You know, this is actually pretty fun.
You know, this is actually pretty fun
I didn't realize that the console port was 3D
I always thought it was a 2D turnbased shit based of screens of he DS.
How much of it is like Birth By Sleep I've been finishing that recently
Yes it is, most complaints comes from people that can't adapt to the different system
Also it has the best story
The GBA version is more fun.
>Best story
My was.
KH1 was great, but a retread with a few gay OCs a with nebulous motivations sprinkled on top is not good writing.
*My ass.
the original is actually on GBA not DS. it's an amazing game on the GBA with incredible 2d sprite work. the best on the system imo.
it even has cutscenes (heavily compressed but charming) using the PS2 engine.
and there is a full second quest once you beat the first one! amazing game.
it is nothing like birth by sleep. it's a card based action game. kind of hard to explain but you get a deck of cards that you can customise and you use the cards and combo them and shit to attack and use magic and heal and stuff. it's all real time. it's awesome. boss fights are wild.
There's a PS2 version?
You're wrong friendo
Was made together and bundled with II Final Mix, got an english release later but not in europe until 1.5HD
>Best graphics on the system.
Now hold on. CoM is one of only two KH games I enjoy and is probably in the top 10% of GBA games (more impressive than it sounds given the GBA only had ~800 games), but almost all of Sega and Capcom's output on the system matched it graphically and standout titles like Mario & Luigi utterly trounced it.
Please explain how six guys in black hoodies, only one of whom has decently explained motivations, and some recolor with poorly explained powers being tacked on top of a retread of an existing game makes for a good story. No, a second playthrough where you battle your inner large black man does not make it a good story.
If CoM didn't have rehashed worlds or was the first installment the reception would've been a lot better.
Sleight combos are sick as fuck. Strike Raid>Tornado>Freeze>Quake/Megaflare>JafarcardArs Arcanum x6> Lethal Framex7/Holy with Wizard or Marluxia > Elixir to reload and do it again.
Story was awesome too. Namine saying that anyone would choose real memories over fake ones with a strained smile because in effect Sora chose Kairi over her, broke my fuckin heart.
I played CoM first, and the writing was still a weak point. The Disney worlds feel more like an obligation (just like in KH2 and on, funny enough) than a logical progression of an adventure and the "plot" within each world reads like a tedious recap most of the time. Then all the new content is mostly meant to hype up KH2 and even the more important ones aren't given enough fleshing out. And on top of that all the rooms are cramped and uninteresting.
The SKELETON of the plot would make for a good original IP or even direct sequel, but the meat of it is garbage. And that's a damn shame because the game plays wonderfully.
>Strike Raid
Is that shit actually useful? Always preferred to use the elemental raids instead
>That feel when the Final Mixes RUINED Guard/Reverse Armor's color scheme.
I remember playing this on the GBA and giving up because I couldn't beat the (2nd?) Riku right. Game is fucking hard.
The PS2 version gives you way more room to breathe, consequentially making things piss easy.
Just have like four or five 0 cards in the back of your deck to shuffle to when you need to break their sleights and you'll do fine.
It has high value, quick and stuns unlike the elemental raids. Elemental is only better if the opponent has a weakness.
Yea the room progression wrecked any sense of momentum from either story or battle. It's implementation should've been better.
The worlds' stories were actually fine in my book. they were read as small children's stories with themes and messages at the end, though there is almost no subtlety in them.
Jack saying that fear is part of life and excitement, Ariel wanting to own up to her mistakes, Alice saying that forcing yourself to remember forgotten memories will end up making lies was a good way to foreshadow Sora's own story. They're pretty okay.
Their stories being tied with memories made them not as exhausting since they are related to each other at least.
I kinda liked the new colors desu
The purple was great, and it made him pop without contrasting too much with the background. It also didn't have the gaudy red and blue highlights to distract from the simple efficiency of the design.
It's like if Kurt Zisa suddenly became hot pink and cyan.
I just want tech points back.