>W-what really matters is how imagination allows me to enjoy an experience
Autists everyone.
>W-what really matters is how imagination allows me to enjoy an experience
Autists everyone.
They might as well just read a fucking book... oh wait, there is only text in DF!
BB > DS3 > DS2 > DS1
imo the best way to trigger Sup Forums is to argue well
when you get no replies, you know you've won
I guess i'm winning then.
or they just think you're retarded and don't feel like arguing with an idiot
I would put 3 on par with 1, but 2 above both. but yeah I like bb the most, just because it changed the formula in a way that it was pretty fresh, even if it at the core it was the same if not outright identical. also fashion without being restricted by ridiculous stats on gear. It was still there but minmaxing for a few extra bumps to res in bb was nowhere near as important as dks.
only beta faggots think like that
Good arguments.
In the game up top it is possible to pick up the corpse of a monster like a death claw, and throw it at another monster like a death claw so hard it sticks, shattering a rib cage and piercing the lungs.
Dorf Fort is better.
Sure. And everything happends in your mind. Limitless!
it's pretty clear which case it is as a spectator though
leia gets me diamonds. Anybody got some sexy leia pics?
To be honest the best things happen in your mind. A videogame that suggests and feeds your imagination is the best kind of experience. You are obviously baiting, because I don't think there's anyone who ignores the fact that books and pen & paper games have the potential to be 10 times as rich as your average 4k graphicz spess muhreen shootan alienz game
have you ever played pen & paper role playing games? It's autistic as fuck, and that's the whole point. Once you really get into it it's seriously fun. Like teenager in the 90s kind of fun (if you get a band of 3 close mates to play with)
>To be honest the best things happen in your mind
Easy there champ.
>OP literally states he's baiting
>still fall for it anyways
you can't make this shit up.
I'm still waiting for an actual argument.
I'm OP.