>tfw this country produced 3 of the greatest games ever made in a single month
How the fuck do they do it?
Tfw this country produced 3 of the greatest games ever made in a single month
Other urls found in this thread:
What are you talking about?
Ape Escape 4 hasn't even begun development.
What were the three games again?
Wait, they are making an Ape Escape 4!?
Look out during E3
>tfw you realize op is talking about BotW, Yakuza and Persona
Their games have been mostly on point this year. I'm glad the bar is being raised so other companies will have to step up to compete.
Japan is absolutely dominating 2017. There's no escaping it.
You forgot nier
>niche weeb games that can't even sell 10m
And Nioh
And RE7
Pretty easy when you're entire society was destroyed and rebuilt for you in 20 years, with it's only meaning based on hedonism and escapism.
According to you the 4th best game of all time could've been NMS
Stop fucking assuming everyone is sharing your retarded thoughts.
Seriously though, What happened?
Japan just came out swinging and haven't stopped yet.
Calm down nigga. People are talking about video games here. Go be butthurt somewhere else.
but the legacy of kain series is dead
Just wait until Super Mario Odyssey comes along user, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Probably more concerned with making fun games instead of trying to desperately appease to the progressive crowd.
>talking about video games
>in a thread with a shitpost OP
By focusing on making good games and not getting distraught with political bullshit.
so where's my trauma games, Atlus
Operation normalize.
I like you. You're alright.
It won't hold up. A bunch of games that have been in development for a long time, just happened to align their release dates close together.
BotW is one. What are the other two?
REmake 2 on the way as well.
Probably Persona and Yakuza.
>Nier: Automata
>Persona 5
>Resident Evil 7
>Breath of The Wild
You were off by 3 games, my dude. Also something happening with pic related tomorrow.
No feminist.
Nier and Persona.
Please be Bayonetta PC port. Please.
east in 2017 so far
>GR 2
>Yakuza 0
>Tales of Berseria
>Nier Automata
>Persona 5
west in 2017
>in a single month
>waifu simulator
>in GOAT contention
Sup Forums has terrible taste
so anime shit and two real games
Please stop. It's not fair.
>Tales of Berseria
>So Jaded you can't see all of the good games flooding out willing to suck your dick
Why live life that way?
>2016 game
>2015 game
What the fuck?
She produces good milk.
Yakuza and Persona are pretty great.
Nioh is okay. Souls copy.
Nier isn't even better than the first one.
BotW is just a copy of every other modern open world meme.
>niche is an insult
Do you retards know what a wet nurse is?
>BotW is just a copy of every other modern open world meme.
The game mechanics in Botw make it 10 times better than any other open world trash
I'll save you the waste of time and tell you that you'll be arguing with someone who has the default stance off:
Open world = shit by default
It's still the same old open world trash with the depth of a puddle.
Yakuza is open world you retard. They just do it right.
a girl that provides her tiddies for another woman's bb. that's what makes it erotic.
Also a wet nurse has to feed the year round to continue to produce milk for her clients, and not start from colostrum.
But Monster Hunter Five hasn't been shown on TGS yet
>That game
Fuck endoscopes, everything else was pretty good.
Is daemon milk good for babies?
>Keep seeing this countdown
>Without a source
so which company is this supposed to be? Platinum?
Continued exposure to radiation and higher than normal estrogen levels.
Never ever weeblords!
It was a link attached to the achievements on the 8-bit Bayonetta game on steam. It lead to this site:
The background image is from the very first Bayonetta teaser from 2007-2008.
>ubiclone trash
no thanks
Barrenopenworld: Zero Fun
No thanks.
it's too short
unfinished shit
Who even remembers this game?
>tfw this country produced 3 of the worst games ever made in a single month
>tfw people on Sup Forums only like it because it's weeb shit
Just stop
2 million gamers. That's more than BOTW btw.
You think BotW Yakuza and Persona are some of the best games ever made? Are these your first ever video games?
the 1 redditor that comes to these threads to complain about weebs
Shit game.
>>GR 2
>>Yakuza 0
>>Tales of Berseria
Shit game
Shit game
>>Nier Automata
>>Persona 5
Try harder.
nobody even talks about this game. What happened to the 2 gorillion people that got it? They realized they got scammed?
t. pc cuck third world monkey
I sometimes forget how ugly the art for Tales games tends to be
It has awful gameplay compared to Dragon's Godma.
>literally 8.8
Fuck off, Velvet is number one.
Ok so where did the Japanese video game touch you user? The bad place?
>Japan is coming back guys f-for real this t-time! T-t-the western m-market is g-g-gonna c-crash! They t-totally won't outsell all those J-jap titles by the end of t-the year!
Sup Forums literally says this every time a few Japanese games they like come out, and we've already seen how their hopes always end up in vain.
And here comes the part when you cry like a lilttle Japanese bitch!
literally forgotten already.
Ubiclone shit.
And this is the truth.
Japan is not even in the 2nd place in the video game industry.
It was kind of boring and forced desu. Neat game, but Undertale did it much better.
99% of those being shitty Steam indie devs hoping for their big meme breakthrough.
>Mongolia in 5th
Since when did those yellow autists make games?
>big fish games
obligatory reply number one
Keep believing what you want.
EVERY chart shows that they are irrelevant to the modern video game industry.
German will soon surpass them.
Not even bait. You got to admit that the game had a lot of repetition and backtracking. The multiple endings were just a way to tell the story without actually making all the required content. I'm not saying that the story was bad. It was good. Just nothing great. Even the combat was lukewarm.
>Nier's combat was lukewarm.
How diplomatic of you, because it is literally amongst the worst action games
>if a game breaks the 4th wall it must be compared to undertale
>not bait
funny how you fags don't do that with mgs2 because that game isn't new or completely ignore how taro used a variety of such tools with his previous titles, to the point where it was the opposite, undertale's genocide run ripping of Nier
fuck off acfag
>counting burger release dates as the real release dates
fucking moron
Sorry for hurting your feelings for those shitty games.
>Ok so where did the Japanese video game touch you user? The bad place?
Truth hurts bitch nigga'.
It's literally in Heavenly Sword, Lords of Shadow 2, DMC2 territory, and Ninja Gaiden Yaiba trash tier for gameplay.
There's a reason he didn't include nier in that liste
But minecraft is more complex than all games in the left together.
>sales = quality
fuck off please
He is right.
Only Nier and Zelda are "good" in that list.
what gaems
What did he mean by this
(You) know what I like about the retarded weebs? The fact that they complain about western gaming being cinematic trash when literally all the top 10 most played games are western game and almost all of them have little to no cutscenes.
(You) know what's even funnier? All the weeb game so far are filled with shitty cutscenes like Nier, BoTW, Nioh and Yakuza 0.
nier has shit gameplay though, a good story doesn't discount the repetitiveness and absolute pants on head retarded approach to game balance.