Why is she best bartenderfu?
Why is she best bartenderfu?
Game was kinda boring, the story looked like some civil unrest is stirring up in the background but no, in the end a couple fags got their personal problems sorted out and that's it
im more put off by the fact that the game doesn't have an ending
also best girl
I enjoyed the game, 8/10, liked the characters and the setting but the game mechanics just gets repetative and the story isn't deep enough.
Man, I was fucking hammered when I played this game.
>memezuella is over for good
>sequel never
I would hire her for an evening.
shit game, the bgm is ok tho
They were upfront about the story revolving around regular people's problems so I didn't mind. I do wish they did more with the setting, feels wasted, but I enjoyed the game. The non-ending did suck, was the bar actually shut down? I can't remember.
Wait there's actually a video game about going to a bar and talking to girls?
Holy shit you people are losers lol.
Not really, in the good ending they just handed the keys to Gill while they fucked off somewhere else.
My problem with the writing in this game is that it seems like the author is directly talking to me through the characters, instead of they passing as real people. Good example of this is that streamer girl.
Hey, what the hell is this game called anyway? I can't remember.
well ill be damned, an actual answer. thanks random internet person.
It's a visual novel about working at a bar and talking to customers. Some of them are girls. Some of them are guys.
You're a loser.
>people getting butthurt that there's no dating elements
Based devs
you're welcome fellow redditor :)
plz remember to help spread the karma by upvoting my post
>Makes a game that panders to X demographic
>Decides to not pander to X demographic
>make a game that doesn't pander to x demographic
>literally warn x demographic it doesn't have what they think it has
>wasted potential the VN.
Why did they force all the memes on you?
Why did they have to add memes every 2 sentences?
Jill was the shittiest, most selfish person on the entire cast. If she was ugly people would hate the fuck out of her. With any other character you can at least have one redeeming thing other than their appearance but she has nothing.
Nothing wrong about it, I even like flawed characters like her since it's way harder to create one that you can actually feel something about it.
M8 Jill is basically living in poverty, on a cyberpunk dystopia. She can barely afford beer.
I'd be a bit selfish too.
Everyone is living in the same cyberpunk distopia and being really dandy about it and she is living in poverty because she choose to be. She has the means to do way better but she is enjoying the struggle of being free.
What's selfish about her exactly?
Her thing with Lenore? I would have done the same thing. Any sane person would have.
She leashes on people when her own problems come biting her in her ass, she doesn't appreciate most of the good things people will do for her.
The thing with lenore was kinda of a shitty thing, she had a problem with talking to her and when it explodes she just got away without saying one word afterwards.
Who really does things for her other than Dana?
It's true she doesn't really do anything to pay back Dana for her favors, but she isn't really in a position to. And she clearly holds her in very high regard.
Alma too in the poor ending, though same would apply for that.
Everybody! From her clients to her colegues! They do way more for her than she does for any of them. She could do more (or anything really) if she wanted to.
What do they do? I can't think of any examples.
I can think of several examples of them relying on her emotionally though, and her hearing them out and giving advice, etc. Sei and Stella, playing along with Vergilio, Art, etc. Giving out free drinks occasionally, like to Kim.
She's cute
tfw you'll never suck on those sweater pups