*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
>Lower his offense
>Lower his defense
>Whip out dick
Man. That UI seriously gives me cancer. It looks extremely pretentious yet all you faggots take it as second coming of jesus.
Sorry you have irredeemable shit taste
I would call you a fagoot, but I'll give you the opportunity to back your opinion up.
What makes it extremely pretentious annon?
Wait, did people have trouble with this?
>hit him
>heal and hit him again
I fail to see the issue
Faggots like have no idea what's good.
Forget about archangel
FUCK that monkey shit with maeiha spam on madarame's
I forgot the name now tho
I miss shadows
What game is this? Is it on PS2?
Nue? Yeah Nue was annoying because you only had two characters, but there is the possibility of fighting Archangel at low SP which makes the fight much harder.
user why
>15 MP or less on all party members
>kill him first try going in blind
Are you even trying senpai?
I just fucking ragequit the game because he was able to do his AoE bullshit twice in one turn and it killed me. I wish I would've known sooner that the fucking password was on the statue.
How is a fucking UI "pretentious"
Just hit him with Mudo. Instant kill, he's weak to it.
>pretentious UI
Because he's reatrded
>playing hard
>Enjoying the game. In first dungeon
>all of a sudden one of those guys are standard enemies
>stronger than the boss version fought earlier
>does some aoe atttack bullshit
>literally 100-0 my entire party
What were they thinking?
>playing a turn based RPG with bulshit rng on Hard
what were they thinking ?