>1+ million sold in two weeks
Are BRs the next big thing?
>1+ million sold in two weeks
Are BRs the next big thing?
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What's a BR? I don't keep up with the latest trends ruining the industry
who the fuck is playerunknown? seriously?
Imagine a BR game being out of early access.
Battle Royale.
his identity is unknown
Why are the developers shilling this shit so hard on Sup Forums?
And what does a battle royale type of game encompass?
How can Japanese games compete?
Boy and we had such a nice few days without shilling this generic early access garbage. I almost though mods gave a fuck for a second there.
gib moni plox
Battle Royale.
It's Rust endgame battles. 100 players start on opposite ends of a giant map, and have to get to the center to get the weapons and armor needed to fight. Last man standing wins.
Someone monetized the battle royale Rust mods.
>Thinks it started with Rust
It's like Hunger Games if you've heard of those books/movies.
I don't know if a single big AAA company could really take this genre up without it flopping. You need a big map, which tend to be only for single player games such as Far Cry or shit like that. You need a looting system and management of inventory. You need a big playercount, and shit like Battlefield has been stuck at 64 for 15 years.
If it flops, there is no recovering because you need people to fill up these 100 man servers and if queues get to long people just stop playing.
Hmm but wouldn't that mean all the action happens immediately in the center of the map ?
Nah. In the game you all jump off a plane with a parachute and choose where you want to land. The action happens depending on how you want to play it.
There's also a kind of time limit where the area you can move around in without taking damage on the island is getting smaller.
>steam cucks in droves buying yet another early access BR/survival game
hows dayz going? still not released?
good job throwing your money in the toilet again, like most steam plebs do
>Still no actual Battle Royal game by japs
Every single time a new BR game comes out and does well for a bit, its
After conversation about this game dies out in a few months, there will be another "big" BR game a year later. It's how it goes.
Is it better than the culling?
interesting. I'm not a big MP guy so it would be awesome if they could implement this kind of thing into a singleplayer setting
First BR game I've bought. First early access game I've bought. I was bored and it looked pretty fun so I bought it and considering I've had fun with it, I wouldn't really call it a waste of my money.
Was only £26, could spend more than that in a night on alcohol so again, not as much of a waste as money as you think
They have been for a long time now
Arguably arma 2 mods, then h1z1, then the culling and now this. It's also instant gratification garbage, It's to Arma modes what MOBAs were to RTS
I can't tell one of these games apart from another. What makes PUBG better than (or even different in a meaningful sense from) that Arma game mode, DayZ, H1Z1?
>early access multiplayer game in an open world full of weapons and loot where you have to kill or be killed
I feel like there's been 6 of these already
BR is a way different meme from early access survival. BR is just an adhd shooter with minimum "downtime" between action. The only meme worse than BR is open world format for no reason meme
uhh no, stop lying to yourself to justify shilling yet another shitty early access survival BR game thatll be FOTM and dropped hard as fuck when the next fotm comes along
youre cancer and the reason why there are no good games on steam stop buying shitty early access games that never get released
>It's also instant gratification garbage
how so ? you're walking most of the game and only have a few firefight
The only reason Vanquish didn't get a sequel is because the devs were kidnapped and killed after releasing a TPS in Japan.
no its quite literally just a mod for survival games, a time limit with a barrier,
quite literally playerunknown is the person who made the original mod
stop buying fucking survival games from early access you stupid fucking eceleb worshipping cucks
>instant gratification garbage
Thanks for letting us know you've never actually played any of these games.
>walking most of the game
youre running for like 15-25 minutes. You think normies would play these games if you actually had to do the marathon
I can't even understand how this shit is so popular. You spend most of your time looting and running around the most bland and boring environments to ever grace a video game, the shooting mechanics seem completely run of the mill and there's actually nothing else to the gameplay. All these games are ugly as fuck and run horribly too, you can't even pull the Crysis excuse about playing it for the grafix. There isn't a single interesting or innovative gameplay mechanic in the entire genre, how the fuck is it so popular?
Literally just said its the only one I've bought, it was cheap, I'm having fun with it and havent had any problems with it. Do I agree with early access? No I don't, think it's a pretty stupid fucking idea and a really easy and sneaky way to get consumers money and effectively bail.
