PCSX2 can literally play MGS3 in high res @60fps

What is your excuse sony senpaitachi?


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also notice the 100% graphical accuracy and enhanced textures through filters & shaders

I have the HD collection on ps3

@720p with frequent frame drops. also lots of content is cut compared to subsistence.

last time I tried playing this, about a year ago, all the cutscenes had slowdown and there was no fix

has this changed?

they fixed a lot of stuff in last summer. mgs3 has achieved full accuracy with opengl renderer.

the aspect ratio is stretched as fuck

I'll stick to the hd version (or the original)

uploader seems to have fucked it up. there is a widescreen patch for pcsx2

i've played that game ages ago.

Can this fix the controls?
It's really fucking annoying when I try to hold up a guard and I accidentally cut his throat.