What are some games with scumbag MCs?

What are some games with scumbag MCs?

>good bye

Why is the system always trying to bring shadman down?

>shadbase art
>ever looking like the model
American lawyers are really going all out these dyas

Because the world would honestly be a better place without him

>le shadman is bad xD meme

Wow people really don't think for themselves and just bandwagon all the time now huh

how the fuck did shadman manage to get a following on Sup Forums?

while i personally respect his style, i find his character proportions and faces disgusting and bad.

The only people who like his art are either "ironic" or desperate loli-lover-neckbeards

which character looks like who?

Fuck off back to prison, Shad.

Porn + Contrarians lying in wait to pounce on a large "Haters" opportunity (i.e. wide criticism) = new Defense Force

See: Nintendo

>respecting the artist that's an edgy faggot just for attention

Except he's bad?
>Doesn't understand why people hate his loli porn
>Drew a picture of his mom for some reason
>General autist that marked the beginning of the decline of Sleepycast
>Edgy as the fuck--not even in a buzzword's sense--just super fucking school-shooter levels of retardation
>Attracts all the young childrens because of how much he acts like Shadow thr Hedgehog

If Shad was a board, he would be Sup Forums.

he's an edgy cunt

I don't like shadman's art, but I like Shadman. He is one of us.

Shadman has a terrible time trying to add depth to the pictures he makes and has a worse time with anatomy maybe even worse than Slugbox some instances.

pedophiles are fucking immature assholes in my book

How is any of this bad?

Because shads art is shit and everybody with some taste agrees.

>derpyducks is pussying out from Shadman's incident

so we like Smegmaking or not ?

Shad's art doesn't suit my tastes but just let the man be. He's not harming anyone by drawing porn of children

This is the kind of oppression that forces real pedophilia.


not much of a fan... of any western artist really... but shadman is very entertaining

I think you should be more worried about youe pending litigation, Shad

>disgusting pedo
>one of us

fuck off

No because all he does is shill his book

What sort x-32?



I just hate literal cucks who are fixated to black cocks
he's probably be better off if he just came out the closet and embrace his homosexuality
du tunte

God, I wish I could lack enough of my morality to think that it's totally alright to have sex with a loli.

i've seen this exact post in every shadman thread

is that you, faggot?

Some one post that one pic, yknow the one with

While I don't give a fuck about his style, shoting down drawnings is murican tier cuckoldry.
>muh land of the free

>12 year old has a army of jew lawyers protecting her innocence

whats the fucking point shes going to be flashing her smelly vag and armpit hair in 3 years like miley cyrus

You're literally on a website known for CP and Trump.

you should get out of Sup Forums then

>America is becoming Euro and Aus in terms of speech
Fucks sake.

and at that point, no one wants to see it anymore
just like miley cyrus

>You're literally on a website known for range-banning CP


Just give it time. You'll break eventually.

Don't worry, it seems the current administration is keen on butchering net neutrality so soon big corporations can stop with being coy about it and just cuck murrica every moment spent on the internet.

Now, I get that some people are racist and don't like black dicks, but like why wouldn't you want to see your (hopefully attractive) girlfriend have sex with someone hotter than you, like in all the porn you watch. Maybe it's because I lack the stamina that some men have and can't please a girl for any longer than the five minutes (or less) and I'd like her to actually see my girlfriend satisfied. Most likely though it's probably a mix of the taboo of voyeur and being bi that I don't understand why cucking is bad.

>tfw I was fooled that Trump would fix this

Enjoy your ban


Needs to stop blatantly shilling himself, unless there's an autistic man pretending to be him shilling himself. Not our guy, but decent content.


He cucked himself. He shouldn't have used the X-23 actress, he could've used any number of existing X-23's as reference such as the comics, MvC 3, or Wolverine and the X-Men,to name a few.

This is either a Leaf post or Shad himself, frankly I don't know which is worse.

Nah, you're just a closet homo

He was the chosen one. It's all downhill from here.

>drawing lewd images of a real child should be allowed


I really hate this meme; Sup Forums never condoned CP, and if anything they constantly range-banned it. It's not like it's suddenly socially acceptable because you saw someone shit their pants once.
It's like a bunch of pre-teens acting like they're Ananimoose.


