ITT: Games you wish had a sequal but probably won't


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Diablo 2


Honestly happy this won't get a sequal, Capcom would surely find a way to fuck it up.

>What's Dragon's Dogma Online

Is the one of the most overlooked gems in video game history?

DDO is a sequel?

doesnt count if we never get it man

Pic related.
It's one of my favorite PS1 game.
It's so underrated too.

Fuck square.
they abandoned so many good titles.
And couldn't even do FF15 right.

Sleeping Dogs.


Jericho 2

To be fair I wouldn't want modern Square Penix to defile a bygone classic. I mean, look at what they did with that shitty Parasite Eve PSP game, or that Brave Fencer Musashi sequel on the PS2. They no longer have even half the talent they did in their golden years, all they do now is milk Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts down to the very last drop, and they can't even do that right. I say leave well enough alone.

Why does fucking Knack get a sequel but Legend of Dragoon gets absolutely nothing for 17 years?

Not available to the general public.

Sleeping Dogs

It might happen

But there was a sequel user...

Wasn't that piece of shit set before the events of Sleeping Dogs? And what the fuck even happened to it? I played it a bit in the first closed alpha and it just played like a phone game with all that HQ building.

Vanquish ;_;


its been shut down. didn't even get out of beta
i think that video doesn't have commentary

>Brave Fencer Musashi sequel on the PS2.
Nothing wrong with the game, senpai.
it's perfectly fine.


And nothing of value was lost.

Blaze and Blade
Future Cop LAPD
Diablo 2
Warband (Bannerlord never ;_;)
C&C Generals


>overlooked gems
It was verily a lucky charm in the rough.
Don't really think it could even have a sequel, ending was concise enough. Can't imagine where you could even go for a game like this. Maybe Italy?

Possibly, it certainly didn't fucking help that most news about it was sidelined with PANDEMIC IS KILL news at the same time

I got it in a 2-for-1 pack that came with Syndicate, which was also criminally-overlooked because of the bloom whining (which can be disabled), it's a pretty aesthetic Wolfenstein TNO-esqe shooter with lots of fun ways to kill shit

Fuck you, Ubisoft. Just fuck you.


More like "game you wish they actually finished and didn't fuck up monumentally."

Such a good game. Why was this not bigger, regardless of 'pandemic etc.'

Don't want a sequel though. Nothing is ever left alone anymore to age well, and this is one of those games that should never be touched again.

Gonna have to reinstall this now, thanks Obama.

Almost 20 years later I still want it.

>criminally-overlooked because of the bloom whining
didn't it mostly have to do with the fact that the game was a first person shooter as opposed to something akin to the old strategic game by Pete Moly

Someday user, someday.

just another GTA clone

>15 minute DLC
>"uh, guys, we need to stretch this out!"
>"yeah, let's have the player redo shit for an hour"

Literally a backtracking simulator masquerading as de javu simulator masquerading as DLC that isn't a complete ripoff.

I hated the actual game and I'm glad they didn't sucker more goy bucks from me with the DLC.

Mercenaries and Red Faction Guerrilla both kick Saboteur's ass.

>inb4 nuBlizzard would rape it

Not him but personally I didn't mind that it was a FPS, I minded that it was a generic "rebels fight evil corporation" story. A Syndicate game should be about being that evil corporation, not fighting it.


Nah it had it's own unique charm to it


I wanna say God Hand, but Clover is gone forever.

>TFW they don't make good RPGs anymore

Its sad that Capcom has more or less declared this.
>Dragons Dogma wasnt a massively popular release
>make MMO, something that is only vaguely like the original game that people liked
>it doesnt attain a large playerbase, because its a fucking MMO that is Jap exclusive in a market convoluted with MMOs
>"I guess noone likes Dragons Dogma as a franchise, well develop the story through the MMO and stick with that."
DDO is a direct sequel in terms of story, there is no second game coming. Capcom have this thing where if something isnt a resounding success, they can it, immediately. Unless its Street Fighter, Resident Evil or Monster Hunter they dont care if it makes money, it has to be the next big hit, it cant just be a good game it has to be the best game and mark the guarantee of a future franchise for years to come. I wouldnt even mind the MMO, the gameplay is simplified but still kindof fun, but its Jap exclusive, and if an admin suspects you of being not Jap while playing youll find your account wiped.

