Playerunknown's Battlegrounds

>Top seller in Steam
>Was able to have consistent Twitch viewers even topping over juggernauts like League of Legends, Hearthstone and Dota2
>Mostly positive on Steam
>it's Early Access

Is it really good? What about this game that has this surge of exposure and popularity?

Nice bait thread.


Why do millennials cream over this garbage?

One of the few BR games where "emergent gameplay" means more than "rush to get the best weapons and camp".

you tell me, you are a millennial too

isnt the game just an arma and h1z1 clone?

Why does it have such a stupid name? What the fuck is a playerunknown?

So did ARK

It's streamer bait



Thats the guy who made, its just called battle grounds.

Google is right there, dumb fuck

Born in 1978 so no

Fotm shill game on twitch

It's a hot mess of shit.

Third person garbage.

Just play Arma, it does everything all these dumb twitch bait shitfests does and more.

If you honestly need to ask you probably don't belong here.

this is the reason why PC gaming is garbage.

Why the fuck are you posting on a korean basketweaving forum then?

If I already own H1Z1 is there a point to owning this? Seems like the exact same thing as battle royal, but with better weapon variety and weapon attachments

it's fun
not a fantastically designed game, but fun in its simplicity

>39 years old
>on Sup Forums

but i want to generate discussion

Well, the design is good enough but performance is here and there and certain small things could be done better. I guess it shows promise and h1 is forever early access and has had a bunch of bugs in it forever.

We'll see, it's better in certain areas and at the very least interesting to the people who like this type of games.

what's wrong with sitting on Sup Forums?

>using your fucking internet handle in the title of your game

Fucking kek

>game looks worse than operation flash point

2017 this the best PC has to offer?

It's a PC exclusive :^)

Why would you sit on an imageboard, user? Do you want it to break under your weight and collapse?

Who knows, he might be the next Tom Clancy

It's like sitting around a childrens wading pool discussing transformers with 4 year olds. You might be having fun, but at the same time it's incredibly sad.

still better than any circle jerk website

The sooner you realize you will also be here when you are 39 the better user

There is no escape and resistance is futile

I don't get how anyone can enjoy this trash made for underage BRs and Russians.

>still technically in your 30s
you're a millenial alright

That's fucking retarded and is in no way comparable.

Whats wrong with transformers?

Also this board is slightly better than talking to 4 year olds

>Whats wrong with transformers?
Nothing, but the discussions you will be able to have about them as an adult with a four year old will be limited to the mental level of the four year old. It will be as deep as the pool you're in.

you're the cancer killing Sup Forums

people like you are the reason that Sup Forums is a consolwe war ironic shithole, fuck of to gaia

Thank you, it's nice to have your work noticed.

Most people on Sup Forums are teenagers, being twice their age and acting in the same way is pathetic

It will be Playerbaseunknown in 2 months like all this Steamshit.

How old are you?

>Thats the guy who made, its just called battle grounds.

Yea, I'm sure the dozen or so other people on the team, programmers, music/sound people, art people had nothing to do at all with making it.

This is the same bullshit as Kojima plastering his name all over MGS V and basically taking credit for the whole thing. Fucking egotistical fucks.

>shitposting children thinking that everyone else is also a shitposting child just like them!

And you aren't even bothered coming clean about it.

he's making millions while you masturbate to anime on Sup Forums.

Who's the real dumbass here?

>What about this game that has this surge of exposure and popularity?
Normalfags and their flavor of the month survival game, whether it be zombies or open map PvP.

I have no idea why it attracts them so much. It's weird.

Twitch is one of the worst things to happen to gaming. It has allowed so much low quality trash float to the top.

Because its fun with friends.

This desu

It's an easy game to just jump into and kill an hour or two, either alone or in a group
It's not overly complex and doesnt require much fucking around

Just a simple, fun, video game

But of course
>muh vee hates everything maymay :^)

>I have no idea why it attracts them so much. It's weird.

They are games where you can have 100% advantage over other players, the wet dream of cowardly griefing children who make up all kids today.
Giddiness levels maximize when you are 15 and get to kill someone without them having a chance to fight back.

It's literally made by the guy that H1Z1 commissioned to make their king of the kill mode, who is also the guy who made the original arma 3 battle royale mod.

He just makes those games over and over but they don't get better, the concept is neat but ultimately very boring.

It's a good thing wealth isn't inherently an indicator of intelligence and it's also a good thing wealth doesn't make one immune to making stupid choices.
Kill yourself.

It's a lot like the constant stream of platformers and Doom clones in the 80s and 90s, it's the big "in" thing.

>pay streamers to play
>kids start playing

>Using your fucking name in the title of your game

Getting real sick of your shit tom clancy

I can confirm this. 34, been here for 12 years.

Not only that but your internet handle is just the default one from RTCW or something.

The entire title basically screams "I have no creativity", which he doesn't, he just makes the same thing again and again.

