Vidya Edition
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Sup Forums but with video games guys!!!!!!!! kek!!!!!!!
Shame they never went hunting for good writing or gameplay.
What's funny about that?
Using photographs for textures and materials when you are aiming for photorealism works much better than creating them from scratch.
>implying Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums2.0
What's supposed to be funny about this? You do realize that taking inspiration from the real world is completely normal in any kind of art or design related work, right?
I think the joke is that the game is trash.
It's the fact they're so ecstatic about affording a literal square fucking rock in the game which just comes off as silly
and yet they had 10 years to make this game good and it ended up being more unimpressive than Andromeda.
>nice water.jpg
>unimpressive than Andromeda
I wouldn't go that far.
>10 years
It's 3
I wonder how much budget went into their camping trips and photoshopping eggs
it had been in development hell for 7 years before it got a proper series number
>artists does their job taking inspiration from real life and putting that inspiration in their work
>guy on Sup Forums believes that artists, programmers, writers, bug testers, etc. are all the same job and thus thinks they are wasting their time
Imagine if people had set duties within a company that limits what they are allowed to work on based on their own qualifications.
What's wrong with this? It's called photogrammetry which is both cheap and quicker to do than spending 3 days painting rock textures that look worse and cost more to do than photogrammetry rocks which can get done in less than a day and cheaper too.
this hasn't been true for 10 years, faggot. neo Sup Forums is some bastard amalgamation of reddit, neogaf, tumblr, gamefaqs, ign, ifunny
But you were criticizing the artist doing their job, and the artists did their job. Maybe if you were criticizing other aspects of the game you'd have a point, but you focused on something that had no bearing.
You are insansely fucking retarded. XV only had 3 actual years of dev time and it's more impressive than any shit in comparison to it the west had put out.
It was never in active development then and wasn't even on luminous until 2013 when it actually started. By your logic Nioh and Mother 3 both were in development for 12 years full time just because they were announced 12 years before they finally released.
So you're shitposting about something that has nothing to do with either of those fields while you are also showing your extreme ignorance surrounding anything. Good job retard.
>Take a rock formed by coastal wave and wind erosion.
>Slap it in middle of an open valley.
I wonder why it looks wrong to anyone with an eye.
Is kinda sad when you hear it at loud.
Well you summoned him.
Thats a cock though.
If you weren't a fucking retard you'd know that the Duscae area was previously a submerged area 2000 years ago in the game and once the meteorite hit 2000 years ago it became an open plain and only some lakes remained and whatever tectonic shifts happened because of Titan being in Duscae.
nah you wouldn't be able to tell the difference if the rock was on a plain covered in moss and shit
Nobody cares.
>gets proven wrong
>n-nobody cares
nobody cares about your shitty game from a dead series little kun
t. know fuck all about rocks
>Gets proven wrong
>g-game series is dead even though XV sold more in the US than any other FF at opening sales ever and is the fastest selling FF worldwide ever and has more GOTY awards than any other FF ever!?
At least you tried
>put all that effort into a fucking rock
>game turns out to be unfinished trash
Nice lack of new IP, samefagging already after getting BTFO?
All that effort? You mean photogrammetry which is less effort, quicker and cheaper than doing any other king of rock texture and model work?
Sorry kid, but Sup Forums stopped being Sup Forums2.0 and became Sup Forumsv/ in 2014
>david lee sephiroth
I'm actually upset about that name.
We got a rock expert here.
nobody cares about your shitty game - you already got eternally BTFO in the current XV thread
The term is geometrist.
Yeah okay rock boy.
During the ice age glaciers carried rocks all over the northern hemisphere, you can easily find rocks similar to this away from the coast.
>rocks grinded smooth by glaciers during ice age
>belonging in a savannah
But the only one eternally BTFO is you and then you came here to make another thread after you got BTFO, and now you are getting BTFO by everyone in this thread too. Can you be any more pathetic?
>hey I don't know what photogrammetry is please kill me
Ok OP how do want to go?
Looks more like a steppe than a savanna to be honest.
This. Especially because Sup Forums is now just a continuous porn dump with a lot of shitposting.
Theres barely any porn here.
If only they took a photo of a good game..
>render a chicken
>call it a turkey
They can't keep getting away with this
That was obviously made by some giant before Odin come and kill them all.
It's a turkey a bowling term? I'm guessing the joke is that it's a chicken.
Did you watch the whole thing? The fact that it's a chicken is addressed.
Just watch the entire webm.
this is creepy
or maybe ants
I've played the game. He was supposed to get a turkey but they only had a chicken.
harrr harr now it's your buddy
They did, again nice lack of new IP.
But what are the actual pros and cons?
You know, despite YLYL threads being literal cancer now, at least Sup Forums, and /wsg/ can actually do a thread where people actually post any pictures at all instead of arguing about literally nothing. The "You guys will argue about anything" gag isn't even relevant for Sup Forums anymore. It's most relevant here.
>implying this is somehow bad
We are living in the Sup Forums era, might as well enjoy it
It's a fucking tweet. Stop being so autistic.
Wow it's like you can't see they were making a jokingly post with that, they even posted of Dwayne Johnson after that.
actually makes sense
MH world is much better than XV's
No it isn't. You can stop being a contrarian cunt already Matt, you were already BTFO.
>OP is a retard that doesn't know anything about game development.
Damn OP could you suck any more cock?
Translation: MH devs take 11 months vacations because it only takes one month to pull another skin off of the pathetic 3DS titles.
Who the fuck is Matt?
m8 it's best you leave the thread and don't get involved
Just don't engage with him
Fuck you, they killed my baby. Not that I expected anything different/better.
You are.
Shut the fuck up.
Are you gonna cry big baby
Three strikes in a row is called a turkey.
Are you, you pussy bitch?
how does photogrammetry has anything to do with what OP posted?
do you know what photogrammetry is?
doesn't sound like it in all honesty.
Well MH4G alone (not MH4) costs several billion yen (tens of millions of dollars). So assuming MH4 is at least twice the cost of that, they must've brought the whole company and their families and went to Dubai or somewhere.
i'm the author of both of these posts
>YLYL thread
>It's full of no fun allowed redditors
>it's full of """""Oldfags""""""
Fuck, this board is even worse than Sup Forums
>this board is even worse than Sup Forums
Yeah, ain't it great?
This thread is the finest display of retardation I've seen all year
that's what's up youtube
the toxic xv threads are spilling over
One day Sup Forums will be deleted and everyone who posts on that whiny cancerous board will be confined to the temporal gulag cubes for eternity.
I lost.
Am i the only one that liked the terrain?
/falgsc/ takes its place.
This doesn't make me laugh. Just angry.
Who the hell wears a jacket inside their own house?
Burgers wear shoes inside, they're beyond retarded.
not poor* you meant to say