Post yfw she starts limping

post yfw she starts limping





felt no remorse putting this beast down

>tfw no whirligig saw to ram into sif


are you one who consorts with beasts?




>tfw Sif smells Artorias on you and howls
>tfw all Sif wants is to keep Artorias' fate from befalling you



couldn't tell, ended this bitch's life quickly with two shots of dark bead. It was an only an a obstacle that I needed to yet again smash, Just adding another name to the already long list of deaths.

What game is this?


Sorry pooch, I need that ring.

Yeah I don't understand why people have problems with bosses in this game
>waaah Gwyn is so hard
>you can easily stagger him indefinitely by spamming Dark Bead
>don't even need all casts to kill him

It's America's Got Talent, mom...

These men understand

just lines of code bro

All dogs are male.
How can a beast be man's best friend if it doesn't even have the same gender as him?


>pat is dragging woolie into a DLC where his slow ass will get beasted on by artorias and especially kalameet
>just for a stupid split second cinematic change
>for a stupid dumb overrated doggo

didn't feel anything either

sif attacks you, she deserves to be put down

>sees you in the past
>sees you're perfectly capable of walking the Abyss and you didn't even need a Covenant like Artorias did
>sees you whooping Manus's monkey butt
>clearly recognises you years later
>goes BARK, TIME TO LEAVE THEM ALL BEHIND anyway because From Soft on the whole is a collection of lazy incompetents

but muh sickdark tragedy doggy so sad ;___;

Doing it should have allowed a way to spare sif.


where's his dick then?

Even barring the lack of dick, I just realized not a single description refers to Sif as male.

>It was an only an a obstacle that I needed to yet again smash, Just adding another name to the already long list of deaths.
So fucking edgy dude.
I think the third game is more your speed.

Sif it's a girl

Whatever, weakling.

But that means she never fugged Alvina. Ruins my headcanon.


*teleports behind you*

*slits your throat*

psh, nothin' personnel, kid

yes, girls are physically incapable of having sex with each other

It's not like Sif can put on a strap-on, or that they can scissor. C'mon, son.

You won't even get close to me because of my dark pursuers. Even if you roll into them you'll just be blasted my elegance that is dark bead. Face it, Katana master, you're stride is up.

That's not legal.

How did they fuck up the fur so much?


that's cinematic SPEED BLUR

I mean, I'm not a furry or a size fetishist, but it's silly to completely discount the possibility of lesbian sex when you already fantasize about a giant dog cock fucking a tiny cat and think that's fine



Nic b8 m8


Live by the sword, die by the sword.


there's a huge hole in your argument

the abyss in the present is ADVANCED DARKNESS

you will die in it without the covenant DLC completed or not


Man that wolf is fucking fat

I didn't pull a face because it's just a pretend giant wolf with a sword and I have a grip


>you start limping

>dog obliterates you


You need to delet this right now



*Laughter starts*


What's even more worrying is that likely someone past 20 years old drew this.


>By murdering you with a giant sword

dogs/wolves can hide their dicks, fucking retard

don't cut yourself there kiddo

>waaah Gwyn is so hard
>said no one ever

Sif's gender is unknown

You fucking people, when you enter a boss fight, you just leave the game and go to youtube to see which is the easiest way to kill him?

faggoty thread


It was a joke post playing off the fact that the edgy guy said he used Dark Bead
That said, I usually play a mage in RPGs but luckily was warned to not use one on my first playthrough of DS1. When I did a sorcerer playthrough I did fuck up Gwyn with infinite Dark Bead staggers though, not sure why you think you think you need to look it up on youtube to find out DB is hilariously OP against bosses

Projecting much?


>tfw never noticed because 2ez and beat the shit out of Sif from full hp to dead every time


People like you are the reason. We hexers look like fags.





Didn't really care
If it actually cared about living then it would have fled when it was near death. Kept attacking so Sif deserved it


sassy cade

Dark Souls

cute pupper

Heh, nothin personnel... Kid...

some fates are worse than death, gunslinger

I've never seen her limp because she dies in like a minute.

Even if I saw it I don't think I'd feel bad because of that ridiculous flailing death animation.

Woolie is going to first try artorias and pat is gonna be like "HFIRMMTMR"
Artorias isn't that difficult, especially if you have poise