Why is he so meh?

Why is he so meh?

The whole game is meh, what did you expect?

to encourage you to fuse a lot of personas

Arsene is a level 1 persona, also the game just encourages you to use other persona and fuse. They didn't want you using Arsene for the entire game, it's just that Arsene is the MC's main persona and he even says that he is always with you.

is there a way to make Arsene viable? You can only use Gallows once

God his design is fucking incredible, though

>final boss is a god who's been making life horrible just like in P4
No wonder why people don't like P5. Reusing a trope form fucking P4.

So you can open the secret door at the amala temple for super pxie.

Why don't you spoiler shit next time, faggot. Not everyone has beaten the game, you know?

>Not everyone has beaten the game, you know?
It's the internet, get use to spoilers.

Because he's over designed garbage like every party persona.

>Site has a spoiler system
>Refuses to use it because "Go fuck yourself"

Nice, real classy my man.

Name one part of my post that suggests I'm mad. I didn't swear at all. Why do all millenials assume slight disagreement equates to irrational hatred? Not everyone is triggered in the way that you are, so please do not assume that me voicing the opposite opinion is any indication about my emotional state. I am completely calm and unperturbed, just disappointed that my suspicions about you were correct. It's disappointing that you think wearing ill-fitting khaki trousers and a cardigan over button up shirt in a sea of other men wearing exactly the same thing is a "good outfit.

*tips top hat*

Is there no game-breaking Arsene no Okami in NG+?

>Can't think of a creative comeback
>Resorts to replying with a copypasta

Nice, really classy my man.

Its once a day, not only once

>Thought this Persona would be different because thieves/aesthetic
>Its the same shit where forced NPC interactions feel like they take the wheel over the combat which is slightly better then regular Persona 3/4 but worse then SMT
>8-9 hours on hard to get to Kamoshida
>Everything feels like a fucking filler anime arc towards getting to the bosses.

Are the people who make these games popular the same ones who prefer shit like Naruto to something like say Ippo?

Is an Arsene only playthrough viable

Pretty much.


They also literally beat him with the same power of friendship as P4 where you're invincible after the original fight basically and you just hit x to win with a ANIMEXFRIENDSHIP


>Hates weeaboos and anime
>Plays Persona 5
>Comes into Persona 5 threads


Dude stfu and put spoilers you fucking JACKASS

Jim? The HELL man?!

>Hates anime
No shit this typical shonen level shit. I didn't even mind it so much in SMT4A because the game was a game 90% of the time and not this padded NPC simulator. The first dungeon was slow as fucking hell for no good reason other then
>Gotta pass the days boi and hang with your buds XD.

Not to mention the bosses in this game do very very little so the actual gameplay besides dungeon exploration is weak as hell. I just expected this one to be different then 3/4. Atleast it has amazing demon art.

*tips top hat*

Even though I barely use him anymore, I still like bringing him back and having him tag along every time I kill him

Because Persona 3 and 4 did too well and now Atlus is too afraid to try anything risky with their next cash cow, so they made P5 as vanilla and bland as possible.

Why do you think Goro won the popularity poll even over the MC, who usually win these sorts of things? Because Goro was the only character with actual character.

The bosses aren't even used as a means of real development for the characters anymore seeing their flaws, which was one thing P4 managed to get right. Instead the bosses exist to justify our main characters actions and show how everyone who is against them is a cartoon villain from a saturday morning cartoon.

>I'm a creepy former star who abuses people and molests girls
>I literally let a chick die for a painting
>I'm the representation of your mother who you think hated you but SURPRISE SHE LOVED YOU AND THAT WAS ALL JUST A BIG CONSPIRACY BY THE EVIL BAD GUYS

These characters don't develop. They aren't flawed in relatable ways, they're all yes man for your fucking milktoast MC.