But do I give a fuck? Not really, got my moneys worth out of it already, probably will never play it again
The devs already have a better game on release than DayZ after three years, who gives a fuck? Early Access is literally meaningless, look at games individually and stop being a fucking retard
Every game takes away from every aspect besides the firefights more and more.
The time and effort you put into your playthrough made every fight feel like a risk in other arma 2 mods, BR is just 10-30 minutes of running to get into the hotspot where everyone shoots it out
By making good games instead of games abandoned after two months once streamers stop playing it.
Where can I subscribe?
I don't get it either. How are these games supposed to be more fun than say, a more steamlined online match of Battlefield or CoD or any other multiplayer shooter?
At least in DayZ there was the possibility of just endlessly camping and stalking around if you wanted to. Here it just seems like bad controls combined with bad shooting combined with spending 10 minutes running around alone to then have a 10 second firefight and get killed. Oh wow such fun such skill
Is it fun?
The concept of BR in video game form sounds fun as fuck and I've heard it has some elements like zones and having an opening scene where you see everyone competing
Does it turn into early access DayZ deathmatch really quickly or are there options?
>early access
>generic as fuck
>zero original ideas
>shilled hard
Count me out.
Just have platinum make something retarded and call it a day
Prove to me that this isn't just a casualized AFPS.
God, I love the meltdown some people show because of this game.
We need more games like this just because of that reason alone.
RE4 is pretty much a shooter and it's well accepted, granted the Japs don't really accel at shooting games.
their attempts are better than the Wests attempts at action games though.
BF / CoD or any other multiplayer shooter in the end of the match is about k/d.
This isn't.
Where do you get those numbers?
all-time peak is at 89k
It's unlikely something like this would go to singleplayer. The real main appeal of it is that it's you against other people. Plus, trying to program AI for this would be a nightmare. There's almost no way you could teach them how to play the game like a person would and also make sure they don't end up too strong either.
Why don't you try one out since you're so curious? People find different things fun, strange, I know.
Yeah, the shooting alright to me but the fact that the game is largely about savaging for weapons and then possibly getting into a gunfight after 10 or so minutes of running around seems exceedingly dull. Maybe if there were teams and some sort of more organized system it'd be more interesting, but having to wait that long after dying once is fucking horrid.
So this genre is the Fifa and CoD of PC gaming? Why is this shit popular? Is it because of twitch? This can't be an MLG thing since these games aren't about competitive gameplay. It hurts me that these are so popular.
>Another BR streamer game
No thanks. I'll pass on this cancer.
The next one will be out in a few months, etc etc.
Doesn't look like fun at all.
I dont have the game but i watched a stream and i can see the appeal.
You drop down and you get to immediately make choices.
Those choices branch out into other choices. The game is filled with 50 or so other people all making choices as well. You explore the map and strategize.
Your character gets more and more powerful the more junk you pick up but you can still get killed if you screw up and make a poor decision by a guy with a standard pistol. When you die you lose all that hard work and have to start again. But you start again in a new game with players who are all starting out new as well so you dont actually fall behind.
Death has weight, so the game can be tense because you actually care if you die unlike call of duty deathmatch where its not as big of a deal to die once in a while its also more exciting to kill players for this reason . And the game allows for some creativity.
It's less arcadey than the culling for sure. So take that as you will. I like it though. Imagine a better version of Day Z, minus the annoying zombies, set it in a huge map that slowly gets smaller, forcing players to eachother. And then give it a party system so you can squad up with 2-4 people or just go solo. Oh and if you are solo, so is everyone else. If you go in with 4, you'll be against all 4 mans. So no getting completely murked on by like 6 dudes on a team if you do play solo.
It's not impossible though. Here's to waiting for somebody to do it
So far from this list..
Flavor of the month with no real added features to the game. (b-but my playerunknown) can fuck off with dean hall and both can go rimjob eachother
>Conan exiles
Promising but that's because funcom is a company that loves their games. and is stated to be finished in 2018
>The forrest
is already finished and was enjoyable
is shit Alpha
is still in alpha after 4 years
is shit Alpha
>7 days to die
is abandonedware
is shit and will never be out of alpha
Any game that came out of arma series is shit period. there's no exception to this
Why do these games always have to be third person
its because of twitch for sure.
