I forgot: Valve chatting about the future of the platform with none other than bitchtits and sterling
what the fuck is this shit, and why Valve care what this fucks have to say??
Aaron Gomez
The indie devs are telling their journalist friends to write hit pieces about g2a.
Adam Garcia
Those posts read like something out of Sup Forums
Gavin Wilson
Because apparently "It is worse then pirating" because all the money goes to G2A and not the developers i believe
Gabriel Jackson
>buy game keys with stolen american credit cards >people who own the credit cards initiate chargebacks >credit card companies raise transaction fees for that game dev
Hence leading to immense amounts of salt on the part of game devs.
Dominic Morris
but the money goes to the reseller, not G2A
the key is sold by another person, afaik ofc G2A gets a cut
Juan Russell
G2A is fine unless something goes wrong, then you're fucked, I wouldn't recommend using them
The real reason they are hated though is because they allow users to sell keys
Which unless the keys were stolen is total bullshit, someone somewhere paid the developers for that key, they just don't like that people are getting their games for cheaper than the set price. There's a reason PC games generally cost the same on every "legit" digital store and there's fuck all competition (except for GMG who are mad enough bastards to do discount codes/VIP deals)
Cooper Morales
what? someone stoles a card, buys a car, then it gest revoked, and the bank penalizes the car manufacturer? who believes that shit?
Joshua Allen
Literally the only problem is they get keys from some fishy sources.
People are blowing it way out of proportion. Don't like that? Worried about having a bum key? Buy from a legit source instead of a reseller. It isn't fucking rocket science.
I've bought Skyrim Legendary, Borderlands 2 GOTY and something else I can't remember. Zero problems.
Cameron Richardson
>The real reason they are hated though is because they allow users to sell keys this it is a reselling platform
William Lewis
>they sold hundreds of stolen keys from my game
How is this possible? Do they hack into Steam's servers or something like that?
Henry Myers
How do you get keys?
Like if I bought a game on Steam could I convert it into a key?
This is mainly because I have a few online friends that I dont want having my email adress (which Steam gives to other users if you gift them a game)
Juan Turner
Russians steal credit card info, buy tons of keys, sell them on G2A
Then the developers have to deal with the chargebacks and it costs them money in transaction fees
Parker Cook
usually with social engineering, some shithead dev hoping to bribe faggot armchair reviewers and farm trading cards dumps a bunch of gamekeys that are instead sold on at a profit
Henry Miller
but the problem here is not G2A
is the devs not checking the fraud cards in the first place
Lucas Nguyen
Typical Leddit circlejerk, flavour of the month hate mob fueled by Jim 'my wife is big enough for the both of us' Sterling and that ass cancer bloke.
Fuck publishers, in all fairness I'd rather pirate than give some random Russian mob dude my money to have a game in my Steam library.
Hunter Howard
>he doesn't know about the chargeback system
America stuck with magstripe credit cards for so long that chargebacks and fraud protection had to be dramatically expanded. Usually the onus is on the store owner to make sure their payment terminals are secure.
Because chargebacks cost money to deal with, the cost is passed on in the form of increased transaction fees for businesses.
Kayden Ward
How do the devs know the cards are stolen if they haven't been reported stolen yet?
it seems like everybody talking trash about G2A have never used the service in the first place
Jackson Morales
I don't know the thing is that the ones who sell the keys in the first place ARE THE DEVS
Brody Murphy
Yeah, and every time they sell a key to someone using a stolen credit card, the resulting chargeback is a black mark on a vendor. Have too many chargebacks, your transaction fees get jacked up or you might even get cut off from a payment processor entirely.
James Ramirez
G2A facilitates the resale of stolen content knowing full well the damage they're allowed to cause (considering they operate on Hong Kong, which is the international waters of copyright.)
It's literally better for devs if you just pirate the game instead of buying it from G2A.
Juan Hall
Which is also why Steam put more restrictions on gifts as there was a lot of fraud going on and they needed to try and stop it
Lucas Baker
solution: devs should check properly for false payments
>the dev lose the money that is not true: the dev gets stolen money, that then returns back
the only thing lost are keys they should create key revocation lists as simple as that
Elijah Harris
It's just Totalasscancer drones.
