How are you enjoying your Switch?
Still playing Zelda ? If so how many hours,shrines and seeds?
Mario Kart is just around the corner. Nintendo is back in a big way.
How are you enjoying your Switch?
Still playing Zelda ? If so how many hours,shrines and seeds?
Mario Kart is just around the corner. Nintendo is back in a big way.
>Buying Niggertendo after the Pii U debacle
LOL no thanks faggot
>TFW everywhere in town is SD out of Bomberman and Has Been Heroes
I just want physical copies of both.
I have about 80 hours in Zelda. Nowhere near complete anything besides the main quest.
I'm playing through Lego City undercover at the moment. I also preordered Disgaea 5.
Forgot to take out SD
Thanks for the input!
Should I wait to buy a switch? Is there any chance they might make a special edition or bundle with Mario kart like the woo u?
If anything, they'll be releasing a bundle by the time Splatoon 2 comes out, or close to Black Friday.
>they announce a price drop by Thanksgiving
>it's the 3DS all over again
>not owning a wii u
You missed out some good games
>only thing to look forward to is a port
>"Nintendo is back"
So the Switch really doesn't have any games
I see great potential for it due to stuff like the controller configurations and the actually strong rumble. Not a fan of the dock, though, since it's overpriced and locks down the system to a location. If the dock was like $20, I would have had some great times lately due to traveling around, but I've mostly just used portable mode.
Zelda is great, but I beat it before buying a Switch on my Wii U, so it's just something to play now that I beat Blaster Master. I'd like to get Bomberman if the price wasn't higher than $20, since I expect it to die hard once Nintendo pushes out Kart / ARMS / Splat2 over the summer.
Interested in getting something like Stardew Valley for my Switch, since it might be enjoyable if the price is right. Beyond that, the only games I must have will be Kart 8 / Splat2 / FE Warriors / Mario's Odd Hat, and MAYBE one of the new Sonics.
If you haven't bought it by now, you'll be safe to wait. They'll most likely bundle 12 Switch later this year due to how poorly it is selling, but the holiday season will usually bring B1G1 50% or B2G1 Free for games at places like Target, which means reduced Nintendo games.
Did they release the switch too early?
Never had; never will
Oh that thing that doesn't work well that fat obnoxious neck beards shit post here all day every day.
He at least you finally got the first bayonetta.
As far as the second. Never ever
I know it runs flawlessly at 12 billion fps. Master race :^)
Yeah target always does that. It's an alright deal if there's anything worth buying. But thanks I think I'll wait a few more months.
Is Lego City Undercover any good?
>people are so willing to justify their purchase of a console without games that they are willing to buy anything on it
It's selling gangbusters mate. They're holding lotteries in Japan to decide who gets the honour of buying one.
Nah, they released it at a golden time due to tax returns and having plenty of time now to work out the hardware kinks for the holiday season.
I now await for them to fuck it up Wii U style and have a massive update on Christmas morning that takes forever to update.
I heard it has some comedy in it, but no clue about gameplay. Seems overpriced for a Wii U launch title in 2017, though.
Maybe pirate the PC version or watch some videos on Youtube to see if its your thing or not?
>Nintendo is back in a big way
>Buying the only 4 games Nintendo was ever good at making over and over again
Why do you do this?
Haven't you played Mario Kart beofre?
Haven't you played Zelda before?
Haven't you played (insert Nintendo title here) before?
>being this literally triggered by a fucking image
It isn't a 10/10 masterpiece by any means, but I dig it.
The few complaints are valid, but overstated. The fps is low, but it doesn't detract from the game. The loaditimes are long, but infrequent.
That being said, it's a fun game with decent humor and writing. It's easy, but fun to play for an hour or so.
This is coming off as dismissive. I'd still recommend it if you are looking for something to scratch the open world itch, but if you grew tired of BotW. It plays like a kiddy GTA, which isn't a bad thing.
I liked how the day one update was done in seconds. Really hope they keep being as speedy as that so no one has to download GBs just to access basic features.
