Breath of the wild thread

Breath of the wild thread

Why are the champions such a wasted opportunity? They could use more cutscenes, although the present ones are good

Also, leading to that, what do you hope the DLC does in term of story and gameplay?

Other urls found in this thread:

>They could use more cutscenes

I'm glad that Nintendo kept story elements to a minimum. I just want to play the game.

>Why are the champions such a wasted opportunity?
The same cause for the decline of all open world RPGs -- voice acting. It limits the dialog. There are translations for like eight different languages too, so that many more voice actors.

Hopefully postgame content

Most likely: 5 new horses and 5 new saddles

Apart from the awful voice acting, I agree. The memories were way too short, and the champion introductions were like one liners? Either have voice acting and cutscenes or don't, but it seems like they approached it too cautiously.

is that way. kthxbye!

>you simply cannot discuss games on Sup Forums


>replying to it
Stop it, you retard.


Most of the actors were fine, except for Yonobono and Zelda
>Fucking up the main actress VA that hard
Fucking up the Goron kid is mostly forgivable since he's not in much though

I would've liked to see more memories of Mipha since she's the canon love interest, so it felt weird to have all those sitcomy moments with Zelda instead of Mipha. Although, since the True Ending hints at something wrong with the elephant, the Zora stuff might get fleshed out in DLC

>more zora
I'm fine with it

Fuck off, the OP is specifically aiming the discussion at the champions

this game is strangely linear
I'm replaying it right now, and this time i'm not falling for the 'you can go everywhere' meme... na yes if you follow the roads and the path and go where people tell you to go the game is actually like old zeldas but bigger

right now I complete Vah Ruta and i'm going to Akkala

>if you follow the road it's like you're on a road
What the fuck is wrong with you

I really want a pure white horse. Does such a thing exist?

Special quest at one of the stalls

>Akkala second

Akkala is clearly endgame, it's got
>Tarry Town, the place you're supposed to go to after you've met everyone
>Akkala Lab, where you can get gear after looting tons of guardians who you aren't fighting regularly until endgame
>Akkala Tower, guarded by flying guardians and enemies with 240 health (10x higher than Lanayru enemies)
>No divine beast (therefore obviously a hinterlands supposed to be explored later in the game)
>No breadcrumbs lead you there until AFTER you finish fully upgrading your abilities at the first tech lab, e.g.: after you have 3 ancient cores, midgame at least

it's the best non-amiibo in the game afaik, visit the southern stable in central hyrule

this game is refined more than I thought, my first fight with a Lynel on top of the mountain near vahruta was so good
exactly, right now I'm too weak for that and I'll move to Death mountain

>why were the champios such a wasted opportunity.

Oh god, this.
It was truly frustrating that the ONLY real influence in the game are the cutscenes.

I mean, i'm not mad that the story was told with cutscenes and is separate from the gameplay for the most part. Bit it felt like it had no effect on the world at all, which was dissapointing.

Man, i just hope that we get some dlc or game regarding the champions, that would be incredible.

Also, Urbosa best champion.


This is Nintendo we are talking about, so it's going to be collectibles and cosmetic crap.

i mean if you were doing areas based on difficulty you'd probably be doing rito first, then gerudo, then zora, then goron. maybe swapping zora/goron.
the only real "linear" part are the zoras who tell you to go to zora's domain. if those were gone, all "roads" would pretty much stop after getting the champion's tunic, setting you officially loose then.

there are of course a linear series of things to do for divine beast storylines, but at least those take place in the normal open world and aren't instanced gps chasing missions like most "open world" games.

Hey, MK8's DLC is pretty good and substantial

And they did say story, hard mode and dungeon

i'm not deciding where I go I just follow what npc tell me to do, I ended up in Zora domain because a guy in Hateno told me the story of dragon in Ravel so I went back following the roads and I got on zora river...

tfw the best part of the game was the dragon's jaws shrine quest because it's the only area that feels like a real level that still feels natural in the world

never saw that path, but did the dragon stuff. i just found the zoras around a swamp saying "meet our prince if you're a hylian," but felt like i shouldn't have been at that swamp because the game sort of stops giving you "main" quests after the champion tunic.

i got the impression rito was intended to be first because it's somewhat accessible from central hyrule, but with how easy it is to reach the tower at gerudo desert maybe that one was first?

honestly i dont even know. most people probably did zora first because of those zora npc's in the lake, but i'm not sure if that's because of "linearity" because i don't remember any explicit roads leading there.

all of the shrine quests are good

well zora is near where you start, kakariko and hateno, so in a sense it's natural to start with that beast.
right now I see nothing that forces me to go gerudo...that will probably be the last place i'll visit

eventide isle

Rank the 3D zeldas Sup Forums

yeah that makes sense, it's in that general area. i dont think npc's talking about a place means you should go there immediately though, since the difficulty curve doesn't seem tailored to that. i think they set it up that way so you won't think about what they want you to do, to sort of encourage you to decide where to go instead.

to add to this, npc's technically give you hyrule castle quests at roughly the first stable, but that obviously doesn't mean you should gun it to hyrule castle.