You can at least read the BD for the story

oooh my head



This, it fucking hurts

Doubt the remaster will increase the odds, too much of a bad joke

LoD was pretty much the only JRPG they ever made period. While it was no masterpiece by any stretch, it was a solid game on its own and set the foundation for what could have been a potentially great series that will never happen. Meanwhile Sony will continue to funnel money towards talentless hacks like David Cage and Neil Cuckmann who churn out shitty pseudo-movies instead of actual good games.

Screw EA.

3 is enough, there was a fighting spinoff also right?

why did Mikami leave Platinum Games

this and binary domain

fuuuuuuuuuuuck that game was so good as well
ironically i liked it, its one of the most memorable parody games outside of duke nukem not the shit gearbox one

>one of the most innovative and overlooked gems of the last decade
>make a countdown hyping the shit out of everyone
>it's a fucking iOS port
>no plans for a sequel ever

Fuck Square Penix, they finally make a game that's actually great on its own merits and not just coasting off the nostalgia of a bankrupt legacy with marketing budgets twice that of the game itself, and they just throw it in the trash. All they're good at now is riding the Final Fantasy nostalgia train and milking Kingdom Hearts to the last drop.

To work with Suda51, his friend. Things didn't work out too well.

I wanted to replay this a couple months ago but the map bug ruined it.
Just found out now that it's fixed in the GOG release.
Thanks OP, for making me reinstall this great game.

FATE and Hellgate: London.

there needs to be another swat game

RTS as a genre is all but dead outside of select games, I dont see it doing well even if it was a good game. I want to see Blizz do something with Warcraft that isnt and MMO though, literally anything but an MMO, an action game, a fighting game, an arena shooter, MMOs are where ideas go to rot.

Still waiting.

Its never happening

don't forget Dawn of Dreams
it was good
I'd like an HD collection at least


>4 years ago

I'd also kill for a Tenchu Z 2

damn and i still cant get a good pc that will run this game without crashing, emulation doesnt work

Pretty please?

isn't Z the absolute low point of the series

Still waiting for a 3rd installment

the best we can hope for is Kojima's next IP to be mech-based

this is the only correct answer

fuck you ubisoft




that would be the first time I'd heard that honestly, I liked that game and whenever it gets mentioned on Sup Forums I never see much hate but also next to no love

holy shit this looks awful, they did a good thing canceling it.

I WANT to send Star Destroyers to crush rebel scum

I honestly think twewy is one of the most well crafted games ever made. That fact that Square would fruitlessly tease us with both the countdown and the "New7 Days" image is beyond cruel

>Select games, such as BLIZZARD RTS

I feel like there's actually a niche for a sequel to this in the market now. Maybe Saber can use the Quake Champions money and reputation gain to secure a deal for Timeshift 2 and make it a PC-first game with fast, skillful movement.

Who owns the brand "Timeshift" any way?

Eh, Saboteur had its problems.

Brink. The setting and concept deserve a second chance.

I want a new Swordcraft Story. The first three games are awesome and it would work great on a higher resolution handheld like the Vita.

Being a fan of a spin-off series is suffering.

Sleeping Dogs WAS the sequel which seemed like it was never going to happen.
Came to post this.


Sure it had.
It's a shame they could have fixed most of them and released some other DLCs they already had planned like pic related. But no, EA had to close them down and order for the game to be released at it was.


loved this game tf was that gay ass ending tho

Theyd be competing with themselves, why would they release another RTS when they have a successful one already and dominate the market.
>make successful shooter
>"lets make another shooter under a new IP that costs us money to make and support, and is actively competing with out already successful game"

The material was there for a good singleplayer game I feel, the lore and aesthetic was nice and the idea of the different areas of the ship with different aesthetics and troubles was great, but all pushed to the side, the flaw was that all there was to the game was arenas to fight AI, and sometimes players.

how do I play this on Windows 10. Please Respond.


A lot of Blizzard titles cannibalize each other. They don't care as long as you're in their ecosystem and they can sell you shit.

ATM they can't sell anything to Warcraft 3 fans.

I agree with those.

stubbs 2 would be awesome

There's always Brigador. Which also has the look and feel that would suit a modern Syndicate game

I know it's not the same as having a squad to manage though