This game ended up being better than any Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, right Sup Forums?

Let's laugh a little at Nintenbros playing their inferior version of farming games

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This game was better than Harvest Moon. I don't know why you're singling out the switch on this, this game has already been on PC and the other consoles.

holy shit, I just read that they're going to release it on Switch, what the fuck are they thinking? Why release it on the same platform as the competition for fucks sake


Not a lot of people care about the competition, they care about the quality of the game. On top of that the switch is portable as well, perfect game on the perfect platform.

are you ok?

Instant regret.

Who the fuck cares what platforms a game is or isn't on?

Compare the games.

What's so surprising? It's stupid to release SV on a platform that already has a series exactly like it. There is a reason why the God Eater games aren't released on 3DS or Switch or Monster Hunter on Vita or PS4, it's because they're competitors, they already have their audience. I've lost a little interest in SV now.

>muh harvestmoon rip off with flat characters and shitty terria-esque art
It's only better if you follow the "more minorities/non standard sexualities/mental disorders = better" metric

can broader access really hurt them too much? it's likely it wont be difficult to port stardew since its not really pushing any hardware or software limits. if anything, porting it to "the competitors platform" might allow more harvest moon players to play it.

the game itself belongs to some indie dev, and their retarded publisher, so theres a good chance they dont care and just want to allow more people to be able to play their game

Where the fuck is my PS Vita version cock sucker is taking forever. This is the perfect game to play before going to sleep in my comfy bed.

Switch is going to have a timed exclusive of Stardew Valley v2 with multiplayer, so not sure what you're getting at here.

>game has one interracial couple


Repair your retardation.

>I've lost a little interest in SV now.
Get a load of this buttblasted autist

Yeah sure... Keep telling yourself that maybe one day will become true.

Dude you're retarded. If the platform has a series exactly like it, that means that there is a bigger demographic that will enjoy a game like Stardew Valley. They'll see a farm game, instantly associate with Harvest Moon and buy it. Just like how some people got curious about Harvest Moon when playing SV, the opposite will happen.
You have zero business sense.
Better than recent HM/SS games but not as good as many of the past games.

>Who the fuck cares what platforms a game is or isn't on?

99% of the people posting on this board. That's who.

>Harvest moon switch is currently available to buy

what? Switch owners only have zelda and snipper clips to play, they're gonna eat this shit up because an existing fan base for farmers exists there and theres nothing new currently filling that void.


>he thinks game industry professionals know or care about internet fanboy wars

>and cuckolding
>and 12+ homosexual characters
>and several tone conflicting broken homes thrown in for muh representation

You're either pretending to be retarded for the sake of trying to restart console wars, or you've been under a rock.

As far back as early last year, the devs were going to port Stardew Valley to the Wii U because of massive fan demand for it. But then Nintendo made it clear to everyone that it was going to put the Wii U out to pasture, so multiple devs "Switch"ed development to Nintendo's new console, Stardew's included.

SV is fun but my money maker of choice was pale ale and it turned out to be so broken it kinda ruined the game

I just wanted to be a brewer but instead it feels like cheating

this is the worst post ever made

Is this some kind of subtle false flag thread?

I sincerely doubt that

PC is getting multiplayer first though

The romance update ruined Emily.

will you concede worst post in this thread

Just being a small game on pc was one thing, but seriously why doesn't Nintendo bring the hammer down on this game? It is a straight up rip off of harvest moon and animal crossing.

add a "so far" and we have a deal

you are a reasonable man, deal

As retarded as SDV players are, this is most certainly a false flag.

Nintendo is hyping it as the most anticipated indie game on the Switch.


It's a very comparable game at less than half the price. There will be no issue.

>Literally a rf ripoff with worse combat
>Sold better than all rf series
Why XSEED hasnt ported rf to PC yet?

That's how every money making way goes though. Except fishing, which honestly doesn't feel like there's enough of a reward for the effort unless you go crab pots, which doesn't really feel like "fishing".

>we will never get a REAL advanced wars game again

Xseed just translate the games. Some people at Steam asked Marvelous to port Harvest Moon to Steam, but Marvelous told them to fuck off and insists on releasing the games exclusively to Nintendo. But now they'll have to make the games in HD, which will probably cost more to make, that's why I think they'll probably release the next Story of Seasons on PS4/Steam.

I'm guessing economics (business economics in particular) is/was not your field of study?

>Artisan perk
>Mfw selling starfruit wine for 3k a pop
Why the fuck was that allowed?

But crab pots are terrible too. The only reason i used them was have a daily income of fish to make quality fertilizer.

Stardew Valley could use a rebalance on the numbers
if you do literally anything you'll end up incredibly rich

And then you'd just gravitate to whatever makes the most money.

