abusive though so there's that.

OP is the PS4 score and yours is the PC score

You have to gas the rats to ensure the survival of the bear race

>His parents were legal immigrants

I see you didn't hear about Trump's travel bans.

>20 year old reviewers hate collectathon rival game because it's a collectathon

I don't care, go play madden

And they're right, you know.

Similar, but you don't save the coloured things with big noses.

Only one of his parents is Iranian, and the legal immigration took place during a time when Iran was not under a travel ban. What even is this post? Are you retarded?

Playtonic damage control representatives pls go

The one based on the obama list?
Cause you know obama made that list of countries right?

Mario Oddyssey will get a 90+ and you furfags will be eternally butthurt.

Banjo was always just the poor mans 3D Mario.

3d donkey kong user

A man supports policies that would have prevented him from being born if they had been around back then. I find that pretty amusing. Not that hard to understand, is it?

So what?

Fuck, you Sup Forumsshits are so sensitive you get triggered even when people aren't trying to trigger you.

The game is too hard for most of these reviewers...

Oh, I see, I should pay more attention before I run my mouth

Are people seriously hoping this game fails because they bruised the ego of some fat arabic with daddy issues?

Im hue and i dont even go to Sup Forums 2.0
So the point is that is not trump travel ban cause did not make the list

Fair enough, but video games seem to have the worse luck in getting something good relative to other categories

I'm hoping it fails because it looks like shit.

A Lizard and a Bat


Sup Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sure, that's a reasonable conclusion.

Sup Forums is hoping it fails because it's a kickstarter game

the Jontron stuff just added fuel to the fire

>Im hue

I'm sorry to hear that, but nobody asked.

>So the point is that is not trump travel ban cause did not make the list
>it's not his ban because he didn't make the list, he just made THE BAN

Hues being as smart as always I see. Stay triggered.

Yeah yeah, we get it, Sup Forums shitpost thread

No, nobody is allowed to dislike this game now that Jontron isn't in it. All criticism is now Jontron related.

How would it's failure or success affect you in any way?

Why aren't they shit talking Star Citizen? Why are they still bagging on Triple A games then? Why does Sup Forums love their indi-sweethearts then?

Are we the one's with daddy issues?

Can this post be stickied to the front page?

>Modern 3D Mario is a Collectathon Platformer

Between Star Citizen, Broken Age, and MN9, Sup Forums is eternally butt blistered over crowdfunded games.

Wasn't the entire selling point of this game was that it was Banjo 3? How is that a fault?



>Why aren't they shit talking Star Citizen?
You're making it painfully obvious that you aren't from here.

>20 mixed reviews

holy shit

>Most reviewers seem to hate the game for being a collectathon, along with camera issues and performance problems on consoles
>I actually want to play a collectathon, the camera issues are supposedly seeing improvements on release, and I'm playing on PC

Seems like I'm gonna have a decent time anyways

in david cage

So the main complaints are that it's too hard and it's too much like a classic collectathon,sounds like a winner to me

>probably be worth a playthrough just to hear Kirkthorpe's score

user... about that


It's getting a day 1 patch that fixed those problems though. It probably would've gotten a higher score if it just delayed the ports.

In what way was he triggered?

The only one i see who is angry without reason would be you.

That's like trying to make a tourist feel bad for not shitting in the streets of India like the locals.

That makes sense, but I still don't under stand the anger unless they, themselves offered money.

>That's like trying to make a tourist feel bad for not shitting in the streets of India like the locals.
You shouldn't make a bunch of incorrect assumptions and then shit talk a group of people for them. That's not how logical arguments work.

But you're still shitting in the streets user.

Is it out already? Is it any good?


Am I suppose to just stare at the number and ignore the complete obvious idiot who reviewed it?

Video games are far harder to make, let alone make well. It doesn't matter how many employees you have and how much money you throw at a product, if there isn't solid talent behind a game, it's doomed to fail.

Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect Andromeda
Star Wars The Old Republic
Dragon Age Inquisition
Metroid Prime: Federation Force
Sony All Stars: Battle Royal
Assassin's Creed 3
Assassin's Creed 5
Assassin's Creed 6
Street Fighter V

I've been to India. They have designated beaches that you can be fined up to 200 rupees for shitting on.

Plus, the streets are caked with dried human feces. I'm reluctant to use the word human, but my point still stands.

Two down. One to go.

I hope you know that my post isn't referring to India but Sup Forums loving kickstarter games.

Plus a drive to make them. A tread your post shows is how easy it is to turn a game into a product that needs to be shipped and sold rather then a passion project some would much rather work on in say film and television.

That and he's right, I shouldn't assume just because of one thread.

>Dragon Age Inquisition
Its dick was sucked by literally every single mainstream critic and sold a billion gajillion copies. How is that a failure?

>Game obviously harkens from PS1/N64 era
>Gets criticized for this


Ass Creed sells even more, but I hope you're not going to tell me that Ass Creed V: (Made in) Unity is any good.

It's funny how reviews are only important when Sup Forums agrees with them, huh?

pls no
I really don't want Bloodstained to fail.
This will just make me lose faith in old devs and games are ruined.

who cares what he wants, besides you

>you Sup Forumsshits are so sensitive you get triggered even when people aren't trying to trigger you.

Collect-a-thons are the platformer equivalent of MMO's. They're nothing but Skinner's boxes.

They're objectively inferior to more linear 3D platformers, like SM3DW and SMG2, with the exception being SM3DL because it's just NSMB in 3D.

I wonder if this game wouldn't have been such a failure had jon's throat not been slit from the game.

>Why are they still bagging on Triple A games then? Why does Sup Forums love their indi-sweethearts then?
Sup Forums hates AAA and indies. They only like middle market games and Japan coincidentally is the only country left with a middle market.

Nice double standards there, I hope it's the biggest blunder ever so you stay salty for the rest of your life.

not an argument

It's probably going to do well if the devs don't purposefully hold the game back to pander to nostalgia and also piss off the loyalist nerds by getting political.

Hell, if they need to get political, at least come down on the side that actually buys your fucking games, Jesus.

It's the exact same team that brought you Mighty Number 9.

Inti has NO CLUE what they're doing with both Unreal Engine and 3D. Development has been severely "troubled" so far to say the least. Theys hould have went 2D.

You're hired for the PR executive post.
Start work next week, we got a whole didney worl to build.


I like how they're giving the game bad reviews for exactly what the game set out to do; be an old-school N64 era 3D platformer with modern graphics. If people expected anything different than this, then clearly they missed the point.

I should never have looked at this game's in-progress footage. It's too hard to be excited for it now

SMB64 is the best platformer I've played and that's a collecthaton.

If you faggots even bothered to read the reviews you would know that most of the reviews are basically shitting on the collectathon genre as a whole.

That would look really good if there were some enemies in it.

And also the main character was shrunk by about 20 - 25% so that she isn't 1/10th of the screen.

Rightfully so

According to the market, it was, and that's all that matters in this industry.

I didn't want any of these games to fail.
I just wanted good games.[
Is that too much to ask?