Buyer's Remorse

What games made you regret buying them?

Pic related, I don't get the hype at all. gameplay's boring as fuck, even if they mix genres together.

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>buying new games

Only have yourself to blame, you impatient tard.

Haven't gotten it yet but I'm honestly surprised there was any hype at all from people not already obsessively interested in Yoko Taro's work. Most of his games are shit gameplay wise and everything has at least something wrong but it's his convoluted story telling and unique themes of each game from each other, and most everything, that makes people interested. Hell this game is technically a sequel to Drakenguard which is an abysmally slow and shit game in a fantasy medieval period with 4 endings, one of which is the main character being teleported to modern day Tokyo while on a dragon along with a god-like monster. The other endings are canonically correct and have their own sequels in manga and stories.

Personally I'm interested because I care more about story than anything in games and it's dificult for me to find things with stories that I couldn't guess at the progression and plot twists almost instantly. I believe Taro's work can provide me with the mindfucks I desire. It also helps that I like real-time combat that isn't a fps.

HZDfag kys

>he didnt wait for crack


>bunch of kids who never even heard of Nier buy Automata expecting MGR muh rules of nature shit
>they complain when they get Yoko Taro'd
Serves you right, maybe next time you won't blindly buy something because more knowledgeable people than you are discussing it and you feel left out like the beta pariah you always were.

Gtfo you druggie

Nier had a huge cult following despite the gameplay and visuals being rather poor, it's insane that this game got made at all, which is what everyone was so curious about when it got revealed in E3 2015

A Yoko Taro game with actually good gameplay/systems/visuals is kinda mindblowing, if you're a fan of his work, go play it now before you know anything about the game at all, it just unravels as you play and is an amazing experience. I got 60 hours out of getting all endings + 100% the game, and I'm starting a second run on Hard for the new story details that re-contextualize almost everything about the game.

Why didn't you try the demo first?

Ratchet and Clank reboot

>new story details

>second run on Hard for the new story details that re-contextualize almost everything about the game.
i'm only about an hour in on normal, should i restart on hard so i don't miss anything?

I can't say shit without spoilers, only read the following if you've done Endings A-E, seriously

2B's actual designation is 2E, her real mission was to accompany 9S and kill him if he ever started learning too much about YoRHa/the truth of humanity, and her coldness to 9S throughout the game is her trying to keep her feelings of affection and love for him at bay, because she's killed him over and over.

This makes almost every interaction in route A/B take on a completely new light, it's kinda crazy.

Hard mode is not for your first playthrough, no lockon means you have to claw the whole game + need to equip defense chips because bigger enemies will literally one shot you. I'm in the intro scene(demo) now and I've failed it 2-3 times because the saw arm/medium biped punch combo kills you instantly.

Sorry, I didn't mean that Hard gives new story details, just playing on Hard for my own experience since 100%ing Normal meant later combat became almost braindead.

He's talking about how the twist recontextualises everything

Oh I see. So she is aware that she is supposed to kill him the whole time?

Well Adam is the machine equivalent of the androids, so yeah.

Yes, it's why she acts so cold to him the entire game. Spoilers man, cmon

so she knows the true purpose of YorHa too? sorry for spoilers but people shouldn't click on these threads desu

No, not even the commander is fully aware.

only three kinds of people were hyped for it. those that were in it for Platinum, those that were in it for booty, and those that were in it for Yoko Taro. if you are none of these, please reevaluate your tastes.

I agree but I'd rather try to sell people on the game, it's honestly a masterpiece.

No, she doesn't.

I mean that a certain group of organisms are extinct?

Do people fail to read the very obvious notes of "SS confidential etc" on the top of reports?

The game is only boring if you're shit at combat. I bet you couldn't even figure out how to Pod Throw.

Playing on Hard gives you claw hands pretty quickly since constant pod fire + camera control while doing melee combat + movement is the only way to effectively clear the projectiles that take 50% or more of your life, it's a little absurd, but fitting for the theme of androids.

oh shit I forgot. I've read all the archives pls no bully

Its time for you stop playing games m8

Dishonored 2, it was just so boring, felt like a chore playing it

Torment: Tides of Numenera, shit game trying to make money of Planescape Torment

Steam reviews for the game are glowing. You'd think most of those aren't familiar with Taro.

I tried starting a new game on hard, but the enemy health values don't increase meaningfully so all of my New Game+ gear is stupid OP.

So if I beat the game on ending E, and start a new game on hard, I keep all my gear? or do I have to go through chapter select? I'm dumb as fuck not sure how that'll work

Yeah it's only damage taken + mechanics change due to no lock on, making shit like Program: Laser insanely good, and I bet Missile Pod will be more useful as well, but with the tradeoff of being unable to destroy projectiles, whereas in Normal there's no real reason to ever switch off the Laser Pod due to perfect accuracy during lockon + enemy penetration + destroys projectiles

Yes, completing ending E then reloading your save will keep all your gear/levels so it'll be pretty easy

Hard is making me learn ALL the enemy patterns and really use my pod fire effectively since hits hurt + can't easily lock on, I don't know if I like it yet.

