2D VS 3D

Which is better in video games, Sup Forums?

This 8 is




We're done here. Thanks for coming folks.


I'm gonna sit and watch this thread progress.

kill yourself frogfucker

One literally has more dimensions meaning literally more things you can do for gameplay so I don't know dude what could possibly be the answer to this extremely obvious question.

Could it be 9?

looks like FF tactics


yeah but 2d is going to look better in the long run

I want a game like that with hub based system.

fpbp as always

hello 8
this is 9 speaking

outstanding fampai

Yeah but you can do less things with it before it starts to get overly complicated as a result of everything having to be 2D. The question wasn't "Which looks better?"

That is incorrect, this 7 is clearly superior.

damn son but check out this 7 tho

This 7 will shut you up now.

This one?

No, THIS one.

Very nice, but can you check this 9!




