WORST S.Link/Confidant in Persona history?
WORST S.Link/Confidant in Persona history?
That's not "Boohoo! I hate my Dad!" and Pikachu from P4.
thats not the tutoring kid in 4
But he gives you dat charm + ability to get mad yen from demons and also his s link is super short.
i forgot he existed
Fuck you pal, worst social link isn't anywhere near as good as his
I haven't even touched him since he looked boring
what's his deal?
Japanese Bernie Sanders
He at least stuck through with his ideals. Even japanese fictional bernie sanders wasnt as pathetic as the real deal.
>waaaah not muh waifu nor school activity shit ;_;
Legit kys. I knew people would shit on him from day one no matter what since he's a middle aged man and not le hot daddy type at it.
Worst S.Link: ur waifu
Best S.Link: my waifu
>"Want my social link user?"
>"That'll be 100,000 yen!"
>"Also make sure to drop by for stat boosts, 5k yen!"
She better be worth my time, fuck.
>give her the money
>have to go do momento shit before it starts
what the fuck is her problem
>shit tier
Pikachu had her moments.
> what the fuck is her problem
she's a jew and you got jewed when you gave her 100,000 yen.
It was my favorite S.link. The last speech he gave was pretty touching.
Did everybody forget about that fat kid from P3.
i dont know why everyone hates him 2bqh
Plus tips
>not hating fat people
>when you're doing something besides playing persona 5
>the only dateable link that doesn't reward you for going kindness autopilot
>people hating on fat people simply because they're fat
Top tier, right user.
why do people like nagryjoe
he's a good guy
What tarot is he? I swear if Moon is the worst SL for the third time...
>Years of waiting
>Beat the game in 1 week
>Realize that no other game in development will fill that void
>Feel empty
The game was amazing and it is hard to believe that it lived up to years of expectation, but I really don't know what to do now.
Sun and he is the best
Only 3-4 years until Persona 6 user don't worry!
Maybe not rush through the game in a week. Learn to savor something fucking hell user
Moon is your squad's perpetually bullied hypeman.
Think the magician S.link from 3 but relevant to plot and tech literate.
Ann S.Link is so fucking boring
He does it for free
He takes his job very seriously
That's not Kenji (HM to Naoto for being really obscure, having a strict time limit, and being pretty shit)
>stays physically abused by kamoshida and does nothing to help himself or others
>even does stupid shit for kamoshida that fucks you and other people over
>literally the equivalent of a Sup Forums mod
>goes mad with power
>overall just completely pathetic
Man I really wanted to like Mishima but he is really worst boy in a game filled with best boys
Where's Makoto if she isn't at the Student Council room?
You most likely need to get max charm to continue her social link past 5 user
School gate iirc.
I just got her available, buy Ryuji finally fucking texted me about going to spy on the volleyball advisor on the same fucking night. If I skip him how long will I have to wait to do it again? Apparently this slut lets you advance closeness with people without blowing time periods on them if you wont rank up
Also protip when viewing the rail map for choosing which city to go into press square to see all possible social links in that area
I have
She's not there either, maybe she just isn't available today.
>Game implies that he has a crush on NEET
>There's a chance that he and Futaba are canon couple
She deserves better.
>Hisano, Ai, and Shu that low
>Not doing both Dojimas and ranking them up at the same time
>Yosuke not mid tier
>Keisuke not shit tier
>P3 magician that high, I can't even bother to remember his name because he was that bad
Please rethink your rankings user.
Thanks for the tip, I guess she just isn't about today. God dammit I just maxed my charm too.
>Yosuke god tier
Explain yourself please
im pretty sure the gamer kid is the worst. the fuck were they thinking
This S.Link is Top Tier for leveling fast.
No, he was simply an annoying asshole with a one-track mind.
Does Sojiro's Rank 4 have some kind of plot gate?
Because I've made coffee like 5 times and he still won't go past rank 3
Is there anywhere that gives you bonus stat points during pollen warning days?
Do you believe in the Phantom Thieves?
Yes, you won't be able to pass rank 3 due to plot reasons. You'll know when it will become available. I don't think the game even tells you this, so they totally dropped the ball there. Not sure if your blue notes will count towards your overall ranking, or just the next rank.
This why I still do social links with him.
His money bonus is worth it.
GTFO out with that shit lol
God damn it I thought it was just me.
Why is Matador so perfect?
