Why is this game so addicting? I've never gotten far in any MMO because I'd always get burnt out...

Why is this game so addicting? I've never gotten far in any MMO because I'd always get burnt out. Vindictus was the only other MMO I pushed forward in, yet I never even hit endgame. Yet it's been about 10 days and I've hit the level cap in FF14. It feels like any other MMO to me in terms of its subpar graphics, controls, animations, and story - so why can't I stop playing?

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The god tier soundtrack and boss fights, perhaps? What else does a game need anyway.

Because it's designed always feed you something to do, there is a "main story quest" every level (even though they are 90% filler) and daily bonuses straight out of a mobile game to keep you engaged in content. Not to mention every minor NPC task you accomplish is accompanied by the flourish of giant QUEST ACCEPTED graphics, map markers to follow and numbers to watch go up.

Hopefully when all this mobile game psychological manipulation shit wears off on you you will realize how shallow the gameplay is

I notice that there is an enormous abundance of quests to do. I've never had to grind enemies for EXP once. It's always been grinding quests. I've hardly even touched Levemetes. It's wild. But I love it so much. And other players are so nice

I just

t. doesn't raid

None of the treadmill stuff appeals to me and I never bother with any of it. It can all be safely ignored if you're willing and able to git gud.

did you reach the level 35 cap or end game?

I just hit Level 50. So neither? All my gear is like item level 150 junk I got off the market for cheap. I haven't done a raid yet or any dungeons that are particularly challenging. Yet aren't they the most appealing part of the game? I've no idea how I'm so into all the single-player trudging shit

You'll get bored of it.
Seriously, Doing 450+ fetch quests and a supbar story just to reach the expansion isn't fun.

once you've finished the main story that concludes the 1-50 story, you'll have LITERALLY 100 quests to do (103?) before you hit heavensward, the first expansion. Heavensward's levelling story has 60 quests, follow by another 85 to get yourself to where everyone is now; finished and waiting for Stormblood.

That is SOLELY main story quests.
I think you've done 125 quests where you are now



I don't have Heavensward though. Do I need it to level past 50? Or is that like a global patch sort of thing

It's pretty and has good music. MMOs are about atmosphere of some kind usually. So, those aspects probably appeal to you in this one.

Gotta buy Heavensward for lvl 60

Are you still gaining XP at 50? That will tell you if you can level still.

The last story line for 2 is long. Get ready mang.

is the story in xiv worth paying attention to ? i feel like paying attention to it will help with getting through it since it'll be like, well , experiencing a story

Idk but I've played WoW and I play Wildstar on the side of this and it's weird but those two always kind of felt like a mindless rush to nowhere whereas FFXIV feels focused to me.


Is FFXIV the girl in this relationship?

The raids/trials are the best part of the game, so do as many as you can. There's a lot of them at level 50, you don't need the expansion yet.

It can be hard to find groups for some of them these days though. Especially the best raid, the Binding Coil of Bahamut, which is too hard to just queue up in Duty Finder for but too old to get a group of randoms any other way except doing it unsynced (at level 60) which means all the bosses will die in seconds. You'll have to put in some work making contacts in the game to do that stuff.

The Crystal Tower raid series is another great piece of level 50 content though, and that one is still alive in Duty Finder, as long as you can put up with long queue times.

Basically, once the level 50 main story climax is over, just trek around every major location and grab as many dungeon/raid quests as you can. Then start your bucket list.

Also you wasted all your money if you bought ilvl 150 gear. The main story hands you everything you need and that gear is useless both at level 50 (because it gets synced down) and at level 60 (where it's too low) anyway.

The story is honestly the main reason I'm playing it right now. I re-sub every few months just to go through the story, because I find it enjoyable and I'm invested in it.

That said, the beginning is slow as fuck. It makes sense to some extent, you start off as a bum fuck nobody and you have to work your way up.

>other players are so nice

true I have enjoyed the dungeons and trials I've done so far, if not only for the fact that it's really actually giving me any sense of challenge and teamwork. they make me feel like I learnt my rotation for a reason. though a bit tricky playing through them sometimes given that i'm Aussie and I'm playing on a Japanese server. however shouldnt I get the expansion so I can keep gaining experience?

the gear was dirt cheap. I got it all for about 10000 Gil. people seemed to just be giving it away . it was the wootz set or something like that

>We're making SAM dps because balancing tanks is too hard
>t. Yoshi

Shit game. Cookie cutter design philosophies and zero meaningful character customization.

You can do as you want, but keep in mind if you level too much on level 50 content you may end up wasting a lot of exp from the HW main story, because you'll reach 60 before the end of it. So it's not like you gain a huge advantage by buying it right away.

FFXIV has a great soundtrack and very good atmosphere. I think people generally underestimate how much these two factor in getting you hooked into a game.

that's Wild , is there no way I can prevent exp loss like that ? level up another class to reach where I'm up to in the main quest so I've got two quotas of exp to meet ? or something

Get to endgame and become extremely bored until Stormblood drops.

For every bad things about the game as a whole, I love the lore still.


You didn't listen to anything Yoshi said did you? He said they made SAM DPS because that's what he was always going to be and was in previous games.

>there is an enormous abundance of quests to do
Enjoy Heavensward!