>Trails of Holding Back coming to PC Is it going to be successful?
>The 3rd releases on PC on May 3rd, less than a month from now Surely you're all going to buy it, r-r-right? PCbros this is your time to shine. Are you going to play The 3rd when it comes out?
They'll port and translate all the Trails games because it's the only Falcom property they've got left.
Asher Ramirez
Anthony Richardson
I'll buy 3rd. But Coldsteel is shit.
Gavin Bennett
We might actually be in a timeline where Trails in the Sky, Trails in the Sky SC, Trails in the Sky The 3rd, Trails to Zero, Trails to Azure, Trails of Cold Steel, Trails of Cold Steel 2, and Trails of Cold Steel 3 all exist on PC in english.
That would be something else.
Carter Hernandez
>playing FC for the first time >like it so much that I bought SC as soon as I reached Grancel >mfw I can't wait to play it
the story is so good, it's like I'm playing PS1 jrpgs all over again
Blake Wilson
I'm going to marry Brittany!
Connor Davis
>buying anything X$EED
Julian Evans
>Trails of Cold Steel 3 don't fucking raise my hopes like that
Henry Evans
user, they wouldn't be porting games 1 and 2 if they didn't think porting 3 would be an option
Joseph Kelly
Christopher Gray
Can't wait for best girl.
Matthew Sanchez
Henry Baker
Day-and-date console and PC release of Cold Steel 3 is looking more likely. To me it seems XSEED's gone from doing SC for the fans to considering this franchise a keeper.
Isaiah Ortiz
Bull shit. Xseed (not falcom) is porting cold steel 1 & 2 to pc, but they can't port 3rd chapter to ps4 or vita (or both). Wow thanks xseed for shitting on your PlayStation fans or just those whom prefer their jrpgs on playstation systems.
FYI to those that may attack me for making this comment, but I have a gaming rig. I just personally prefer my jrpgs on my ps4 and vita.
Brody Ross
I am going to by it, yes. 3'rd, that is. Cold Steel the Hedgehog looks too unappealing to sequence break for. Maybe I'll get around to it in 2035 when Zero and Ao are translated so I can play them in the correct order.
Yeah yeah, I know 'you can play Cold Steel first without spoiling anything, the company trying to sell me games said so!', but you're a fool if you actually take their word on that.
>Towa Hershel, 21-year-old, used to work for an NGO but the political climate had her switch to instructor of Class IX. Hasn't grown. >Hasn't grown. Immortality confirmed? Ouroboros Grandmaster confirmed? Calvard when?
Christian Martinez
>literally copypasta from the stream upload
He hasn't been able to confirm those details since Dengeki still isn't out and 2ch isn't that reliable.
David Lopez
it's enough to hold us over for now
Anthony Torres
It's not like Towa is ever gonna grow anyway, she's Falcom's Peter Pan or something.
Julian Kelly
How the fuck they will not? of course it wont be day 1 release with PC but some time later, look at the senran games and other ones. Bet your ass any game XSeed has will be ported to PC later on, of course if you want to play them now get whatever console they are on.
Oliver Peterson
i'll buy it to support xseed but i probably won't get around to playing it until late in the year, i'm busy rn
Kayden Robinson
This article is, I think, relevant to the situation.
Some stuff it covers include the historical lack of a home PC for most Japanese, the difficulty of using Steam in Japanese, the contrast between the Western indie game scene and the Japanese doujin games, ports these days being made easier by the similarities in architecture between the PS4 and PC, and so on.
But overall it concludes that only recently have the conditions been right for Japan to wake up to the moneymaking potential of PC ports on Steam.
Ryder Jenkins
Yeah they are finally waking up since port is cheap and recover that is piss easy, even better since you can get a bigger cut from each sales because only digital. Example Koei releasing all their new games day 1 with PC.
Brandon Gutierrez
It helps that cold steel iii is made for PS4 and thus easier to port.
Jayden White
I feel Cold Steel will sell well, PCbros really need that Persona clone.
Kevin Carter
I'll buy 3rd but not CS since I own it on PS3 already.
CS will fucking bomb like SC did probably
Lincoln Moore
So Towa still has a chance to become the main heroine? She is totally the final boss you know.
Easton Gonzalez
I'm a super-jew who only buys game on sale but I made an exception for SC and I'm sure as hell going to make an exception for 3rd and CS
Dominic Parker
Rean is a super pervert teacher.
Hudson Walker
Please tell me there's a new map in 3rd and you don't walk the same roads, speack to the same NPCs and fight the same monsters for a third fucking game. I'm almost tempted to buy Harem Steel trash just because it's not set in fucking Liberl cul-de-sac.
Henry Sanders
from what I gather a significant portion of the game takes place in one large new dungeon
Jaxson Garcia
>there's a new map in 3rd a couple >and you don't walk the same roads you do >speack to the same NPCs nah, except for in some flashbacks >fight the same monsters pretty much, but that includes bosses too so 3rd has some of the best boss fights in the series, like 3 Ouroboros Enforcers at once
A lot of stuff from the past 2 games, like the dynamic NPCs, missable sidequests, etc. aren't even present at all due to the nature of the setting 3rd takes place in but it has really, really, really good combat and a bunch of minigames
Matthew Wood
>Hasn't grown
All these years later and still best girl.
Kevin Davis
>Are you going to play The 3rd when it comes out? Yes, Cold steel however doesn't appeal to me at all for some reason
Julian Collins
Xseed is based Off urself
Cameron Brown
This meme needs to die. Cold Steel's bonding events are at most a superficial similarity to Purseowner.