>Do first SL rank with Kawakami
>KEEPS texting me almost every fucking day
How thirsty is this teacher.
He's directly responsible for what happened to Shiho because he couldn't nut up even though he knew, at a minimum, Kamoshida was going to beat the shit out of her. That alone makes him Worst Boy.
She needs the money
>not justice in P5
if you want the date that you can go beyond 3 its 8/24
Shadows in Mementos sometimes sleep
You're her favorite(only) customer
*only 3-4 years until Persona 6 gets delayed for another 3 years
Yes she can do that but it's a fucking rank 7 ability which I was disappointed to find out. That's a big time investment.
>have to go out for my jobsearch bullshit soon
fuck off cunts i just want to play persona not kill myself
God I'm getting tired of being constantly gated off by stats. I feel like I don't have enough time as it is. I'm seriously losing time on confidants because of this shit. Some stats just fucking suck to level.
>find out her sister having a disease is a lie
>doesn't even have a sister
>keep calling her at every opportunity anyway because I like hanging out with Sensei
I want to ruffle her hair up even more than it already is.
>not shiki-ouji
whats that you used a physical and i blocked it? enjoy the swift strike if it actually hits
I love her more and more as the slink went on. She's just so down in the dumps but still trucks on. I just want to protect her. Everyone treats her like shit too and it makes my heart bleed. I think she has a fun personality despite all the shit happening to her.
is there always a right answer to get the maxdimum confidant points or are the decisions you do in this game meaningless?
Uncle Soji's S.link take too much effort
>is there always a right answer to get the maxdimum confidant points
If you want to min/max and use your time efficiently it's practically required to use a guide so you can pick the right conversation choices, maximize the number of points you get per event and reduce the number of times you just hang out without a rank up.
What pains me is that this'll probably be me by Friday. The more I wait, the more spoilers I'll end up seeing. God damn it
>mfw seth
>mfw one shot kill
what's the even the point anymore
How often do you get Mementos requests? I've just beat Madarame and am at the end of May, and I still only have that one about dealing with a bully. I don't want to do it because I hear the best way to handle it is to wait for them to pile up and then do them all at once.
Community/Cooperation you goddamn burger
>her rank 7 scene
>those asshole parents/whatever that keep guilting her into giving them money
For confidants, yes. There are choices that yield max value. Sometimes there might be two that yield the same value and one that doesn't. However there are also questions that don't have any points associated with that regardless of answer. You as the player have no way of knowing any of this unless you're constantly save scumming or using a guide. You may think you'll just go along with their personality and it will work but that isn't always the case. So many choices I thought would be perfect and yielded nothing.
They're not even the kid's parents they're just relatives/guardians, she's just guilty over what happened and that's why she's giving money to them at all.
Same. Didn't expect to like her as much first going in but she really grew on me, her and Takemi.
>Teach just likes taking time off from her second job to relax and confide in you
>Doc just wants someone to talk to while finding a cure for the little girl
>Journalist flirts and teases you, even going as far as lying to her boss that she's dating a High Schooler
I honestly can't choose. They're all the best girl.
God I'm so glad the bank palace is over. That was so long and boring and the boss was fucking awful. I seriously hope the next one makes up for this shit.
Knowledge and Guts in particular go up one fucking tiny pip at a time. It's aggravating.
the dungeons keep getting worse until the 6th one, the 7th is the best and by far the longest, the last one is good but really short
Fights in P5 are too one-sided. It's either you ambush and kill the enemies in one turn or they ambush you and kick your fucking ass. On hard it's pretty much a game over if you get caught by these assholes.
Is there any reason to get Knowledge to 5?
Managed to get it to 4 before the July Exams
Man I want to get a massage from sensei.
There's so much to do in this game I feel like I'm missing something whenever I fucking do something
I'm in September and only have level 4 everything but kindness and knowledge which are both level 3
as far as exams, no
the star confident requires 5 knowledge
it's worth doing, her rank 10 let's you swap out party members in battle
It's like that in every SMT actually. If you get jumped on you're probably fucked no matter what level you are
I specifically hate how pointless the stupid model weapon shop is.
Mementos will always have better gear. I was shocked when I opened my first chest on the first floor and its stats were about triple anything you can buy in the shop. And that's like all that drops from chests down there is god tier armor.
if there wasn't, they wouldn't have a rank 5
plus you get a trophy for making all of them