Sup Forums draws stupid shit and guesses the word

Get in here faggots
password is rage

bumping for autism

join you fags








why am I so bad at this

try harder

>the word was geology

>one of those games

Hello, my fellow panpingoers






>Tfw people drawing retarded shit because they didn't know the word killed the game

the fucking training and heron guy

personally i thought noose + nurse was pretty clever

>managed to finish my half assed pesentation
>room's gone

well fuck. was fun to keep the thread and game alive until people arrived I guess. Did I miss any bullshit words?

>left room
>decide what the fuck ill stay up a bit longer
>its gone

welp. guess we'll have another room tomorrow then

This image makes me angry. I used to think my English teacher was retarded too for trying to get me to think about imagery and shit, until I stopped being a fucking retard.

Delete that image from your hard drive.