I'm surprised no one has talked about this very much but we keep seeing trash games like this.
pic related
They all look the fucking same, like someone splurged on Turbosquid and then plopped everythng down on a default terrain. If they sell so well why can't a company put in actual effort for once?
No one knows who he is, all that is known is he's at least 6 foot and has had dozens of girlfriends.
It strikes a good middleground between H1Z1 arcadeyness and the realism of Arma 2 mods. And the systems in place and gameplay design in general is pretty good. The balance is also really good. The game just works well.
But fair warning, it runs like shit. The optimization is almost non-existent. And the steam recommended settings are basically worthless for the time being. Personally, I'd wait to see if they fix the optimization (which they say is their main focus in each weeks patch updates) But as of right now expect to jump around between 60-12 fps at random. Unless you're lucky like some people who just randomly have no issues running it with worse hardware. I've got the most current and high-end pc of all my friends, yet I'm the only one who can't run it well for no real reason.
ark was goty goat 10/10 if you had friends and played on a hardcore server before the developers added all the op anti fun stuff to the game that ruined pvp.
nice list, look at all these stupid people playing "shit" alpha games, haha! only a few of us know the truth, keep spreading the word let's save as muc-kill yourself seriously.
It's right on the store page
>PLAYERUNKNOWN aka Brendan Greene, is a pioneer of the Battle Royale genre. As the creator of the Battle Royale game-mode found in the ARMA series and H1Z1 : King of the Kill, Greene is co-developing the game with veteran team at Bluehole to create the most diverse and robust Battle Royale experience to date
basically he was making mods and it finally occurred to him that he should just make his own BR with blackjack and hookers because the devs of the other games are lazy kikes
And surprise surprise, it's the best one yet
Yeah it isn't impossible. But it'd be really fucking hard to and almost no one would go for it. Like I said, the main appeal of any of these games is the human aspect of it. Your strategy and thinking against theirs in tense situations under pressure of time and enemies. Crossing a wide open field trying to get to that shack in the distance while you pray the sniper watching you from the hill in the distance misses his shots. Or creeping into a house and getting behind someone distracted with putting an attatchment on their gun. Or pulling up with a squad of 4 and getting pinned down in a fire fight as people try to flank eachother and provide covering fire. Like all of that really only works well with human players. Teaching an AI to do it would be near impossible and even if you did it still wouldn't be the same.
Epic strawman
Hopefully you don't do this for free
xD all these games are good cuz tons of brazillian/russian scum play them. fuck off reddit
boy you stank of leddit
go take a bath. and throw in a toaster while you're in there
>if you had friends
"Opinion" discarded
>Delusion : The post
C'mon, you're better than this my PCMR friend.
you guys can like these games if you want. enjoy your shit on a plate
It's no strawman, it's literally you.
Sorry to break this to you..
flavor of the month games don't really last.
so the game devs have to either finish their games or just leave it as abandonware to die off (7 days to die)
>And then give it a party system so you can squad up with 2-4 people or just go solo. Oh and if you are solo, so is everyone else.
Is it like a dynamic party system, or does it group you with people before the game starts like a proper team association? Either way, that makes the game sound much more appealing.
H1Z1 has like mostly negative reviews, as does Rust and DayZ.
Damn near all these games seem to abuse the early access thing to get by being largely unfinished products, and none of them ever seem to fully release. I guess the appeal of them being fairly different from traditional multiplayer games is keeping them popular, but all of them seem mediocre at best.
>So this genre is the Fifa and CoD of PC gaming? Why is this shit popular? Is it because of twitch? This can't be an MLG thing since these games aren't about competitive gameplay. It hurts me that these are so popular.
If you played any FPSs you would know that this is not some new trend from Twitch.
Simpletons aka the bulk of FPSs playerbase always gravitate towards simple "run and shoot" game modes. The best example is Battlefield's Death Match: even though people could be playing Conquest, a game mode with vehicles, points to cap and a lot more teamwork required, they would play Death Match.
These new games simplify the mechanics from CoD, Battlefield and add some twist like nu-survival elements to make the game "new" compared to previously cited games.
