What went wrong?
What went wrong?
It's a mechanic that is too old, without anything original in it to counter that effect.
Plus, the devs changed a line for a tranny, that shows how much spine they have.
Nothing. It was fine, and only autistic spergtastic retards got mad about the joke changing. I'm looking forward to the sequel.
Backer NPCs
Too many trash mobs
Great game, though. Pledged for the sequel.
Your life, somewhere along the line
Nothing. It|s the best RPG since New Vegas.
Barbarians smarter than mages
I never got this complaint. Who the fuck cares what the names of the stats are? What, do you want them to nerf barbs just so that int isn't a good stat for them?
Also, every spellcasting class wants capped int.
>replace working system with retarded system that isn't intuitive at all
>waahhh why don't you guys like it we put in 10000 developer hours cobbling this trash together from other failed concepts and ideas
please donate another $200,000 to our kickstarter, otherwise we'll cut a basic feature out of the game, thanks. do this at least to the tune of 5 million dollars, and maybe we'll deliver a complete game, stupid goys.
more like fucking LOADING TIMES of Eternity
I didn't even have that much of a problem with the story, but the 2-minute+ loading screens everywhere made it groan-inducing just exploring towns
these types of games are all about class/character building but in this game its trash. story is also mediocre at best
>waaaahh why is it not just d&d again why do i gotta read and try to learn new stuff
You mean "intelligent", not "smarter". Intelligence has nothing to do with your knowledge or education, it's a set of genetically defined traits that govern memorization capacity and the capacity to think "on your feet". There is literally nothing wrong with a Barbarian exhibiting a form of cunning not unlike the Orks from WH40K or WHFB.
>replace working system
This is how you spot the retard. D&D system where you need to max out one stat and dump everything else apart from CON is trash and so are you.
>Generic setting
>Severely outdated combat system that only 40 year old nostalgia fags thinks is acceptable
>Each NPC has a fucking biography when you click them for no reason
FIERY WHORE man was the only likeable/memorable companion for me and the majority of the story was bland and unremarkable
however, the sequel already looks cooler than the first game and I'm looking forward to it
>complain about need to max out one stat and dump everything else
>make system that is supposed to avoid this
>samething happens, except you dump in intelligence as a barbarian, and other retarded shit.
wow, how innovative, really revolutionized the crpg genre by flipping around the names and making everything almost entirely useless.
d&d is such a trash system cause it's old, like anything new is obviously superior, nothing to do with merit and the finesse of the system at all.
D&D faggot detected.
I can't wait for you to complain about the setting.
>waaah why isn't it forgotten realms!!!!!!!?????
>>samething happens
Wrong, your opinion is trash, because you haven't even played the game. PoE system is already better than any iteration of D&D up to 3.5e simply because the game gives you incentive to distribute your statpoints among more than just two stats. The rest of your verbal diarrhea can be safely disregarded.
which portrait did you use?
Not much outside of backer NPCs, somewhat weak plot and too many trash-tier enemies for a game with limited xp.
It's a solid game that simply wasn't all that ambitious beyond wanting to be a slightly more modern IE style RPG.
guess you never heard of a paladin or any of the other classes that use more than three stats. if only you used the same metric to judge D&D, instead of giving PoE a pussy pass for being new.
does anyone actually remember a single thing from the setting? i don't. but at least it isn't forgotten realms, right, that would have been far, far worse.
One of the moon godlike. he looked like a real faggola.
fiery whore? I really didn't like pallegina
Muh atheism
If they deliver what they're saying about PoE2, then it'll end up
this one nyah
>guess you never heard of a paladin
I did and the rule still applies to it and EVERY other fucking class in the game. You don't build a paladin by spreading your stats thin, because your character will be dogshit. You set your Str to 16, Con to 16, then reduce every other stat as low as possible apart from Wis and Cha and THEN you distribute the meager remainder of your stats between Wis and Cha, depending on what abilities you want to use more. You NEVER focus more than on 2 stats with ANY character ever, you fucking shitstain.
The major difference between D&D and PoE here is that dumping all of your non-primary stats has an impact on your character's combat efficiency regardless of your class, while you can dump certain stats with certain classes in D&D with zero fear of gimping yourself.
>he doesn't play 2.5e
no wonder you hate D&D
Nothing. I bought it a few days ago, 10 hours in and loving it, best RPG I have played in a while.
>I really didn't like pallegina
Spotted the low test shitter with shit taste.
>does anyone actually remember a single thing from the setting? i don't. but at least it isn't forgotten realms, right, that would have been far, far worse.
lmao, I literally called it in the post you're replying to. You really are a D&D faggot. Shoo, shoo.
Uninteresting npc, they were all terribly written.
Awful plot and progression, 90% of the game was ripped from various other rpg titles and it really ruins any sense of immersion. There's a ton of text but it's all trash, the game could have been okay if they just had some decent writers.