I watch his Youtube occasionally, never gonna read his stuff though.

You niggers need to have better standards in chosen ones if he was one of them. Literally the only thing he is good for is pissing off far left dipshits.

Ivanka will save the lolis

Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE the cock. I also love pussy.

Some people like Pepsi and some people like Coka-Cola, but I think they taste the same.

lol!I've been here since the beginning, and if you believe 2snacks banned CP on sight youa re 100% crazy

>art should be censored
I hate shad but I hate you more

>I don't understand why cucking is bad.
it's the worst fetish ever worse than scat atleast they have SOME selfrespect and libido

there's honestly nothing more pathetic than those asexual, disgusting creatures known as cuckolds I mean seriously, how have you not killed yourself yet?

Is it bad that I, as a democrat, voted for him secondarily for that reason?

The main reason was to mobilize my party, so disconnected from the people that they thought Hilary was better than Bernie, and the secondary reason was to combat the insipid very real Social Justice cancer in the country, and to give the left and enemy to fight.

Because when left to their own devices, THIS is what the left comes up with.

i never knew x-men was real


>pedophilic harassment is art

>drawings are real now
>like vidya characters

Maybe stop drawing pornography based on real/fake children you disgusting degenerate. Also learn how to draw basically ANY part of the human body correctly that doesn't make the monster factory that is your drawing tablet scream for death

i meant WTsnacks... sorry... too many snacks

You know you didnt really answer his question.

Edge isn't synonymous with bad, edge is edge, and it can be entertaining.

>Dafne Keen isn't a real person

Literally who?

>sexualizing children who sexual organs/tendacies haven't developed at all
yeah no
where are the cops when you need them

>art should be restricted

>Pictures are literally real people

So how many pixels in a picture should be altered before the concept of drawing X-23 hentai magically becomes okay?

>a drawning is the same as the real deal
kys faggot

Had to google it too, some X-men character I guess

I've heard he's a dj in chicago now lol that whalefucker

I would still rate scat worse because it's fucking unhygienic as all hell. But yes if you love someone and get off to them getting fucked by someone else, that is basically admitting you are too shit at existence to ever please them on your own, which is certainly pathetic, have a little motivation to improve for once in your life.

You lack common sense if you think you can fuck a drawing, you could fuck the paper its drawn on though

Sexualizing pictures is bad, but hey, let American culture keep doing the whole Jailbait thing anyway.

You know, if I wasn't right, Jailbait wouldn't be a phrase. That said, first day on the internet?

And TPP.

Contrary to your believes, Shadman is NOT god. He can't create real people.

>the REAL rights, of a DRAWN character
We keep going down this road, even anonymous Sup Forums posts will one day be prosecuted, not due to some user threatening to blow something up, but because another user had their feelings hurt.

Internet will die in a lifetime.

Pictures depicting REAL children in a sexual way is completely fucked up.

>normalfag that doesn't like loli telling someone to leave for Gaia
Kill yourself.

B-but trump was going to MAGA a-after we stuck it to those libtards

ha no I'm just saying the implications of pedophilia is wrong
this art is just the gate way

I wasn't aware that animations and still cartoon images were both real- AND people.

>I would still rate scat worse because it's fucking unhygienic as all hell
hiv is worse than e-coli bacterias senpai


is it on par with depicting real people dying?

Don't you dare to draw my imaginary god, infidel scum

>>Doesn't understand why people hate his loli porn

explain it to me because I find it disgusting and I can't quite point out how

shadman art is good
half a percent of the time

So you're saying that sexually violent games cause rape, violent games cause crimes, metal music causes rebellion, and that drinking milk turns you gay.

Yeah, no, things are not gateways to other things, and they never have been. This is this, and that is that. They don't lead to each other.

>loli hentai

You clearly don't belong here 9gager.

post an example of the good art then

I'm just gonna avoid this one, but let me say this: snuffing, child abuse, and necrophilia (which I may drop simply because so long as you're not hurting anyone or emotionally scarring them then go and enjoy your fetish) are far worse because those who actually act on these are most likely lacking empathy(or have literally none like a psychopath). At least all the players are doing this with consent.