Any good vampire games coming out in 2017?

Any good vampire games coming out in 2017?

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oh shit, did smug loli the doujin get a sequel?

There's that new game called Yupiel's Slave. It won't be getting translated though

Yes. Their relationship basically turned into Arararagi and Shinobu from Monogatari, except he's even more useless and she's even more dominant.

Yes but I'm sure some degenerate will complain about it being too "vanilla".
Don't tease me nigga.

Vampyr or something. No idea if it's good though.

got a sadpanda link?
I need it.

Vampires are the worst fictional creatures in any media. They're badly written, obnoxious and, more often than not, homosexuals.

maybe try looking first before you ask for a spoonfeed


user, these two girls have been major sex symbols for the last two decades or so.

this is Sup Forums and chances are the thread isn't going to last long so why the fuck would I care about spoonfeeding or not.


sadpanda doesn't have it translated

>only thing to go off is a fucking page number

When did this board become so full of insufferable faggots?

Been translated since last night. Sadpanda is slow to update sometimes.

Oh well, guess I'm a retard

I prefer the Shinobu Arararai relationship for general purposes, they're a fun duo and have good banter. Yupiel is better for porn, though.


yes it does. What the fuck OP posted it translated, there is a point where you people get overboard on how retarded you can be.


>being this retarded
>language, body type
I agree, why are you such a fucking faggot?

Thank you user.

Saving this one for tomorrow. It's gonna be a good day tomorrow.

Shush autismo, already admitted to my retardedness myself

>go to sadpanda and search vampire
WOW FIRST RESULT!!! it came out today dip shit,

Dude, if you are there then please fix your eye-raping fonts.I can't believe anyone alive has a vertical rgb monitor.

Smug levels like this shouldn't even be possible

But Shinobu isn't the dominant one in that relationship.

All touhous are raging lesbos.