>tfw you will now see EVEN MORE widow and genji players over the next month
Uprising Skins
No you'll see the same pro Oni genjis and pro Odette/huntress widows just in new skins.
At least she has a normal skin color now. They just need to fix princess curry and soccer nig
>no mod editor
>no map editor
>user interfaces are still fucking awful
>maps are still fucking awful
hair looks retarded
It too shiny.
>Widowmaker porn is back in season
>this time with blue lipstick
overwatch posters should be banned for underage
Genji yes, but why would we see more Widow when her new skin is shit?
>tfw you will now see EVEN MORE widow cosplayers
time to shit on those lazymeis
Why? Widow's new skin is bland as fuck.
Go back on Linux you fucking moddingdude!!
I'm not sure if I like this Widowmaker skin. I'll probably buy Tracer and Mercy though (if it won't drop)
>La Griffe
Is "La" the new "Le" ?
So is this widow while she was still in OW or when she joined Talon?
Nevermind. Widow was never in OW, her husband was. This is brainwashed wife widow.
>Still has both arms.
This is one of my favourite tropes. Likin' the skin.
>tactical hat and poncho
>More shitty useless skins people will gamble for and wear for the next two weeks until Blizzard shit out the next set of shitty useless skins
At least this time they're not retarded looking seasonal shit
If I unplugged those wires, would he die?
I stopped playing, thought I'd check out the new event but... I can't even be arsed any more. How are people not burned out by this game?
>New characters have all been brown
>Revert Widow back to white
Gotta maintain the balance of power.
So is her hair just naturally purple?
>release schedule of a sloth
>shit out skins instead of maps and heroes
>literally the most generic stereotypical baguetteman
What did Blizzard mean by this?
I'm only burnt out by quickplay/ranked
I exclusively play Mystery Heroes for the lootboxes and then return when it resets.
inb4 Blizzard brings back Gerald from the dead or makes him a clone to make a new hero
I guess so it's just that anime influence at work.
we just got a new hero though
that face when you bout to kill your husband but his dick game too strong
Yeah but no one likes it or wants it.
>tfw you will now see EVEN MORE widow and genji players over the next month
This is depressing. Also, Blizz said they're working on 3 Hanzo legendary skin, we're doomed. Let's pray for the next CoD to be the best ever so they can fuck off.
>Content only counts if I like it
Content only counts if it's good and at least one person likes it and neither of those things apply to Orisa.
>retarded hair
>n delicious blue skin
>Uprising shows just how much of Genji is still biological
Man, Hanzo did not fuck around when he tried to kill Genji. I had more meat for dinner than what's left of Genji's squishy parts.
french language has gender for things, fuckwit.
You can't even buy them. You have to hope you get lucky and your desired skin pops out of a loot box.
did you forget that there's two color variations of each legendary skins?
That's just the first one
I like it
Holy shit you're stupid.
>makes pretend gun with hand
>has real gun
Overwatch interface is great.
>I haven't played overwatch