Evan Price
best girls
Alexander Wood
I played Trails in the Sky for a bit but it didn't seem very much different to other JRPGs. What makes it better?
Evan Russell
Yeah, but they're clearly in the game as an attempt to cash in on the Persona audience. They're essentially a watered down version of Social Links. Cold Steel's version just feels clunky and unfun is the issue.
Camden Morgan
>haven't played SC You're in for a ride my friend.
Wyatt Price
Attention to detail and surprisingly decent and consistent worldbuilding.
Robert Bennett
Story is pretty fun if you like twists. Cold steel 1 was retarded though 2s better. All the sky ones have beem great though.
Christian Gonzalez
Not gonna disagree with that. It's basically just a more limiting version of what was in SC where you walk around the airship talking to your party between chapters. But I've seen a lot of uninformed people say Cold Steel is just like Persona when the meat of each game is apples and oranges.
Joseph Bennett
It's niche and EOPs couldn't play the sequels for years, so they now feel like like hardcore games.
Brayden Cruz
Nothing. It's mediocre at best and riddled with cliches. The story is neither epic or original. Combat is a generic mess with arbitrary "bonuses". The entire sequel rehashes everything: maps, characters, even enemies. Only weebs who don't know better say otherwise. Save your time and money and stop playing now (I wish I had)
Henry Price
Jaxon Bailey
>riddled with cliches Nothing wrong with tropes as long as they're well executed. Which they are in Sora. >the story is neither epic nor original Fair enough on originality, can't say that bothers me too much 2bh since the cast was really great for me. But you clearly didn't finish them if you believe that the story wasn't/isn't epic. >Combat is a generic mess with arbitrary bonuses Kill yourself casual. Learn to manipulate the turn order like you were supposed to. >the entire sequel rehashed everything >maps Every single chapter had a new dungeon, literally nothing wrong with reusing the overwork >characters Literally what the fuck is wrong with having the same party for two games, especially when it's a two part story and not really a sequel? >enemies Guess every jrpg with more than one entry ever is shit then, huh? >only weebs who don't know better say otherwise Lol at this level of assmad.
Bentley Lee
Do you know who else hasn't aged either? Campanella, according to Joshua
Jackson Phillips
Attention to detail is what I'd heard, and I guess I hadn't played it enough to see it. Any examples? Twists are for plebs. So is originality. Homer and Shakespeare all copied their stories.
The story wasn't particularly interesting to me in the short time I played it though -- does it get better, or is it just not for me?
Daniel Ross
What are these games like?
Noah Wilson
that's exactly what i mean, user they're playing it up like it's a moeblob cutesy non-serious character trait but it's ACTUALLY heavy shit, which is something Falcom would do
And if not the Grandmaster she's at least an Anguis or something
Kayden Peterson
Pretty much every NPC in the game world has their own ongoing story. Talk to an NPC, do some story stuff, talk to them again and they'll say something new related to their last dialogue. And it'll happen to every NPC for nearly every major story event.
The worldbuilding is pretty extensive, focused on a "what if" where a pretty much middle ages society discovered a power source and got from medieval times to cars and the internet in the space of a few decades. They go into the implications of this a lot.
Lucas Wilson
First Chapter's not much for story. It's a bit of a coming of age story for protagonist Estelle as she travels the world with her brother. Most of the game is small-stakes and each chapter is sort of self-contained until the last couple. If you're here purely for interesting narrative you're gonna be disappointed.
Second Chapter is a direct sequel to FC and you can kind of boil the story down to usual JRPG fare, though it is a lot stronger in terms of writing than most of its contemporaries. You have to finish FC to play SC, though, so if a laid-back slow-burner with an emphasis on side stuff (NPC dialogue and sidequests) isn't for you, might as well forget about the series.
Daniel White
>low budget xSEED port >minimal voiced lines No thank you.
Josiah Gutierrez
They are typical JRPGs. There are no unusual mechanics.
Mason Brooks
Actually Cold Steel's PS3 and Vita versions had every single line that was dubbed in Jap dubbed into English. There was a large disparity between the amount of lines Rean had, as the player character, and the amount of lines anyone else who was voiced had, so to keep costs down, a large number of Rean's lines were not voiced in either release. For the PC release, XSEED got the English VA to dub those lines.
Gabriel Jones
FC ended with such an excruciating cliffhanger but I already had SC by then so it was okay. I still haven't played it past the prologue,
Caleb Walker
They literally straight up say in the announcement video that the PC port is adding VA where I was missing. No just for Rean, but for everyone. Look before you speak, retard.
Camden Howard
English speaking audiences had to wait 4 years for SC if they played the original PSP release.
William Kelly
Man I can't imagine what that felt like. When I beat FC I could barely wait an hour before I started SC.
Noah Evans
There is A LOT going on behind the scenes, and by a lot, even the people on your side are fucking shady and have a 7-step plan to foil the bad guy's 7-step plan.
Isaiah Carter
I'm not talking about Coldsteel. I'm talking about Estelle's games. I refuse to support them.
Connor Perez
4 year of blueball. Glad I picked it up after seeing ad for SC.
Matthew Wright
Oh, and I should add I'm not talking about the priest's game either, obviously.
Thomas Jenkins
>game is bad because no voice acting Good bait user. The ports are actually really good now by the way. They were originally PC games though so I guess you can't really call them ports.
Brody Miller
Grayson Foster
Don't remind me user
Elijah Kelly
It's easy to patch though.
Nolan Wood
I guess Alisa is too old to be the poster girl with Rean so now it's Altina instead.
Aiden Turner
She'll get to be the most recurring member of Class VII