Welcome to the kawaii dance party, ethan-san

Welcome to the kawaii dance party, ethan-san

>Dat shonen's gotta eat! He gotta have his bento!
>This was supposed to be a very oishii feast!

Looks tanoshi.
I wish I had an oji-san like that.

My name is Ethan

What is going on

What is this?


I may be autistic but at least I'm pretty

It's in the game I believe, maybe an easter egg or from DLC

>It's another REVII circlejerk
Meme it up, faggots. A shit game is a shit game.

TELL ME IM PRETTY.... reeeee

>RE7 thread
>Not a Dance thread

Of course RE7 haters are that retarded to not figure it out

yeah let's just circlejerk about resident evil girls instead

>muh us vs. them
Neck yourself.



>wah wah wah

Mad Because Bad

just groove or get out

>impying EthanWinters isnt Pretty
>implying Ethan didnt work as a supermodel in the game

that would explain the nice car and the dress shirt



>Got toldassaurus wrecked in the Last thread
>Want to start shit in a unrelated topic


People have such sour grapes over RE7 just because it's good at doing what it does. Maybe the series is better off being dead

Even tough loving the idea of a REmake2 my devilish side just love the idea of capcom canceling it...

But I'm Not a Hero when?

After Vendetta of course!