Is there a better designed, more fair move in fighting game history than this perfectly balanced move.

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>fighting game
you done it now

Fox's shine

Phoenix wright lvl 3 super

Have you seen the hitboxes kirby has in Smash 64?
Nothing will ever be more ridiculous than that.

>he got his shit slapped by Jigglypuff

Can be punished. Not as ridiculous.

yeah this. Literal perfection.

Probably the most honest move in the game.


Jiggs is super punishable lol.

>Jiggs is super punishable lol.
Stop playing brawl.

what happened here

>he has trouble against Jigglypuff
Holy shit that's pretty fucking bad.


phoenix's special hitbox is the whole screen

have you ever heard of a bird named pet shop

Man I don't know shit about fightan games but watching people play them is pretty fun.

Not a move but whatever.

oh so you must be the best Melee player in the world then? because the entire top tier has puff problems but you don't, right?

>tfw it was actually armada who made the post

I will never get tired of watching Iheartjustice body "better" players. You have to give props to someone who's able to compete at a high level with a team like that. That team composition is near perfect given the characters involved.

He also has a non-Wright variation of his team. Moves Cap to point, switches Strange assist to bolts instead of eye, and adds Dormammu.

Lmao just play Marth

How the fuck can you even see what's happening with this? It's so crowded, that UI is awful, and I literally have no idea what's happening.

guessing you are a scrub. Marth gets bodied by puff. stop playing your scrub friends.

For a character that kills at 50% and only has one tool to help her control neutral, yeah. Jigglypuff is pretty balanced overall in a game full of bullshit.

The only people who complain about this shit just don't know how to fight puff.

that gets killed at 50%*

My b.

Pretty good for a character than kills everyone else at 30%

If you're getting hit by rest at 30%, you don't know how to fight puff. Puff is a scrub killer for a reason.

if you are dying at 50% as jiggs you are a scrub puff. Works the same. Shes 90% easy.

>t. never played a fighting game before

*upairs u*

this is some retarded nigger shit

Fuck off! Stop shit talking the perfect Fighting Gameā„¢ character!