ITT: Moments you wish you could experience for the first time again

ITT: Moments you wish you could experience for the first time again.

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2003-2006 of 1.6

The entirety of Myst

Damn did Skyrim really look that bad? Thank god for the Special Edition

I was 7 and that fuckin HUGE hooves noise was terrifying

I hate to admit it but I would love to be able to experience Minecraft for the first time again. The realization of what the game could offer even way back in the Alpha days was something I'll try to hold on to.

Also Realm of the Mad God before Kabam got a hold of it. Miss you, Wildshadow. :(


Is this not THAT part for everybody? Everytime I get here I forget what to do and run around for an hour.

>ywn experience the pinnacle of WC3 custom games ever again

getting a 360 and a new TV and playing in HD for the first time

I feel like I missed out big time. My friend and I would pirate WC3 and play one map all the time. I never even played a regular game of WC3. I wish I searched around for different ones, though. I also played some tower defense one and a roleplay one I think. Never even heard of DOTA until later on.

Please just get rid of my memories and let me experience it with some bros for the first time again.

is it good? I've literally forgot about it and never ended up playing it

If you have the GBAs and a friend/friends then most definitely.

When Sonic Unleashed's trailer leaked.
It was still rough around the edges. The camera was being handle manually, none of the sound effects were in, and the music still wasn't finished.

Yes, this minute and fifteen seconds of footage was far more exciting than any Sonic footage seen prior. Even in it's rough state, you could see the the graphics were amazing. It was side scrolling again. Sonic is boosting around at breakneck speeds. And the music was damn catchy.

I've never been so hyped for something in my entire life. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I had lost all hope after Sonic 06. And then the come back with THIS?! I was so fucking happy in that moment, I remember tearing up.

The entirety of Bloodborne

Basically everything in WoW for the first year or so.
So many good memories, so much nostalgia. It was a fucking beautiful adventure and I doubt any gaming experience will ever come close for me.

>dota 2 failed at it
>Starcraft II failed at it
>HOTS failed to even attempt
>HON didn´t even attempt
>Warcraft III is foreverer a wasteland of the last bot hosted Island defence games

It's not the game that failed, it's the modders.


Modders can´t realistically fail the most played game on Steam, for the last what..... 5 years?
The community is simply to big.
Basically HAMMER is a shit tool, the defaults is bad, and it turns out VOLVO has no idea on how to support a modding community once the hammer hits.

The same is true for Blizzard, who fucking up even worse

Sure thing buddy, it's the game.

I want to go back to the Beta days...

Before the dark times...

Before the SMITE Moba...

>Its the game
>Its the games platform
>Its the games tools
>Its the games asset storage
>Its the games way of promoting online maps
>Its the games distribution format for maps
>Its the games community
For Dota 2, i would be generous in saying that you could pick 5 maybe 6 of these.
Then you have shit like Starcraft II where you could pick maybe 2 or 3 of them.

You also have sourcemods, which is basically gigantic secret clubs with no population.
They deserve a mention for being such a failure.

Overal mass effect 1, when it first came out, was a great and new experience.
Now that the trilogy + andromeda is out it doesn't seem the same, but back then mass effect was a great new experience

oh fuck this

wc4 never ever

My dream is to drink a memory-loss potion just for this masterpiece.

This game changed my life desu. I think its IMPOSSIBLE now to find a similarly robust,atmospheric sci-fi dungeon loot based crawler that would provide the same amount of enjoyment.

Ruined any enjoyment of any other similar game in the genre. I still go back to it every so often and on the official servers for gc/pc combined I probably clocked almost 8k hours.

I want to experience slurping a shout from the wall for the first time again.
The euphoria cannot be topped.

Both of you out of my board.



It's a real shame they only made two Mass Effect games.

>Losing memory
>Play Skyrim for the first time
>With mods

>tfw you never got to play it with your friends
>tfw you played it solo and beat it solo
fuck them, its a damn good game

1st April 2017.
Seeing /mlpol/ was glorious.

Oh shit sorry, didn't realize having fun with Skyrim is an offense.
Next time I'll just say Minesweeper

Reminder that these are just autistic faggots that know nothing about taste.

Pic related. Poor pieces of shit.

Kill yourself, fucking normalfags.


I would never want to experience DF for the first time again though.
It's better every consecutive time.

>top values gameplay and intricate ai over aesthetics
>bottom values aesthetic over gameplay and non-buggy code

gee I wonder why.

>FO4 better than anything


Without a doubt

Only if it was vanilla. If I played it now with a new memory I'd probably just get bored by how easy the starting content is.

MH4U (was my first MonHun)
The intro sequence to MGS V without the knowledge of how bad the game actually was


I'm so sorry user, playing it coop improves the game so much, it feels like it was made to be played coop.

>Get to Satorl Marsh at daytime
>"Uh, a swamp area, hope I will be through here fast"

Another sweet touch is that almost all enemies attack on sight during day but are pacified at night.