Luke Evans
i agree the whole stolen credit cads is bad, but the true reason behind the salt is that devs don't want a virtual goods ebay
Cooper Ortiz
>salty normalfags discover g2a because pewdiepie and total ass buggery. >wwaaaahhhh someone actually got stolen keys >waaaah someone bought new overhyped AAA trash for 40$ instead of 60-70$ AHAHAHHAHA NORMALFAGS BTFO LMAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOO
Jacob Williams
this guy is retarded
I am using G2A and some other sites for years and never had a problem, only 1 time I got a used key but they sent me a new key they same day with a discount coupon.
I have bought over 500 games and not even 1 game was removed from steam, Origin or Blizzard App and never got cheated on.
Do you guys honestly think that someone who has a stolen credit card will actually go and try to sell games for 20$?
Jackson Morgan
You're fucking retarded if you don't understand why G2A is bad. Their services ALLOW this kind of shady business practice, and they even profit off of it by offering fraud insurance at $1 a purchase.
In other words they EXPECT charge backs to happen, so they make massive profit by nickle and diming their insurance to people who don't entirely want to be fucked over.
It's a scam in every sense of the word that hurts developers much more than any consumer.
Adrian Mitchell
>solution: devs should check properly for false payments
There is no way to know you dense nigger. Most people only know their CC has been carded once random shit starts popping up on your credit card statements. Then they get all those charged back.
If the card was reported stolen, it would have been rejected before payment anyways.
Julian Ross
>solution: devs should check properly for false payments
How? There is literally no way of doing this. If all credit card info is entered correctly how is anyone suppose to know it's stolen credit card details?
Brody Sullivan
There reason why they operate in Hong Kong is the same reason I did open my company in Hong Kong.
You don't pay profit tax if you are making business outside of Hong Kong.
Cameron Collins
that must be a problem in the USA, still using magnetic cards
in the EU, card duplication is pretty much non existant
Ian Harris
every fucking services these days includes two factor auth
anything i buy online, always end up with an sms code that you have to enter
at least that is how the EU works
Sebastian Powell
>legit keys Sure there are some legit keys on there, but whats fun is game devs can completely revoke those keys if they weren't sold on a platform they prefer.
I'm not including the amount of stolen keys and how they make you pay for g2a shield to "protect your key if its not legit" when other services offer this free.
Gavin Wood
>be me >small indie dev >woah i'm suddenly really fucking rich (relatively) because hundreds of copies of my game got bought! >maybe I'll use this money to upgrade my living situation, get a better computer >*less than 2 months later* >huh? why is my bank account in the negative? charge backs? but why? >now I'm in massive debt
Not only that but I'm fairly certain charge backs carry greater fees.
Ryan Stewart
Did you just find out about this now OP? People have been saying this shit about g2a for years, its just after they went on reddit to do an ama that this became an even more popular isssue. Sounds to me like you just came from reddit.
Luis Bennett
Nigga are you serious? It's credit cards being stolen because someone was dumb enough to get a virus. Most people don't even know this stuff has been stolen until it's too late and this shit happens all over the world.
I live in Europe. I've never run into a system like this. Not on Steam, not on Amazon, not on any service I've ever used. And in all likelihood, this is something your bank specifically does which you specifically opted to use as an additional form of protection. As such it's entirely unrelated to the company selling the game.
Jonathan Jones
because they're purposefully dealing in dodgy steam key sales at the expense of the developer
>someone steals a credit card >buys a bunch of steam games, developer gets paid their amount >sells them on g2a >g2a then sells them to a customer, who then uses it >owner of card then cancels transactions. Developer gets their money taken away >credit card thief has their money from selling to g2a >g2a has their money from selling the key to a customer >customer still has their game
It's a super shitty industry, and developers are the only losers.