What it needs is some sort of economy that changes that changes over time. You could use the TV for economy hints too.

You idiot, it's coming to Switch.

this is b8 or retard

Do you guys reckon this game is more fun on PC than on consoles (masterrace discussion aside)? I have pre-ordered the PS4 physical edition because I'm materialist pig scum, but recently I figured even my toaster could probably maybe play this game.

The Switch release is going to be the definitive version. This game was made to be played on a handheld.

You can already play on a handheld (Vita) via Remote Play.

This. Though it's a bit too late now, it'd be nice to have a game where you can plant every crop year round but you have to figure out what sells for the most at which times of the year. Or even small things like selling flowers the days leading up to the flower festival bringing in more profit, eggs before the egg hunt, etc.

>Why release it on the same platform as the competition for fucks sake
Because if it's better than the competition it can crush them. The only reason not to do so is if you're afraid of the competitor and can only have a niche away from them.

Also there isn't actually a HM/SoS/RF on Switch yet.

I would say PC just for the sake of mods. Personally I can't play without the time speed mod, default days are too short for my taste

>having to buy 2 consoles to play 1 game
>streaming games at all
no thanks

>and cuckolding
>and 12+ homosexual characters

can you elaborate further? I was planning to play it but now not so much.

if you don't own a vita and a ps4 you can't consider yourself a true gamer

>wtf i hate stardew valley now

I've lost a few brain cells trying to follow OPs logic.

There's no such things in the game that I know of. The creator is obviously has liberal views though, but you should separate art from the artist.

There's neither. The cuck meme comes from one line said by one of the children while progressing through Penny's scenarios. The developer has spoken on the subject in a Q&A.

The 'homosexuals' are only if you decide to advance into a relationship with someone of the same sex, which is possible.

You can romance anyone regardless of your or their gender, and by dating anyone you "take" them away from their canonical pairing.


>Blueberry nerf

I will never forgive Ape as long as I live.

>and by dating anyone you "take" them away from their canonical pairing.

Except there isn't such a thing as no one ever ends up together, no matter how long you play.




There is no in depth sort of thing like that, but there are obvious pairings at holidays

>Better than Fomt
Yeah Okay

That was pretty much my point by using quotes around the word take. You see them pairing up around holiday events, but beyond that there's no actual cucking taking place.

A Story of seasons has been confirmed

>mfw I just found out I'm playing the game super unotpimised, because fishing is my biggest source of income

>fishing is my biggest source of income
>2000g is a lot of money


What about Rune Factory?

>fishing for income
I enjoy doing it for fun but you're going to get jack shit for income out of it

Oh god.. you didn't.. you didn't actually pick a fishing farm did you?!

I love SV and RF4 about equally. They're definitely different, Stardew is more chill and comfy, RF is Zelda with farming

>Multiplayer STILL isn't out yet

I'm literally only buying this game when it comes out so I can do comfy farman with the lads.

Hurry up.

>playing this game for optimisation
If you enjoy it, you're doing it right

There's a multiplayer mod out there already, though it's not "proper".

this. Honestly fishing not making the big bucks is fine, the game gets boring when you're bringing in more money than you can spend. Sure you could build more barns/coops, but unless your focus is animals, there's really no purpose as it takes up far more valuable spots where crops could grow.

It's not the same.

I really don't see what the game would gain by adding multiplayer other than to show off your farm. It's easy enough as it is.

Desu pleasing grandfather comes first. Not having """"fun""""

SV is not comfy at all



Nah, I still have my save from 1.0.


It's coming soon :^)

Harvest Moon is comfy
Story of Seasons is super comfy
Stardew Valley is... strange, deformed, outdated, charmless, it lacks essence, it's simply not comfy at all unless you're an autistic piece of shit

Why would you openly admit to having shit tastes?

Not even close to be better than Harvest Moon Grand Bazaar.


>Game where a guy tries to kill himself by ODing in front of his kid sister

No one is talking about how The Wizard is Abigail's real father? I thought this was well known.

>Trying to prop up SV by comparing it with HM/SoS when Rune Factory 3/4 exist and are the actual true pinnacles of the genre all challengers should be measured against.

It's better than a few individual HM games, but the entire genre?

Stardew's alright. I liked my time with it. But RF3 & 4 have around triple the content and dialogue, not to mention a gameplay system which is superior by miles.

I was kind of hoping Stardew would be massively built upon by a few updates, like Terraria was, but it seems like the updates have been mostly kind of minor.

>A big gal
C'mon now, there's tons of shit people don't talk about in regards to the game.

That has already been debunked by the creator of the game.

I thought Jas was his daughter.

>thinking the wizard has a daughter
Do you not get how becoming a wizard works?

>implying he didn't gain Wizard status and used his power to create a daughter

Dude looks well over the age.