Quests are inventive and goes far beyond the regular MMO cliche of killing monsters for items

>Quests are inventive and goes far beyond the regular MMO cliche of killing monsters for items
>World is full of points of interest and distinguishable locations. Not a single part feels empty
>Writing and characters are genuinely some of the funniest from any game
>A shit-ton of enjoyable mini-games and side content on top of all the skills/quests/items to figure out

Goddamn this was a fantastic game. Why exactly aren't there more MMOs around today like this?

Other urls found in this thread:

I never payed for a membership, but I had a bunch of fun playing this game as a kid.

I loved fishing and cooking. Would wear my chef hat and everything.

The people, conditions and technology that allowed Runescape to happen no longer exist in the context that would allow something like it to occur again.

-Folks like the Gower Brothers would just found/join some start up and make shitty apps or get poached by a bigger company.
-A scrappy free-to-play browser MMO has way way way more competition now.
-Smartphones/Tablets are increasingly becoming the primary 'computer' for a lot of the jobs desktops used to do

Runescape happened during the only time it could have happened. At least we still got if you want to relive that a bit.


It's a shame that osrs just isn't the same. Everyone's so cynical now or hardly ever talks and just seem more focused on min/maxing xp gain.

Why has the social aspect of MMO's died?

Don't forget
>worst combat ever concieved.

Fighting fucking sand crabs AFK for weeks on end isn't my idea of fun.

>you'll never log in for your first day of membership and walk through the locked gate for the first time again
fucking kill me

I feel you. It's there just significantly lessened.
Trick is find a decent CC and just chat up people when you got the chance. Sure maybe like 8/10 times you get someone AFK or some TryHard but I've had plenty of fun interactions in OSRS

It's not the same though but it's close enough, no other MMO quite captures the same feeling.

isn't it sad when the side quests in runescape are better than those in games like nier or breath of the wild?

Is there a way to play old school runescape as a member without paying? Does Sup Forumsscape do that?

I never got to experience being a member

Reminder that even Runescape started to copy WoW.
The mistake for the Gowers was allowing American stockholders. That was the beginning of the end. In fact i specifically remember when the news broke and everyone on the forums was flipping out.
Video games became popular. The people who played Mmos before were the perfect type to balance socializing and gameplay.

Now it's all esports mentality with 3 wikis open, twitter, facebook, ect.
MMOs aren't seen as a world to escape to anymore. They're just games now.
You're complaining that the method of grinding up your combat stats is boring and thus representative of Runescape's combat?
Get the fuck out of here.

Look at money bags over here

>Why has the social aspect of MMO's died?
A combination of people becoming ironically more insular than ever in the age of social media and MMOs themselves becoming more like single player games. In the modern MMORPG, you don't ever need to talk to another human being to play the game if you don't want to.

Obviously in classic Runescape that second point isn't so, but people still play it like it is because they're used to it now.

Runescape was a shit game enjoyed only by bored 12 years old with nothing else better to do with their free time.

I used to stand in the empty house in Falador wearing a chef outfit selling lobbies

>He wasn't a member

Dumb poorfags missed out on so much.

Make around 2.5M and buy a bond for 14 days. Good fucking luck as f2p, it's easier to bite your tongue and buy a membership, build up, and stop paying once you get a good money making method that can cover bonds.

>tfw you remember Castle Wars at its peak

>Runescape was a shit game enjoyed only by bored 12 years old

This is true. I remember playing this game and laughing at anyone in game who was 20+ years old. How could they still be wasting their time playing video games? And now here I am.

are you me



>made a female character
>dance emote sex behind the castle at Varrock
>give all money to my main

Those were the days.

WoW killed it by turning the genre into a single player game with other people just happening to be running around. Dependency on other players used to be the foundation of the genre.

Falador is my turf get off this server or I'll get my rune scimmy out of bank and fuk u up m8

yeah, used to make fun of my friend's gay little brother for playing his shitty browser game while my friend and i played swg. runescape is trash and for poorfag peasants, it always has been.

Documentary came out yesterday. It was pretty cool how the creators were so passionate about the game and dipped out once it was starting to become like a business.

i'd rather not undercut competition anyway and make full dollar on the other server

i was never faithful anyway

I skimmed through parths of it yesterday and holy fuck, that baldheaded guy in the black sweater just has that "I'm an absolute piece of shit" aura it's palpable.

Not sure that's quite right. Runescape was a game that could be played mostly solo. The social aspect shined through because you could do content together with other players, but you weren't responsible for them. Meaning you don't die if they fuck up.

Mmos made their games too dependent on cooperation, and with partying and guilds, meant that people would form exclusive groups that essentially reduced game communities to these small circles.
Then add in the theme park recipe which meant everyone was racing through the same rides to get to the end where everyone else was.

>Watching a vod of this on twitch
>Mod Mark comes out
>Everyone spamming Mod Markdonalds
>All of them either get deleted or censored

His butthurt knows no bounds.

If it makes you feel better I now am gripped by a crushing guilt every time I play a game for longer than an hour.
I start to feel like I'm wasting my time and could be doing something more important and productive.

Socializing gives no in-game rewards. Today's MMO communities are driven by rewards, preferably ones that you can (share) on your (social media).

The other day I was talking with my normie friend about these one-day events they added in WoW and the first thing he asked was "what's the rewards? some transmog, toy, or achievement?", and when I told him there's none the next thing was "then what's the point?". I don't know, maybe it started with achievement/trophy systems, but nowadays everything seems to be designed around giving the players a pat on the head for playing the game and handholding people through everything.