Mario kart having 2 weapons is casual as fuck. Its not even about racing anymore.
Also this . I haven't played the Wii U version, so I'm having fun with it. Look at some let's plays to see if it's your thing. I'd still recommend it though
There is a 100% chance they will do a bundle at some point.
I sat on the fence about preordering too long and just got the Wii U version of BotW, and I don't really have any regrets at this point.
I generally don't buy a new console until it has somewhere in the range of 3-5 personal must-have titles, so whatever.
>>Nintendos been shilling out by limiting supply
Wut does he mean by that
I imported Puyo Tetris. It's fun with all the fucking waiting I do on a daily basis.
I'm enjoying it a lot. I've already played through Zelda, Bomberman, and Disgaea 5, and now I'm working on LCU. Also gonna pick up MK8 soon.
There are definitely a few negatives though. Lack of online info, no virtual console, no cloud saving, etc is pretty disappointing.
Overall though, it's literally everything I hoped for in a console/handheld hybrid. I've probably played handheld mode 80% of the time because it's so convenient.
I'd give it an 8 out of 10. Bring in more apps, cloud saving, VC, and a more expensive library and it's a 9 or 9.5 easy.
>falling for the artificial scarcity to build hype for an awful console meme
I played the demo with cousins, shit was intense even though we were complete garbage at puyo puyo.
Did Mr.Shifty turn out to be good?
>good games
Like what, Hyrule Warriors? What a fucking joke.
Not out yet. Comes out Thursday.
It's out now?
>paying $40 for the Binding of Isaac
You can't make this shit up. I bet every company wished that their customers would slurp shit up, like Nintenbros do.
????? A guy i follow on Twitter was playing it yesterday.
All he said was "it's a fun hotline Miami without the blood and 80's filter"
Which is pretty obvious. I was hoping for a little more detail.
my switch is collecting dust after i finished zelda
iam never gonna get a console launch again! fck!
To be fair you're essentially getting two versions. Console/portable.
I bought BoI on Switch, but I regret it.
It sucks being a Nintendo cuck
And most (all?) the DLC. Whether the DLC is worth it is debatable, obviously.
I must admit, the MK8D preview is pretty impressive. Nintendo added a lot of new content.
Binding of Isaac Rebirth: $15
Afterbirth: $10
Afterbirth+: $10
Total on Steam: $35
Switch Version: $40
Holy shit, nintenbros are so desperate for games that they're playing fucking Lego gta.
Five dollars for a cartridge copy of the game ain't bad
Did you miss the part where he said he has 80 hours in zelda? Whens the last time you spend 80 hours on a game?
Got Zelda and Blaster Master zero. Preordered MK8D and i'm debating between getting shovel knight (haven't played it before, but i'm debating coughing up $25) and snipperclips to play with friends. Is shovel knight's 2p any good?
Holy shit, sonybros are hard up for (you)s they're attacking people who play games instead of just shitposting about them!
Taking a break from Zelda and Bomberman, waiting for Wonderboy III: The Dragon's Trap remake to come out in a weeks time
>literally playing Bomberman for the sake of justifying his purchase
>literally spend $40 on Bomberman
An initial $15 purchase and then buying any potential DLC half a year down the road is a much easier choice to make than putting down $40 right away. And for a roguelike of all things.
Haven't played 2p SK. I played the 3DS version. The main quest is well done. I'd recommend getting some copy of it.
Currently debating getting SK for the third time. I have it twice on the 3ds (physical and digital) and digital on the Wii U. $25 is expensive for me. I can afford it, but I can't justify it.
>An initial $15 purchase and then buying any potential DLC half a year down the road is a much easier choice to make
t.f2p developer
fuck off
>holy shit he bought a video game and then played it the absolute madman
Explain please, I must be dumb
that's a silly argument. you're silly.
What's wrong with BoI on the Switch?
Thinking of getting Graceful Explosion Machine but the reviews are mixed from what I've seen. Is it worth buying?
Nothing. It's a good adaptation of the game.
I just can't seem to get gud at it, so it seems like a waste of my money.