Isn't this that shitty third person shooter or is that something else?

god fucking dammit sid meier, again?

>It's a good thing wealth isn't inherently an indicator of intelligence and it's also a good thing wealth doesn't make one immune to making stupid choices.

Holy shit you're fucking MAD

>Kill yourself.

Take your own advice you poor nigger.

Stop typing like a Redditor, newfriend.

No this game will be dead in 2-4 weeks just like everything else that gains a sudden surge of popularity.
It is impossible to retain this playerbase because they just run of to the next newest thing at the first oppertunity.

so this is the power of pc gaming woah
You guys get all the good games like LOL, CSGO and Survival early access shooter #347. Sometimes you may even get a spreadsheet simulator.

>It is impossible to retain this playerbase because they just run of to the next newest thing at the first oppertunity.

It's as if you only have to sell the game to someone once to make money...

it's pretty fun from the 12 hours I played from it.

other than that it's a shit game that doesn't need to be purchased or supported.

optimization is garbage, it's repetitive, only really fun with friends, just popular to the streaming community.

it's also glitchy as fuck.

the most excruciating things in life can be fun with friends thats not an argument

kill yourself and stop posting

>dat graphics
>another 940459th early access survival shitfest
How can PC gaming suck so much dick? It's like watching a crowd of people play around in a pile of rotten garbage. And the same shitheads run around with their PC MASTER RACE elitism, holy fucking shit.

sorry I got the game for free and I'm playing it with friends.

sorry you care so much about what an user is playing.

That works for singleplayer but games like that are just worthless if there isn't at least a somewhat sizeable playerbase.
But you are also correct, the goal of these games is always to just cash in as much as possible so becoming FotM is a huge win for them.

I'm idort.

this game is a fucking mess, but I had fun with it. I never mentioned anything about PC masterrace elitism.

There are two groups of PC gamers, those who have been around long to see it go to shit(we want it to end) and a new wave of babbies ten times worse than anything on console who think these shitty sandbox survival games are proof of the PC's superiority, the worst part is every time one of these games comes out they buy it en masse without fail.

And there are those of us who actually have some insight and recognizes that the most popular bottom of the barrel entertainment on ANY platform doesn't actually denote the quality of the entire system - especially not for PC considering its library is only growing larger with each game added, and never really shrinking or closing down like consoles.

wow another dayz/warz/h1z1/rust/ark clone, amazing

i want this shit games to die

>Watching CSGO tournament
>This game is fucking shilled every other commercial cycle
>Streamers screaming their heads off at random shit
>The entire commercial is actually just streamers reacting to shit

It's just a FOTM arena survival game and it's only doing so well because they somehow got every streamer and their god damn unborn children to play it.

is it really a clone if the dev for this one came up and made the idea first ?

Would these games be popular if not for all the streamers blatantly shilling them all the time?
The most popular streamers played the heck out of this game and shilled it, and most of the kiddos watching them probably bought the game thanks to this.

Are streamers literally destroying the game market now also?

>PVP shooter where matches last 30m
>is the same as a persistent world with AI and looting cans of food to keep hunger/thirst up

The gaming market would be vastly different if youtube/streaming didn't have the popularity it has.

The problem with these types of games is that everyone sits inside a building until the end and its not fun.

That's what you guys said 2 weeks ago, but it shows no signs of dying.

No, it's just another streaming bait

>Are streamers literally destroying the game market now also?

only PC games are affected by this sucks for you guys.

Sup Forums doesn't play games, they looked at the steam tags and sperged out, "A-A-ANOTHER ONE?!?!?".

it's not tho

>streamers literally destroying the game market
Yep. I have a couple "normie" friends who don't game much themselves, but like to watch some dumbass streamers, and they always buy shit like DayZ, H1Z1 and whatever the fuck is popular right now, play it a bit and move on. Some of them even tried streaming this shit themselves for ez money, lol.

I just want a Battle Royale game with quick and brutal gameplay, no crafting and no levelling. Is there anything like that out there/in development?

It's literally a shitty ARMA/DayZ reskin, it actually features a lot of the same shit those games do, just condensed.

It's unoriginal and should fuck off, the same could be said for you too.

>it's pretty fun from the 12 hours I played from it.
>other than that it's a shit game that doesn't need to be purchased or supported.

this is the most Sup Forums post i've read in ages

Probably like 500+ projects in the work over at kickstarter

fads my man
also it looks like good fun if you're into social gaming

The game this thread is about?

The Division DLC Survival, I'm serious. It's the best battle royale out there (because it was actually made by professionals and not by some drunk students during a weekend), not much crafting, no leveling, no building shacks and matches don't take forever. The problem is you gotta buy the base game and the DLC, and have a pretty good PC or console to run it, but if you want a good battle-royale - it's worth it.

I forgot to mention.

>not shit

Oh in that case none and there never will be it's a horrible idea for a game.

>muh hunger games

Pity the division's pvp sucks


>grab smg
>bunnyhop around