Why the fuck were these controller so fucking flimsy and prone to bugging out...

Why the fuck were these controller so fucking flimsy and prone to bugging out? I've only ever been a sony pony but I cannot justify these shit controllers
I've gotten atleast 5 replacements and they would always end up the same
>Analogs would start sticking to the sides or just become loose
>Something would cuase the controller to start inputing shit randomly
>You can hear and feel the plastic coming apart or bending

>reposting again
Fuck you OP, you're the reason Sup Forums sucks. Go and end yourself faggot.

Who gives a shit. Your pussy hurt cause your thread 404d?

>UnnnNnNNnNnNgghhh why was this thinggg from 11 years ago soooo badddd????

They were bad when they were new.

mine still works perfectly and I use it every day both on PC and PS3. maybe stop being a monkey and learn to take care of your things?

>nowhere sells these things new anymore
I don't really feel much like buying second hand because god knows which one of you greasy fuckers had it.
I supposed I could buy madcats but I'm a brand snob.

I had one I shocked with a touch of static discharge and it inverted the input of the sticks, and the buttons stopped working. Shit was insane. That was a DS2 though, no problems with the DS4 thus far.

that thread is still up and people are actually discussing videogames there

this thread is a useless pile of shit that only serves to regurgitate a literal decade old discussion that has been done to death on Sup Forums.

Actually I found in terms of controller durability PlayStation has it down. I also have an Xbone with two controllers and I only had it since December and both controllers already have little things off about them. Like a button will stick or the sticks won't come back down or something.

>my anecdotal evidence trumps the millions of people that use DS3s without issue

you're just pretending to be retarded right?

And now they're a thing of the past ans they don't matter. You're literally just looking for things to whine about and it's pathetic.

they're also super easy to fix. I had one where the L2 and R2 stopped working, so I just opened it up and re-set them and it works perfectly to this day. I think it's about 8 or 9 years old.

I spilled alcohol on one of them and the fucking thing won't turn on anymore. Know any way I can fix that?

Put in rice

>a thread died for this

>Why the fuck were these controller so fucking flimsy and prone to bugging out?
because soñyggers will buy whatever bile is barfed up to them -- so, why try?

This happened about a year ago.
Will that still work? I assume the electronics in the controller are fucked now. I would have thrown it out but it's the Special Edition classic controller so I thought when I had the time I'd just replace the guts of the controller.

you could take it apart and clean the main board with a cotton tip and rubbing alcohol. That's pretty much all you can do at this point. If something on the board shorted it could be ded. Or maybe just the battery died, you could try replacing that before you go and buy the guts of a whole controller

This. I'm rough with my controllers but that only results in a somewhat loose stick but nothing worse. Idk how you fuck it up beyond that.

I never said they were all broken. Just said they were bad. Stop projecting

I have no idea what could be wrong with it but I'll give those things a try.
Thanks user.

Op here could of sworn I accidently posted this shit in another thread
My bad


well they're not, stop projecting :^)

DS3 is the worst sony controller tqbh


Playstation controllers are the go-to controllers for PC. Xbox sucks, in every variant. 360, Xbone, elite. They all break down after 3 months, which just happens to be the extent of their warranty. Get a DS4 controller, map it to your liking, and you can use the touchpad as a mouse for menu operations or for specific binds.

More people need to become aware of Microsoft's shit controllers. Beware them at all cost.

desu, I hated 1 and 2 the worst because of the triggers were garbage in them and were prone to breaking down easily.