>ywn play deus ex for the first time again

Ghost Trick

Dude I remember being like 12 at the time, seeing this. The only x360 games I had were 06 and Naruto: Rise of Ninja, so it blew my mind. I ended up playing the demo of that and Uncharted 2 on repeat on a Hastings PS3, because my dad got rid of the 360, then I bought the PS2 version because I didn't have a next-gen console


Coming back prepared for round 2 with nigrex

This so much, everything was fucking magic in this game. You think you have seen everything and then the game throws the rules out of the window when you see that red box and discover a whole new weapon type like double saber, and when you find unique items that have secret "set bonuses" like Red weapons (Red Saber with the crimson coat is fucking great), and when you learn more and more about Ragol and Rico's final fate, and the crazy sidequests with minor quests inside of it (like the Soul Eater, the frying pan, seat of the heart, etc)... the game always surprised you with something new and unexpected. Hell, even using an server emulator to access the database will deliver tons of surprises, like unreleased/JP-only weapons (Raikiri is really cool) and developer items.
Seat of the Heart had such simple storyline but the whole process just to unlock the secret route, the crazy adventure on Gal Da Val Tower with sociopath robot bro and the extra ending had a huge impact on me.
I just want to experience everything for the first time again.

>Realm of The Mad God

Fuuuck I haven't thought about that game is ages. Not sure what state it's in now or what Kablam did to it but I remember I quit after they got rid of the amulet of resurrection. I had so many of those for my 3 characters and the risk of dying and loosing all the time grinding for the top tier gear I had made it not worth to play.

Still, the time I played with my guild rushing oryx in the normal dungeon and cellar are great memories.

>cs 1.5 and 1.6 lan matches for hours.
1.3 was ok, 1.5 and 1.6 really hit everything for a typical slav as myself. Back in early 2000s CS was a religion in slavlands, baltlands. After school, we spent 4-5 hours in computer clubs playing this shit, screaming, laughing, pwning etc. For me, it was the pinacle of friendly fun with vidya


>You'll never spawn on a snow planet again


This, along with pic related

The entirety of the game up until the sewers.

For me it would probably be getting the Jhen event for the first time

You hum you lose.

>YWN play System Shock 2 for the first time again.
>You will never again play Wheel of Time multiplayer and kill someone by casting Fire Shield, jumping into lava, and using the Swap Places Ter'angreal.

Playing through DS1. I was a shitter and used a guide for my first playthrough and now I want to go back and experience it all again without one, although arriving in Ash Lake for the first time was still fucking amazing.


I still can't believe how bad this movie looks.

aw man, that killed me

Rise of a Ninja and The Unbroken Bond are two of the best games Ubisoft Montreal has ever made. Too bad Ninja Storm became the primary series.
Also too bad there's like zero chance that Ubisoft will approve backwards compatibility for them.

My brethren, seeing that shit blew my mind as a kid.

It's been years since I played a game I could get completely lost in like I did with BOTW. The fact that I could get anywhere in the game my own way really made it feel like an adventure.

Getting up to a high point, surveying the land, and making my own way through it felt so good.

I think the biggest mistake in the game is how powerful Link ends up getting. It kills a lot of the adventure feel to the game.

It's weird to say, but I'm hopefully and excited for the new hard mode. I hope it really changes how you play the game.

>Establishing battlefield control. Stand by.

All of Clock Tower on SNES.

It's STILL pants-shitting.


pic related. still my favorite space game

>sim city 2000 for the first time
>pokemon blue on my 11th bday
>playing an online multiplayer game for the first time (TFC)
>finishing my first game (Super Mario rpg)

I have a shitload of pleasant videogame related memories.
The feeling of getting my own personal computer as a kid and playing Populous: The Beginning and Homm3 was something else, though.

Yes. Yes it is.

>And then II dropped and it wasn't a sequel

Joke's on you, I shower daily


neck yourselves

Playing Monster Hunter the first time.
Started with Freedom and the first Yian Kut Ku kill was delicious.
2 was probably the best though. That dual tigrex mission was a fucking pain but I remember it fondly.

Haven't played any since they went to Nintendo unfortunately.

ahhh yissss



>playing an online multiplayer game for the first time
This was amazing. I feel like consoles were a hit mainly because you could play with friends before the Internet age. Why else would anyone have bought a separate, less-powerful machine on top of a PC to pay games on? Nowadays, consoles are a useless cash grab

For me, ME2 didn't even live up to ME1. Yeah, ME2 was a great game, but the story seemed to linear... assemble a team and go beat the boss... it felt a bit too on-rails.

ME1 seemed to promise much more than what we got with the sequels.

What Oblivion mod is this?


>That image

Normally I'd say apples and oranges, but honestly Dwarf Fortress is outright better than Fallout 4. You'd have to be pretty goddamn stupid to sincerely believe otherwise.

First 2 Saints Row games
Also unironically Spore, but it probably wouldn't be the same without kid's mentality

Same here senpai, on top of that i absolutely loved how mass effect 1 played
and then
>sudden addition of ammo
>meme shields
>less skills and less character development
>can't collect guns, ammo etc


I know it literally just came out, but fuck I wish I could experience the first time I jumped off the plateau again. That sudden realization that I could now go absolutely anywhere was just incredible to me.

>Halo 3 multiplayer
>all those custom gamemodes
>could almost always find a pickup game for whatever
Yeah I was a shameless consolefag at a point, and goddammit it was the most fun I have ever had with game in my life

Fuck off

Grove Street, home, at least it was before i fucked everything up.

This game literally shaped my childhood. I tricked mom into buying it when I was 11. I still remember how angry she used to be when my brother and I spent 4!!! hours a day playing San Andreas.

It was my first pc game and the feels will never go away