Is this the most "dad walks in" scene in video game history?

Is this the most "dad walks in" scene in video game history?

>what is UNDER THE SEA


now that's what I call a platforming game

This right here answers op. Look no further

it isn't even the most embarrassing in the franchise let alone of all time

now naked raiden...

>Two of these exact threads up
>Posted 1 minute apart

Naked Raiden can be seen as comedic.

Quiet being a slut cannot. I managed to play the cutscene on very low volume whilst using the PS4's accessibility options for zooming in with the PS button and Square, I just shifted the screen to a corner.

Never before has my heart started beating so loudly.

>being so scared that someone might see your stupid video game

>not being near-cripplingly afraid of the judgement of others and embarrassment
what are you a normie?

Are you a retard?

>"Ya winnin' so--"
>starts beating his dad meat at supersonic speed

Why does Sup Forums accept the Jewish brainwashing intended to make men ashamed of their natural sex instincts, so that the routines of sex can be controlled by the Jews and be reduced from a recreational and reproductive activity to simply a reproductive one, and not reproduction for one's own sake but for the sake of the Jews, who need an ever-larger workforce to increase their profit margins?

My dad thinks I'm a faggot cuz of this

You were playing Kingdom Hearts so he's probably not wrong.

It's the most "what the fuck is this retard doing"

I just watched this on YouTube, and it's pretty gay, but I don't think it holds a candle to the cringing of .


>playing Total War
>ordering archers about
>"Fire on the enemy!"
>dad pops his head in the room, a disapproving look on his face
>"Romans didn't say fire."


>sister walked in

At least it was KH1 and not KH2

>Are you playing Little Mermaid???

fuuuuuuuck, went out of my way to only play it under circumstances when no one would see me too.

The most I get in these kinds of situations is something like "what the hell are you playing?" from both parents. My dad is more likely to laugh.

>dad faps in

>dad tells me that the reason im getting mad at video games is because im mad at myself and that depression is aggresion turned inwards

That's the opposite of what (((they))) are doing.

>mfw didn't get this cutscene

If she breathes through her skin, doesn't that mean she's drowning here? Why didn't Snake rescue her?