Has a game ever made you go WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

Has a game ever made you go WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

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Mirror's Edge Catalyst.
Game about going fast that slows you down every couple of seconds.

Skyrim frost troll to high heothgar killed me so many times

I remember when I found there will be no split screen in Halo 5. I knew that people who made decision like that will fuck up everything else as well. I was right. This product is a franchise killer.

Yeah, I've had the misfortune of actually playing the LJN Terminator when I was a kid. Every little thing James said about that fucking wreck of a game was true. It really was that bad.


Dark Souls 2

Fable 3. Thank God Peter is dead so he can never make another game again.

every game has a "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING" moment
prove me wrong


Yeah, the map screen in pic related sucks shit. Also, backtracking of the highest degree in this game.

Your character getting dumber for attacking in Final Fantasy II (original NES version and PS1 remake too I think). I'd seriously like AVGN to review that game (any of the shitty versions).


>Hey guys let's make Street Fighter 3!
>But lets take out the parry on almost every single character, the fast paced mind games, the neutral game, the setplays and pretty much everything that made Third Strike good.
>Let's also take out Arcade and have a such a shitty launch online connection that literally thousands of people couldn't connect to the server and even when they did they couldn't find anyone.
>Oh yea, I hope you like having load times that are literally longer than the fucking fight.

SF:V isn't even that bad of a game nowadays but the launch was so fucked and it has such a horrible reputation among normies that they need to either relaunch the game completely or this E3 they announce SF:6.

Honestly Idk which one would be the better option.

Happened to me when the pyromance gives you a single prism stone as a reward for saving her while saying she can thank you by teaching you pyromancy.
No idea why they really wanted the pyro glove needed to be in the wharf, maybe early test play data showed 99% people got it way too late?

Don't forget
>The entire game is rebalanced, most characters have had tools lessened which should make low-tier characters like Alex and Fang perform better
>Let's nerf FANG and Alex


Basically every patch notes after wrath of the lich King in wow....

every fucking piece of shit released after 2007


Duke Nukem Forever.

Resident Evil 6


Hyperdimension Neptunia 3. The game has guild system where you get shit to do based on your rank which goes up as you do quests.
The quests you get are not based on chapter you are on, and it's very easy to get ones that require you taking on enemies that are either way too fucking strong, or require you going to area that is not yet unlocked due to story progression not being at right point yet. There's also quests that require you either trying to grind rare drops from enemies that are rare spawns in fucking single-player game.

To rub it in, at the end of each chapter you are graded by Idea Factory staff based on exploration, enemies defeated and quests done. First two are fairly self-explanatory, but quest grading is based on how many quests are still not done at the guild. If you get a low rank, which you will, president of Idea Factory will whine to you for playing the game wrong.
Fucking Idea Factory.

An I the only being on this planet that enjoys exploring the fade while looking for those mostly hidden stat points?

Face of Mankind

No PvE
Currency earned from doing retarded shit like "patrol your city hub for 900 hours for 300 credits, you'll need 500 credits for a basic piece of equipment"
PvP is just griefing people by shanking afks in front of a terminal(auction house) and hoping they don't notice
Ingame player ran police force on the level of SS13 aka you're fucked
Reduce your jail sentence after police kidnap you by doing the most arbitrary shit by literally "Jumping 50 times to reduce your sentence by 300 seconds"
No story
All the weapons were ass minus the one sniper rifle which then proceeded to be used by everyone
And the list goes on

Needless to say it died.

It was cool the first time you play. But after that, after that you find out everything in the fade is fucking irrelevant and a waste of time. There is no way to get around or avoid it all together. The fade is just a boring mess and it's so fucking easy but just takes a long fucking time.

That's personally why I hate the fade.

When Call of Duty decided to make a THIRD STRAIGHT game with thrust packs and supply drops. At this point I knew they wouldn't recover

Halo 5 is a step up from Reach and 4 though.


>takes 2 trillion years to move on to the next attack making combos almost impossible

tekken 6 final boss
whole dmc: devil may cry game
mw3 final mission
8 hours of cutscenes in mgs4 vs barely 4 of gameplay
"parasites, son!" in mgsv

Nope. Worst campaign in the series + lack of splitscreen (makes game useless if you have any friends or family - and H5 is designed around coop!). At least H4 and Reach had some standards. H5 is just embarrassment and epitome of everything that's wrong with Microsoft and XBone.

Original Ninja Gaiden on the NES. Sanding you 3 levels back for failing on final boss is just sadistic. They probably just fucked up somehow, it can't be intentional.

Speaking of Ninja Gaiden

Couple of times.

Torchlight comes to mind. Just everything about elemental damage balancing on Very Hard.


>let's take this title where the main incentive is sharing your levels with other people and getting to play theirs
>now let's take out the level-sharing aspect

Campaign is pure shit, but the multiplayer is 10 outta 10, it's a breath of a classic arena-shooter fresh air in a world of endless CoD/Battlefield sequels and their clones.

BoTW when I got the first sword, and then had it break immediately halfway through fighting the first group of enemies

vanilla Destiny

H5's multiplayer is very similar to Advanced Warfare. However AW was released 1 year earlier and it does include split screen.

Sure I would play H5's MP more if it had split screen. But since it doesn't I'm playing other games with my wife/kid and I don't even feel like I'm losing something not playing H5 - MP doesn't elevate this game from the pile of shit, it is.

The ZOE HD Collection, until I found out that Konami was thinking about pachinko this whole time.

Are you serious??

Couch coop was the only thing that franchise had going for it
Even when they released shit like odst

How is Microsoft so disconnected



all the time, almost every game I play

recently hollow knight with its map system for example

skyward sword

Every """"game"""" that came out after 2010.

The sneaking sections in Castlevania LoS 2.
Instant refund.

Cities XL was supposed to be a city builder MMO, with paid monthly subscription

wow, so that's why I was always getting low grades on quest. I always wondered if I was doing something wrong.

what's bad about the map system?



After watching the promos for infinite and then playing the game I was very let down. Also prototype one where you could get stun locked by helicopter rockets way too easily.

You can't really knock on the Forge or core Multiplayer all that much though since they're really solid in the game.

Everything else though was really underwhelming, ESPECIALLY the campaign.

Sticker star

That one isn't hard to figure out. The company that bought the rights spent too much to cancel the project so they hired a shit tier developer to squeeze out something they could slap the Duke onto.

Money is what they were thinking.

Git gud

everytime you enter an unexplored area, it doesn't show up on the map until you find a bench

every time you enter a new area, you need to find the fucker that sells maps

in metroid, circles on the map show when there's a upgrade, so you know to come back there once you have unlocked new abilities

in hollow knight, nothing, good fucking luck remembering those upgrades and no, the pins don't fucking cut it at all, even the ones that show the worm locations at the END of the game (and show ones you never visited)

the map also reveal the entire area you're in instead of just the part you visited inside it, it can lead to false information, making you think you explored something when you really didn't

Nier's stupid grinding for materials to get ending C.

>Remove level sharing
>remove amiibo skins
>port to 3ds but no 3d

What? Why bother?