Nathan Clark
Its actually really easy, just use a phishing attempt and people will enter their credit card information for you. Doesn't matter if its magnetic or not
Benjamin Hughes
>someone somewhere paid the developers for that key Potentially using a stolen credit card, which gets charged back, leaving the developer with less money than if no purchase had taken place and the choice to cancel the key of someone who bought it
Tyler Martinez
i have always read about this shit, but i used the service the other day, and i am still surprised they have that bad image
Anthony Thomas
>>I live in Europe. I've never run into a system like this. Not on Steam, not on Amazon, not on any service I've ever used. >And in all likelihood, this is something your bank specifically does which you specifically opted to use as an additional form of protection. As such it's entirely unrelated to the company selling the game. steam: paypal: 2 factor auth steam: bank: 2 factor auth
as i said, the ones selling the cards to shady customers are the devs not checking the payments properly
Henry Gutierrez
I have over 500 games from G2A and other sites and like I said couple of posts above I never had problem, you don't even need the G2A shield if you are buying from high rated sellers.
Over 500 games bought 0 games removed from steam 0 times scammed 1 time got used key that was replaced with a new one
Kayden Jones
once again: every bank offers sms 2 factor auth
Grayson Clark
What? I just bought game 2 days ago and I didn't have any 2 factor auth.
Jaxon Barnes
I completely understand that but I fail to see why that's G2As fault to be honest. If it's so hard for devs to actually check for fraudulent keys, why should it be so much easier for G2A to check on? Especially when the keys aren't exactly fraudulent until the chargeback happens. I think it's completely retarded to blame everything on G2A, when people are stupid enough to actually buy from shady sellers with bad reputation instead of the good ones.
Julian Baker
>2 factor auth >on a fucking credit card
Are you a fucking retard? At most you have card number, CVV, and address for verification. The retard who got a virus likely had all three stolen.
Andrew Davis
Are you retarded?
Those protection methods are account exclusive, not bank exclusive. If I had your bank details, I could enter them into another account and use them just fine. All those do is stop your steam account from being used to buy stuff without your permission. They in no way protect your bank details from being used somewhere else.
Carter Bailey
then it must be my bank turn on that shit, nigga
Gabriel Thomas
This is a pretty blatant attempt at shilling a stupid shady reseller.
Christopher Miller
>there's a scammer on Ebay >blame Ebay as a scam website this is the logic of anti-G2A cucks
Jose Reed
I just pirate games. I realy don't get why people would by games from grey market sites. If they really cared then they should buy it from the developer. Thats what I do anyway. If I pirate a game and enjoy it I just end up buying it from the dev
Wyatt Lopez
dunno about g2a but I can teach you how to backwards quote please don't post it outside of this thread, it's a one time thing Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet. So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death. -KL
Jose Ramirez
hahaha are you telling me what i have in my card? i have been using 2 factor auth in my credit card for easily 6 years
card number cvv
and you need to enter an sms code to finish the transaction, that is sent when they contact the bank it works exactly the same on steam too
Owen Nguyen
Not a matter of believing it not.
Connor Taylor
>insurance All G2A shield does is giving you ticket priority and access to live chat support. You still get your money back without it that shit.
Julian Bailey
>i have been using 2 factor auth in my credit card for easily 6 years That's you, but majority of people don't use it or don't know it exist.
Jacob Perez
>I fail to see why that's G2As fault to be honest Look at Gearbox's requests to them, they're all perfectly reasonable things which any decent company would already have in place, but G2A know that these things would destroy their business model.
Kevin Roberts
Where in europe? If I buy shit of taobao I don't get this two factor authentication.
Noah Torres
g2a is pretty legit whats all the fuss about? be sure to check it out as there are great deals on new releases!
Brody Ross
Then that is something you opted into with your bank. If people don't use this option or their bank simply doesn't offer it, then it wont be used.
You're blaming a developer/publisher for something that is entirely out of their control.
Camden Garcia
>i don't understand what is 2 factor auth for every transaction
Jayden Long
I've gotten quite a few games off of G2A. Never had an issue. Stay salty devs.
Nolan Butler
>REEE the consumer is getting cheap deals how will my masters get their shekels? REEE MY PRECIOUS MASTERS What happened to this place?
Joseph Rodriguez
G2A shills on Sup Forums now?
Evan Stewart
it is available in paypal too every transaction needs a timed pin you receive in your phone
does wonders if someone steals your credentials
Lincoln Phillips
G2A is shit bruv, they always have been. Nobody shits on other key resellers because they aren't doing what G2A does
Noah Carter
>not paying for a game by pirating vs >forcing game devs to pay increased transaction costs, per-chargeback penalties out of their own pocket
Gee, I wonder why?
