How long will it take for social justice to affect japanese games?

How long will it take for social justice to affect japanese games?

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2020, or when SJWs graduate arts school and make their rich daddies pay for them to work on anime in Japan.

already has, see "muh strong womyn" games like gravity rush and bayonetta

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

Considering how women still aren't seen on equal footing as men in their society generally career wise but still respected as well as they are I don't see it happening immediately. Nothing major at least, probably similar concessions like maternity leave for career women instead of being encouraged to retire/quit to raise a kid.



Japanese vidya industry ao anime/manga industry have a lot of talented women.
It's funny how talentless western feminists blame them as misogynist

Never. The nips have a completely different cultural outlook than the west.

As soon as Japanese developers begin to rely heavily on Americans buying their games. At that point, Americans will have enough influence that the Japs will listen to any schmuck with a sociologist degree from a liberal university telling them they have to rein in the sex and fun because that's just not gonna mesh with the gaijin market.

It's already happening, I mean plenty of games are getting censored in their western releases. The difference is there are uncensored versions now. In the near future, when Japanese developers are making made-for-gaijin games, they will self-censor during the development process and there will never be an uncensored version.

Every time you buy a Japanese game on Steam you are hastening the death of the Japanese games industry.

I observe that japanese men treat their women with more respect than we do ours in the west. Japanese women as a result respect themselves much more.

>Let's conveniently pretend as if anime didn't have that shit since the 80's

Not long. We're already getting casual sex in anime. Soon neckbeard virgins won't have a safe place and they will all kill themselves and the world can move forward.

This was drawn by a woman.

The poor woman has internalised all the misogynistic hate she must endure. Why aren't white folk doing more to protect these poor natives.

Makes me glad I stopped caring about Anime several years ago. Cant ruin for me what I no longer have interest in.

It doesn't matter even if they do, there is enough japanese material untainted to last me the rest of my life already


this is why it wont happen, because the asian mentality is really strong when it comes to proving yourself and not bitching. Also the reason why despite being discriminated to all hell, the chinese assimilated properly and proved themselves in american society, despite being spat on as much as blacks back then.

them azns are hard workers and dont cry about anything.

>women can't commit crimes


Asians are taking over all the businesses where i live but somehow i don't hate them like i do the arabs because they act like decent people. Which means like us.

>Asians are taking over all the businesses where i live but somehow i don't hate them like i do the arabs because they act like decent people. Which means like us.

>he haven't talked to the chinese yet

Depends what you mean by that. Plenty of western games are already censored in japan.

Where do we go now?

What kind of social justice tho?

Theres some form of it everywhere.

>relevant in any way
It's gone online only for fuck's sake.

Never, they will always pander to my dick.

God bless Japan.

>strong independent womyn fighter muh rapist society

Its already happening

When will Japanese devs start putting grown men as their MC and not homo lala gayboys?

Never, they've only just started pandering to us footfags these past few years.

>Considering how women still aren't seen on equal footing as men in their society generally career wise

>Women are shame for focusing on work
>Men are shame for focusing on houseworks
i think it's fair.
not to mention that most men in japan actually have their salaries controlled by their wife, so they can't actually spend the money as they pleased.

Burgers just have to learn this from japan.
everyone have their own place in society,
you don't do your part? you have SJWs issues in your hand, and the society will be disrupt

When fujos stop buying
Which won't stop anytime soon

>gayboys only pander to fujos


Has this PPV been uploaded anywhere yet?

Heard Shibata literally worked himself into a shoot.

They do put manly men into games.

RIP in peace, Shibata


will never. because nerd girls have their own nerdy games like yaoi shit that the west hasnt had, and are satisfied with it

the problem japan has or that comes of women is that yaoi elements as you can see basara games. i mean, its sneakily infested normal games for the last several years. and its actually pissed off some male gamers.

It's already happened.

Why don't you play fucking Yakuza game?
Because you're a fagayhomocunt?

>the problem japan has or that comes of women is that yaoi elements as you can see basara games.

Gundam series got more female fan than male and it exist long before Basara.



It depends how much influence Jewish marxist intellectuals have on their higher education system.

That tends to be the starting point, and it trickles down from there.

on xwt

This is my favorite doujin

But its OK when Japan does it

I literally just did this fight. I'm having a blast with real estate. I'm terrible at the JCC though. Any tips?

Female to Male. Calling him a woman is transmisandry. Check your self, before you wreck yourself.

gaijin girl is the strongest

They already told the UN that they prefer to spend money on helping actual women, because cartoon girls aren't actually real.

It's begun. The feminism movement is infect Japan.

Strong female characters aren't SJW, dummy.