Twitch's role is simply to speed up the rate at which these games become popular.
>h1z1 was called a fotm
>1+ year later it's literally the 3rd most played game of Steam and PUBG just made it even more popular for people who want an arcade-BR game rather than a "realist"-BR game
>fotm games don't really last
user, I'm sorry but you make no sense, stop.
>flavor of the month games don't really last
Seems kind of redundant because flavor of the month means a game didn't last longer than a month. Unless you're suggesting you calling something flavor of the month means it will be so.
We are and no one needs your benediction, fuck off.
and how long a game usually last ? you fucking retard
it's not instant gratification .
>simplify the mechanics from CoD, Battlefield
>games derived from Arma being simpler than CoD of BF
>anything being more simple than CoD
You can make an argument without telling blatant lies user
>H1Z1 has like mostly negative reviews, as does Rust and DayZ.
>Damn near all these games seem to abuse the early access thing to get by being largely unfinished products, and none of them ever seem to fully release. I guess the appeal of them being fairly different from traditional multiplayer games is keeping them popular, but all of them seem mediocre at best.
All that is true, but that said they still make so much money daily and attract so many new players it's not even funny.
You just can't call a game shit when 100k+ people are actively playing it, you can dislike it, you can puke all over it's roots and origins (Early Access forever etc) but that's it.
>defending a list which is half Twitch bait or MLG SO PRO
They could be ants with keyboards and monitors that would still be a playerbase, what even is your point; players are playing these.
You can either form a party by just inviting people before the game starts in like the home screen. Or you can select either Solo, Duo, Squad. And then it'll pair you with random people then. And for squads it's either teams of 3 or 4. Meaning if you do go in with 3, all the enemy squads will also be 3.
I feel like that's the main pull of this game. I've yet to die and feel like it was just bullshit where I got trolled by a gang of assholes. The map clearly tells you where the safe zone is and gives you the time to get there. Although as the match goes on if you do stick a bit to close to the edge of the safe zone it's likely it'll catch up to you and you'll get stuck trying to escape the blue wall of death that closes in and slowly kills you.
And even the system of choosing your spawn basically is super fair. You fly over the map in a plane. And then basically decide when you want to eject and then you skydive to where you want. Meaning you could either try and play it safe and drop into a rural looking area. Or say fuck it and get ready for a fucking free for all at a military base or one of the bigger towns.
Personally, me and my friends tend to drop in near the bridges by the military base and then just wait there for the safe zone to push people across the bridge to us so we can kill them and take the shit they so kindly brought us from the base. That is unless the safe zone decides to center in on the military base.
And also as the game progresses the safe zone gets smaller and less predictable in where it's going to go. So people can kinda rush to the center and camp it. But they aren't guranteed that the center won't move from them.
>games derived from Arma being simpler than CoD of BF
You actually believe these games are something new like from 10 years ago?
Arma was just a vehicle used to push the nu-survival elements into popularity.
Also yes, in CoD you have to choose weapons, perks and other bullshit while in these games you simply pick up guns and armor from the ground.
It's simple, really.
If lots of people are complaining about a game, but still play it for hours every day, they obviously like the game and are passionate about seeing it improve.
A truly bad game will have negative reviews and no players.
>games with a focus on competitive nature are bad
Popularity has nothing to do with quality. The newer CoDs have even been called casual shit by die hard fans for a while now but the series is still selling super well.
These games clearly don't have a focus on deep gameplay or fair competitive balance, but they don't seem like CoD TDM meatgrinders. Really, the fact that they're doing something fairly new and unique seems to be the main draw of them. PBG seems to be a more focused version of what DayZ typically results in, which is savaging until you can kill someone and take their shit.
>multiplayer crafting survival pvp game
The Only good games on that list are TF2, Rocket League and CS:GO
try harder faggot
Isn't that game a spinoff of a spinoff of a spinoff? DayZ mod was first. Then H1Z1. Then the battlegrounds game. How fucking stupid are people to buy the this genre that gets abandoned by the devs with a month?
Solid post.
Because the next one is more polished than the last
At least thats what Battlegrounds does better than H1Z1 despite being the EXACT same game
They're fairly cheap, and people hop onto them for a handful of hours and then drop them.
xb1 release when?