Would you love this pure, caring, Christmas Cake teacher?
Persona 5
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>Guard boss move at full health
>Still die
Why won't P5 let me play the fucking game instead of forcing me to waste whole weeks talking to my team in basically extended unskippable cutscenes and that fucking faggot cat won't even let me use nights productively.
What's her hourly rate?
When do I gain access to this sperm succubus?
>tfw there will never be DLC where all the girls MC romanced infiltrate his Palace to make him have a change of heart
Why is this intro so perfect? Why is everything about this game so perfect?
God, just look at makotos hips here
After you clear the second Palace
>swn put you in chastity and be your key holder
>swn ring you while shes with a John and make to listen
>tfw no cuckolding gf
You know this scene really does hurt in context because all those girls were working so hard to get Potter out of juvie and then they find out the day afterwards that he was cheating.
The game was in the works since like 2010 and it shows. I have no idea how P6 will be able to top it.
My only problem about it is that Makoto, Futaba and Haru isn't shown much.
It will be perfect when they add Makoto, Haru and Futaba to the ice skating segment.
basically $45 an hour, damn. It would take me 5 hours of my job (if taxes were not cut from my paycheck) to pay her for one hour
From what shithole did you crawl out of?
P5 Golden will have Hifumi finally playable and all the time skips will be taken out.
>when the girl you like isn't the one getting memed
best feeling
Don't you know?
When you max out his S-link, you become his bitch.
I'm sure who made this OP movie is Yuzuru Hanyu fan.
They were clearly thought of later in development. The teaser trailer was about introducing the core cast.
>Makotos pants
I really don't see how they can get out of Potter going to jail unless they do a massive rewrite.
>dating a literal prostitute who only wants your money
>not being a cuck
choose one
Nobody really seems to talk about Haru that much. Is she just not that notable?
literally the most ideal girl for marriage
>perfect body
>adorable personality
>very intelligent
>has realistic goals she works towards and will most likely achieve
I want to cum on her forehead.
Shows up too late syndrome
Didn't stop Atlus from writing a literal who into P4G like she's everyone's best friend.
Haru just joins far too late. The plot kicks into overdrive right after she joins so she doesn't get any relazing moments in which she hangs out with the team.
Max fucking proficiency
>Got politician social link to level 3
>mfw fundraising
Naoto was last girl and people still liked her.
Naoto shows up late too and she's still the sexiest P4 girl
Naoto had stuff going on before Kanji was even in your party
this game has made me realize that every party member in Persona 4 fucking sucks except Kanji
>final boss is a god who's been making life horrible just like in P4
No wonder why people don't like P5. Reusing a trope form fucking P4.
I liked the look she gives the PC when you friendzone her, she and the hippie were the only ones who seemed genuinely disappointed when you did that.
Well she even commented that your make the perfect husband, it's the best romance in any personal game desu
My thoughts exactly honestly.
I just want best girl romanceable in the rerelease.
Well 4 was reusing 3's scenario which was reusing 2's so it all came full circle. I get people loving the gameplay and maybe the cast but the plot is terrible.
So what do they say the next day when you go talk to them? I could never cheat so I'll never find out unless it's a video.
probably because he was voiced by best boy Troy Baker
what are the repercussions of multiple romances?
This, they already did older females yet not the best one? Bullshit.
>mfw Fundraising actually fucks up you money farming
Seriously, some arcana abilities are getting in the way of my fun.
Like others have said, she joins far too late. Also you already see her during the summer and even talk to her once in Hawaii but you only get to know a lot about her when you're at the 5th target.
>only realizing it now
Golden and PQ redeemed Yukiko though.
Potter gets the shit beaten out of him and you apparently can't carry over their confident bonuses to NG+.
I'd confirm the second thing since I'm starting NG+, but I stayed loyal to Makoto.
you get beat up and that's about it. just a joke scene, you still get to choose a girl on valentines day and get her item.
anyone have this transparent?
You better not asshole
Everybody is a fucking midget in P3 and P4 I don't know how I could go back to that.