Japanese media has social justice themes all the time.

Jesus fucking Christ why

Registration is open for xtremewrestlingtorrents, just get it there and seed freeleech torrents or the newest WWE/popular show if you want to keep the account.


Yes it is, sweetie

well i dont know if you think its good, but im the one who actually got pissed off with that yaoi elements in the series like gundam seeds yaoi driven aesthetics and scripts. yaoi trash is actually a plague, a fucking disease. i hate it. besides, as far as i know, it totally destroyed yukikaze and made it total yaoi garbage in anime too

I think the worst part is that people like will take anything that rubs them the wrong was as SJW FEMINIST LGBT NEGRO PANDERING.

Iczer-1 as a video game? THERE'S NO MEN, WOMEN STRONK BULLSHIT

well he is right about gravity rush, the protag is a shitskin

>yaoi elements in the series like gundam seeds yaoi driven aesthetics and scripts.
"Yaoi" element in gundam series is just as Yaoi as LotGH series.
What you don't stand is the character design compare to old gundam, you just ignored them before because they looks so 80s.

So, it's been going on since the 80s you mean?

The slope is slippery and if you deny it you're a retard.

that's not megumi?

That's not happening

Strong female characters existed long before SJWs and will continue to exist long after them

What? No.
That's Chihaya from K-ON

i hate the designs but the problem is what the main writer of gundam seed did, who is a fucking yaoi fanatic, an ugly fatfuck woman. she and her hardcore yaoi tendency destroyed the realistic expressions/characters that the series was traditionally maintaining, aside from gundam wing and G, and she is the first criminal that brought that shitty new yaoi blood into the series.

anyway i wont talk about this series. what i wanted to say is the yaoi shit is the actual problem that comes out of women, not an SJW thing. nobody cares about any SJW bullshit. in the first place, there aint such shit there.

Kill yourself


Why am I not allowed a safe space but everyone else is?

Japan would need a huge cultural shift for that to happen. So it probably won't happen anytime soon

Boy am I glad that I'll be old in a few years, probably won't care about any of this shit by then.
Good luck to the rest of ya fucks who decide to stay.

Literally never.

Hopefully it'll never happen, Japan is the last bastion we have.

>be both the most progressive and regressive country in the eyes of the socjus
They can't touch japan because japan doesn't give any fucks in the first place.

They also can't do shit because pushing western ideals onto Asian countries is cultural imperialism and harks back to the colonial periods.

also they can't play japanese games here as that's cultural appropriation.
same with eating sushi and watching anime.

That's celebrating foreign cultures, no appropriation. If western devs start making JRPG clones and loli-waifu simulators then it'll be appropriation. The difference is engaging the culture and respectfully enjoying it and taking it and bastardising it into something more suited to your own cultural mores.

Except that anime bombed in sales, Japan hates it and it shows.

Cause it had a dumb ass premise and was faux NTR


I didn't know Markiplier used to wrestle.

>If western devs start making JRPG clones and loli-waifu simulators then it'll be appropriation
Holy shit you need to fuck off for good.

Triggered by the truth eh you little nazi shitstain?

JRPGs, which are literally founded on the mechanics and elements of the much older western tabletop RPGs?

Anime waifus, which wouldn't even be a thing without taking inspiration from Disney? Hell, even the term loli comes from a Russian writer.

Oh man, how interesting that different cultures can incorporate aspects from one culture and make something from it. It's almost as if cultures sharing and diffusing ideas is how new technology and philosophies have been emerging for literally millennia.

>you little nazi shitstain
Really? You're going to just go there for no reason at all?

You really do need to gtfo of Sup Forums. It's people like you that have shit up the board irreparably. If you wanna go fight nazis or whatever go shitpost on Sup Forums and take the stormweenies with you so you guys can stop pissing on Sup Forums's grave.

>reddit posting
>all that shit
>obviously asspained
tell me again how I'm making this place shit.

>not even understanding what reddit spacing is
Actually retarded.

Anime is already filled with LGBT crap so not long

It wont but I've said this before and said it again, waifuism will destroy the indusry long before regressive sjw ideals reach the gmaing industry there.

>reddit spacing
Never said that. You're obviously too angry for reading comprehension right now, so you should take a break.

they do tho they unironically think everything they believe is right and universal anywhere in the world as though every other country is part of america or canada
>cultural appropriation
only those amerifatty immigrants care too much about this shit. its actually an eyesore and some bothersome shit for others. not only japan but all the natives in any asian or african or middle eastern or whatever county dont give a fuck

Retarded and insecure.

they are not christian
actually, Samurai believed being homo is manlier than fucking women
Japan is gay-friendly country to begin with