Holy shit, I've seen some bad ports in my time but how the hell did Squre Enix fuck up this badly?

Holy shit, I've seen some bad ports in my time but how the hell did Squre Enix fuck up this badly?
>29fps drop in the field
Even optimized it runs far worse than it should.
How could anybody play this if it wasn't for mod appeal?

Other urls found in this thread:


>PC 'master' race

>3 years ago

so why are you bashing this something this old?

Always stay a generation behind
Everything's cheaper that way

I don't know man, the ps4 port of FF 12 is exactly the same ps2 game

>Everything's cheaper that way
>not just pirating

It's playable, but it's really fucked up. Some people somehow have no problems; most people that have problems can set processor affinity to one core only with it, and it's mostly fixed(although some areas like academia X can be laggy as fuck.)

All the 13 games have this problem on PC, from shared engine, I guess, so it's not just 13-2. Duranate and other folk have passed some speculations on what the fucking problem is, but squeenix has certainly never seen fit to fix it.

Has anybody made mods to fix the framerate then?
I'm thinking of getting a PC and wouldn't mind playing the series but there's not much appeal if the framerate's the same as it was on the 360

XIII-2 runs find on PC, it just has framerate drops like XIII did.

>All the 13 games have this problem on PC
Lightning Returns doesn't