That last part is wrong. I have the bonuses. idk where people are getting this information, fuck the game has been out for 6 months, you can even google it and see answers
Just make a demon that has Pulinpa and the confuse/ailment boost ability and hit up some mementos bosses, the ones that are susceptible give out 50-100k depending on your demon's luck.
Kanji looks pretty skinny there but in P4A he's swole
>Casino dungeon
What a great followup to the spaceship. God I hated that place. Music here is top tier and the design is so much more interesting.
She also likes anal
No. She can be nice, but she's also really stupid and willing to whore herself out just because she can't realize she's getting scammed by a couple of old farts. There are much better girls to choose from in P5.
Post proof
Wow, I didn't know Yukiko was a savage.
I'm really glad that Atlus made good 3d character models for P5
That's too random and fucking long. I was making solid 50k minimum in a single Shiki-Ouji fight.
Too lewd
I think you're mistaking my waifu for Iori Minase
which is odd given they don't even look similar in any way
>tfw P5 ruined P3 and P4 for you
They're really lanky though, especially Yusuke, fucking skeleton man.
>past 7/7
I'm reporting you to Atlus.
>God tier
Take it as you will
>Okay tier
It's the truth
>Shit tier
>Mona throws a bitchfit because everyone is fucking gushing over smelly neet pussy
>It takes up two fucking weeks of doing nothing
Fucking hell i need to max out my stats and links while i still have the time, stop fucking saying i'm tired.
Typical Makoto.
Just maxed her and just in time for the 4th palace.
I've thought that ever since I played 4. Worst cast of the series. Kanji was fine. Didn't mind Yukiko mostly because she had no personality in a game where everyone else had a shitty personality.
I need to be locked in a room with those thick fucking hips
>I have no idea how P6 will top it
No clue, the Jazz theme, menus, ui, gameplay mechanics, persona design, and co-op integrations are all top fucking tier.
But the easiest thing they could do to make a better game would be less rail-road, more activities.
P5 is a STRONG 9/10. But has some pretty horrific pacing issues, if they tighten those up and push the systems to be even more compelling than they are I can see it happening.
See you in 10 years though.
i'm glad she exists as a magnet for the NTRfags (below) to latch onto leaving the other girls pure
The thing that bugs me about this game is almost all situations involve really shitty people that wouldn't change at all unless you go into a magical place and forcefully alter their personality. Literally all the social links involve a trip to Mementos to change someone's heart. If it wasn't for that, every Confidant would have been screwed.
It really, really has. There was too much shit to play leading up to Persona 5 with Nioh, Zelda, and Dark Souls 3 DLC so I couldn't find time to replay P3 and P4 so I figured I would go back and play them after I finished Persona 5. Now I don't think I want to anymore.
I figured she'd be the best before playing it but holy shit she turned out to be a huge bitch.
I picked haru over anyone else
I found her cuteness overwhelming, especially when you baton touch her
she's savage in the sense that in most cases she doesn't know she just destroyed someone
I enjoy the aesthetics and style of P5.
I miss the characters of P4.
What if P4 got a remake with P5's gameplay elements and graphics?
Why are all Makotos always best girl?
I'll agree with you on the pacing, it gets pretty slow around the middle, and the cat making you sleep every night doesn't help either. But holy shit it picks up at the end
to be fair they don't have Makoto in them so why bother?
I'm happy about that because Atlus succeed and made a sequel that not only lived up to the hype, but also surpasses them like a true sequel should.
what if we just let p4 die and stay dead for a change?
Ryuji brings the game down by himself.
Morgana wouldn't be so bad if they didn't tether him to you 24/7. Makes me dislike what I consider to be a good character.
Also Haru fucking sucks, don't pretend.
Makoto is lightyears ahead of any other persona femaleEven Maya
>What if P4 got a remake
Fuck off.
She reminds me too much of Ai to like her that much. But I do agree she's got a cute personality.
it's good that you can say no to the goth doctor and the teacher but i can't
One enemy knocked down! Bonafied Monafied!
One enemy knocked down! Bonafied Monafied!
One enemy knocked down! Bonafied Monafied!
Give it a few years.