Dragon Quest 11 controler

pass the controler bro.

They made literally the same thing for PS2


Yep. This is nothing new. Just a refresh.

I read that you can't actually play it on a regular DS4? Fucking Sony went too far to appease a third party this time.

looks more comfortable than Nintendo's Shitwitch desu.

Is it made of rubber?


I would unironically like that controller



Okay I take that back I thought it was just disk shaped .


this can't be true

And it gets posted every single controller bro thread, as though anyone still hasn't seen it or is still amused by it.

Is this the new Gamesphere pro controller?



is that steven universe on the right?

>import this to play DQVIII
>is actually awful for playing DQVIII
>new version seems to have all the same problems and more
There's no reason they couldn't make this thing work, I don't know why they haven't taken five minutes to think about it.

9.980 yen is the suggested price, that of course means it will cost more than that because it seems there is an unspoken rule in the market for controllers, they should always be expensive and their price must never drop.

That slime will surely cost around $120 without shipping and tax.

No, but it looks like the same shirt.

Well someone in japan actually liked that because Hori is quick to drop controllers and pads that didn't generate some buzz.

How do you even comfortably hold this.

This thing actually has bluetooth integrated like an official DS4.

Kind of weird because all of these third party controllers are always wired and their usual wireless option is some wi-fi usb dongle.

Looks sufficiently LGBT enough to be a SU character.

It's just a giant circle, the pointy slime part is purely cosmetic.

Technically it wouldn't be different from holding an original xbox pad.


Or a Sega Saturn 3D controller. Man those were great.

>not uniornically liking it even more

I actually wanted one at the time

>tfw I have one but lost the cable that connects it to a PS2