Swap around TP and WW

What was so great about it? It's just another Kass song quest like the other nine or so

First off, damn this game is fun. Second, I pirated it and use cemu. I go to a tech college and so many fucking kids payed $360 for this game. The looks on their faces when I talk to them about the game and they wonder how, then the redness of their ears from buyers' remorse when I explain, is fucking priceless

>They could use more cutscenes
>what do you hope the DLC does in term of story and gameplay?
Whatever it is, I want more mounted combat

>more cutscenes
kys yourself

More playable sections, okay? Maybe when you get to square off for the master sword

I felt kinda bad that you didn't get any bites so here's a (you)

What's your % at Sup Forums?

41% here.

You can check by looking at the map screen after beating Ganon

>the best non-amiibo in the game
Big ass Giant Horse is the best horse in the game.

>literally can't sprint

okay then

It's so big that it doesn't need to.

1. Thanks :(
2. It is actually true though

You keep making the same fucking thread every day. Nothing has changed since yesterday or a few hours ago.

Fuck off to you circlejerking autist.

Except we are discussing a specific issue with the champions in this game, and the story

If you have a issue with this you report this to the mods and then fuck off

Where is the ceremonial trident?
I've looide all over zoras domain


Did you break it?

On one of the bridges leading to the mountains, an old guy tells you he made it fall off the bridge, so you'll find it below, underwater

It's always the autistic weebs the ones getting triggered. 2 year old game The witcher 3 just had a general and I didn't see you there bitching, faggot.


trying to find the remaining seeds and shrines. Taking a long time, but I like exploring so I don't mind


you need to use magnetism aswell

Care you explain yourself?

Ebin bait my memeing friend
Have a (You) for effort

kill yourself

>mad WW babies

>I can do things however I want, but I'll follow the road. Because of that the game is linear

WW > BotW > MM > TP > OoT > SS

It doesn't matter. It's large and moves faster than all the other horses. The giant fucking legs make it so it doesn't even need to sprint.

Gonna explore the lower right corner of the map before going to Ganon, is this area huge? Haven't unlocked the tower yet

>Shiekah don't have red eyes


> appearing behind Prince Sidon when visiting Zora Domain uses a completely different cutscene

I wasn't even expecting something like this, I just wanted to subvert what the game wanted me to do by avoiding the path and going around it... and it totally accounted for someone doing what I did.

This game is so fucking comfy.

what a fucking bro Sidon is, I smile just looking at him

I am not sexually attracted to him

That's pretty fucking cool, I love it when games do this!

Probably not as large as you'd expect

What I want for hard mode

No maps shows on any screen
Changed items location
Save point only temple or tower
No fairy, change items mixed
Remove one instant dead hit out of yiga
Required clear all 4 areas before go inside castle.

The story DLC better focus on the characters already established in the game, whether it be the successors or champions, with a robust story to break the pace of the game

Maybe have some flashback sequences or time travel so you can incorporate both. End game after DLC is you traveling with Zelda to rebuild hyrule and help the races or some shit once calamity Ganon is gone with a completely new phase in his final fight

Did you guys get seriously stuck on any of the Shrine Quests

Some have stumped me

I get stumped because some of them are just fucking obtuse

>required clear
No. If anything make the blights and ganon fight in the castle harder, and make the fights easier with the champion powers. BotW made me realize how much I hate gating story bits.

Sure, buddy. You're so smart.

>you fight dragon Ganon with your own divine beast dragon
>duel with revali that reveals why he's so salty with you btfoing him

You don't see a single sheikah in the game.

Akkala is directed to you when you're in Hateno Village, so what are YOU talking about?!

>wearing clothes

The yiga are still technically Sheikah

They spent most of their time working on the physics and gameplay


There's an entire village of them.


*the engine

That's why I'm so confident the next game will be even better

Sheikah descendant are not "pure" sheikah.
"Pure" sheikah are the one with the weird masks appearing on the murals, the one that built all that technology 10,000 years ago.

>Wind Waker that high
>Ocarina of Time before Twilight Princess
>Ocarina of Time that low at all

7/10 rating was too good for this game. Its a 6/10 at best.

>muh pure blood
So only mummies count as sheikah now?

How old are the monks in the Shrines, are they 10000 year old Shiekah or only 100?

Sup Forums you still haven't come up with a good solution for this:

>Game needs more small enemies like skulltula / deku baba to flesh out the variety in different areas
>Durability system would discourage players from fighting small unarmed enemies

How do you fix this?


I was debating the faggot that is complaining about the lack of red eyes.

Blood dilution for 10,000 years seems like a perfectly reasonable explanation for the lack of red eyes.

Post things that trigger Bot-Wankers

No idea, haven't finished the game, and honestly, don't care about the backstory of the upgrades.

I don't get it.

easy, really
Whips drop from deku
Skulltana drop throwing discs
Spiders can drop poison to apply on arrows/swords etc

game needs more flying enemies too

You need to kill them in order to uncover stuff or explore more areas, like clearing a wall of skulltulas before climbing it.

Or you need to kill them in some quests.

Just add weapons near "mandatory" places you need to kill small stuff.

Fixed that shit.

oh don't pretend :^)

Is there a glitched treasure chest in Hateno Village?

Given how cool lynels are in the game i am excited to see more classic enemies the next game

Especially darknuts

It's not glitched


disregarding SS, TP is the absolute worst 3D Zelda
WW is only somewhat better and putting MM on second worst is criminally shit taste my man.


I think the timer really, really triggers some people