Pic related actually put me on suicide watch. For $60.

>A certain group of organisms

that is not a wink

Can't play game because of white screen on startup so I guess I do regret buying it.

Of course not, it's a lanniswink.

Learn the difference, shitlord.

>complete ending E
>reloading your save
If only it were that simple

raising an eyebrow is not any kind of a wink

>Star Wars Battlefront
Sold that shit game within 48 hours

>The Division
Played less than hour, utter shit. Sold it as well

>Borderlands: Handsome Collection
Why do people love this series? It's shit!

B-b-b-but muh muh wink.


whats autistic is not knowing what a wink is

>not making the sacrifice to help someone else
Everyone came together to help you. How could you not want to return the favor?

He didnt do the gameplay in this one thats why people like it so much

I know but I wanna be able to listen to the ingame jukebox whenever I want.

This is really funny but completely true.

>running the game for the in-game jukebox when you can just play the music


plus you know, having a budget for it

Yeah but being able to option select quiet/medium/dynamic with or without vocals is kinda nice, it's just comfy watching 2B sit in the camp listening to music

Someone out there made the sacrifice for you and thats how you repay them. I mean, the music is great and all so i kinda agree. But you're still a monster

You know all that has been ripped from the game, right? So you can do the same.

I agree though that the actually sold OST is disappointing in comparison. Still fiddling with in-game menus and running the game at full throttle (resistance camp is one of the most demanding areas) is kinda impractical

I'll do it later, just not right now, I wanna completely finish my second playthrough(A-E again), then I'll do it

What's the plot significance of other people's data being used for Ending E? The Pods sacrificing misc data for the sake of salvaging 2B/A2/9S' memories out of their low-level systems trying to force them to delete the data?

It has no plot significance.

>Get a single message from a guy in America
>"Oh that's cool"
>When all those messages from other people from around the world
>Eventually the same guy offers me aid when I'm getting BTFO hard
>Chorus kicks in in the music
How the fuck can you not delete your save after that?

I played all of the dark souls games but I only played pic related for a 2h and never touched it again

Nice, then you'll have used up two people's data.

Play on normal and power through the not-so-great gameplay for the story and music. That's what I did. It's not the masterpiece that some make it up to be but it's pretty entertaining.

Because I wanted to fight Emil and not start over.
I also didn't know that doing both ending C and D would lead into E

You can just skip the credits early and postpone ending E.

>buy a PS4
>get 3 games with it
>2 are fixed as HZD and UC4
>final one is a choice from Mass Effect Andromeda, Nier Automata or Ghost Recon Wildlands
>go for Nier Automata because everyone seems to love it

it's fucking shit

I didn't know that it would do that. Took me by suprise.
Whatever, what's done is done. Now I can do what I wanted to do before helping

You shouldn't feel bad anyway, people saying you are a monster for it are retarded, Ending E affects anyone in its own way, and theres plenty of the game left to enjoy later.

Though I do think deleting first and replaying from the get go is getting the most out of the game, considering how C/D recontextualizes so much of it.

Hitman 2016

It's babby first stealth action game filled to the absolute limit with handholding.
Oh you don't like handholding? You want to figure out the level by yourself? Ok then, turn off "advice mode" and wander around for 5-10 minutes looking for that reporter whose identity will let you infiltrate deeper. Oh you can't find that keycard or person of interest? I guess you won't be completing that "opportunity event" maybe after you beat the stage 6-7 times you'll know where that is.

Nothing in the level design is built around turning advice mode OFF. It's just like Skyrim, you can turn off fast travel but after 5 radiant quests that have you walking all the way across the map for a stolen dinner plate you are gonna be turning that shit right back on.

And yet it was the best option compared to the other games you had to choose from.

Honestly I feel like that about the entire franchise.

I just don't have the time for that shit.
I don't want to be able to enjoy a game unless I invest so much time in learning every detail of a level.

It was fun to just fuck around with trial&error as a kid with limited game availability but unlimited time, but its not working as an adult, however its also not fun to just do the bidding of some in-game voice like a retard following rudimentary orders either.

Some games and genres completely died on me like this, Hitman definitely included.

this and Overwatch.

Yeah this type of lazy shit to placate the more "hardcore" audience is often worse than nothing.

It's like bioshock infinite's 1999 mode or whatever it was called. The game was obviously not balanced around it so it became super tedious. I don't remember the details but I know I returned to standard "baby" mode pretty quickly. And then I stopped playing quickly after because I wasn't having fun.

>Horribly, artificially stretched resolution

Oh I have buyers remorse for days dude.

Agree on Overwatch. I think the game looks nice, and understand that some people really love it. I don't though, I can't seem to find the fun.

what the actual fuck


CS banged but didnt age well
NS2 bangs with friends
Alan Wake banged
SS2 banged but didnt age well
FTL bangs
Grimrock bangs but acquired taste (mine)

only thing that doesn't bang friend, is you



The Witcher 3

I'll never understand the people that couldn't like Automata.