Easton Ramirez
But if people do not use this how is the developer in anyway responsible or capable of preventing stolen credit cards being used?
Brandon Bennett
Juan Watson
G2A completely facilitates it though. >Nickle and dime insurance on every purchase since the risk of getting a fraudulent key, or a key that gets deactivated sometime later is high. >Ban a guy during the reddit AMA who showed how easy it was to start selling fraudulent keys without any background check. >Operate in Hong Kong, the haven for fraud and counterfeit, in order to be above international selling laws. >When banning an account that's proven to be a scam, they just take all of that accounts money for themselves, profiting even further. It's THEIR responsibility to regulate the users on their website.
Logan Bell
What does G2A do?
Jace Baker
>find someone who isn't using 2fa >use that account/credit card to buy games
Wow, you've solved nothing whatsoever.
David Watson
Because the free market is only a good thing when companies can exploit it but you're literally Hitler when you do it as a consumer.
Oliver White
its filled with normalfags from neofag and reddit. they, get this, are actually upset because someone gets digital media for cheaper price. AND MOST FUNNY OF ALL, THOSE GAMES GET -50% AFTER LIKE 6 MONTHS ANYWAY AHAHAHAHHAHAHAH NORMALFAGS AYYYYYY
Nolan Wright
Sup Forums has always been about paying as little as possible or not paying at all, we don't care about an industry that doesn't care about us anymore.
So go back to Plebbit please.
Jordan Johnson
This is retarded mostly on the dev side to be honest.
Owen Thomas
good question i guess the banks are the one who must check that shit before it happens
also we have to take more things into account:
>Vladimir buys 2K keys of the same game red flag >Vladimir sells 2K keys of the same game on G2A red flag
i see it as a pretty simple policy matter, but i guess people prefer to smear G2A
Nathaniel Smith
Are you a retard?
Either you support the developers and give them the money directly or you don't and you pirate the game.
Why the fuck are you giving money to some shady Russian site that is used to launder money?
I mean you buy games to support the developers right? Why else would you buy the game? If not, you are better off pirating this game.
Easton Hall
Then why shill for G2A instead of telling people to just fucking pirate the game, something devs themselves have said they'd rather people do?
Jace Scott
this. g2a is literally the most American site on the internet right now. people who shit on those kind of sites are corporate shills. also TB is blizzard shill, he has a fucking voice pack of him in their game.
Jace Ortiz
>Defending G2A Fuck off moron. Sup Forums has always been of the attitude you support the dev and buy their games or you don't and pirate it. There is absolutely no reason to pay for a game and not support it. Basically Fuck off G2A shill.
Levi Foster
>be indie dev >Nikolai Strovska, a 81yo citizen from Slovakia, just bought me 200K copies of my new indie game sounds legit lets buy a new house
Cooper Cruz
>Paying to pirate lol
Mason Wright
Then why not just pirate
Ethan Moore
>spend absurd amounts of money to fight piracy >people start to ACTUALLY steal your games
Industry had it comming
Gavin Anderson
>Gearbox >perfectly reasonable
Easton Price
I was sceptical a lot about g2a, i bought like 4 keys from it, all went just fine, both the payment and key were fine, no problems at all, so as far i am concerned, i would reccomend it
Dylan Gray
because it will trigger denuvo shills.
Cooper Baker
Time to go, this place is not for you.
William Cruz
>Sup Forums has always been of the attitude you support the dev and buy their games or you don't and pirate it. Please kill yourself. People have bought used games since home consoles were introduced. If you have this mentality, you are a child
Charles Perry
No you're the retard this happens because of Denuvo because you can't pirate anymore. So instead of people getting the game for free everyone is fucking the devs with chargebacks by buying from keysellers.
William Hernandez
Because devs make shit games and still sell them for $60 and I'm not paying top price for a low end game so fuck off faggot.
Thomas Myers
Fanboys of youtubers, most of them don't even know why they hate it.
Brody Murphy
>my single anecdotal experience contravenes the deluge of evidence that shows G2A has absolutely no compunction about fucking over developers and customers in order to make a quick buck.
Aaron Gray
this. TB is a fucking blizzard shill, yet whines about corporate greed.