The supporter npc's are all bad and they are all over the place, one of the worst ideas they implemented.
The combat is not good enough to make up for any of the above.
Backer NPCs, incredibly shit encounter design, almost complete lack of choice and consequence with PICK AN ENDING buttons, companions that don't care about anything you do and are less reactive than fucking un-modded Baldur's Gate 1, garbage stronghold even after the patches that added hot new content which barely even makes it a mobile game.
That's all that immediately comes to mind at least, been a year since I played.
Terrible boring story filled with terrible special snowflake npc's.
Forget any other complaints, this is a crpg and story could forgive any other issues, just look at planescape or fallout.
Tyranny was good.
>Tyranny was good.
Kinda surprised they couldn't deliver on encounter design and companion reactivity, pre-release I thought it was a sure thing poe would excel at.
I bet you're one of the typical Sup Forums posters who never played it enough to find out that the social justice complaints were not true.
Tyranny had two of the best villains we've seen in a while.
Actually, I don't visit Sup Forums and I just thought Tyranny was trash. Who are the two great villains? Kyros is just a presence, Tunon has a neat concept but ends up being poorly executed, Voices of Nerat and the Shadow man are really cringey and Graven Ashe is boring.
Pillars of Eternity was much better on every single department.
>Mages need high strenght
>Barbarians need hight int
This is the only problem i have with the game.
I wasn't too surprised about encounters because it's Obsidian, but by that same token I figured the reactivity and C&C would've been higher. For all my bitching there it's still a tolerable game after all the patching but it still riles me up to think about it.
I think the thing that pisses me off the most about PoE as it currently is is how the DLC is implemented. In the middle of your supposedly important quest to find a wizard to stop your brain exploding you suddenly decide to go on a winter vacation, and then to top it off the winter vacation raises the level cap but doesn't change the already existing content unless you click the "Level scale enemies but don't level scale their rewards because we don't want you to have too much fun" button.
I realize they were probably going for some Tales of the Sword Coast like shit with it, but even that was more on the high end. It was less a case of doing it in the middle and fucking up the rest of the game, it was more doing it near the end and then slapping Irenicus' shit.
How does this game have long loading times? Is this common or are you just playing on a toaster?
>Pillars of Eternity was much better on every single department.
I could understand debate on some things, but magic system and story are universally praised over PoE. You're seriously going to tell me you like reading the shit loads of special snow flake backer bullshit?
Kyros I liked as just a presence you never saw, that was an oldschool touch.
If you think Graven Ashe is boring you're underaged and don't get the pull of military camaraderie.
Voices of Nerat was fun and well voiced.
To be fair I also think Tyranny is trash. Impossible to fail any skill checks, can't remain loyal to Kyros, a lot of completely fucking retarded dialog options given your character's mandatory background of Judge training and indoctrination. Not to mention some railroaded retarded moments like stealing the magical library book that has the knowledge of all books in it, and then you're confronted by someone who you already know can instantly absorb knowledge by touching books and she asks to hold it and your only option is DON'T SEE WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS, SURE. This is without even going into the murky waters of Wicked-Sense-Of-Humor or Pff Nothin Personnel.
Not him but they're pretty bad even with an ssd.
>If you think Graven Ashe is boring you're underaged and don't get the pull of military camaraderie.
Not him but this is a really, really bad argument.
I don't thindk Graven Ashe was particularly bad but at no point did it feel like he stood out as being a interesting or subtle character. And "military camaraderie" isn't particularly hard to get, it's one of the more shallow tools for establishing relationships in a fantasy setting.
Calling some underage because they
>don't get the pull of military camaraderie
just makes you sound like a bit of an idiot.
Tales of the Sword Coast actually makes sense for most of the game, since in BG1 there isn't really a sense of urgency until the final two or so chapters, by which time you'll probably finish the expansion anyway. BG1's story was kind of brilliant about this, it pretty much just tells you that you are on your own, now survive, find your place in the world as an adventurer. The story basically assumes that a fairly long time passes between the beginning and the end of the game, so it makes perfect sense that during that time you might end up exploring an abandoned tower, or take a vacation on a werewolf island.
Meanwhile PoE constantly tries to push how urgent the situation is, and the whole story feels like it should be happening in a matter of at most couple of weeks. And while the second part of the DLC manages to give you a decent enough reason to deal with the problem, the first part goes full retard with the "Eh, I guess I have nothing better to do than to help some struggling mining shithole not go out of business."
>Voices of Nerat was fun and well voiced.
I hate you
Voices of Nerat was a really bad joker wannabe.
Should've made the game turn based and worked around that.
>Plus, the devs changed a line for a tranny, that shows how much spine they have.
No, they didn't you fucking retard. The backer changed the line to make fun of the tranny.
That's also wrong.
Some fuckers started bitching to Obsidian on twitter. In response Obsidian went
>Oh noes, we are so sorry, we try to make sure not to write anything offensive, this must have somehow slipped under our radar, we'll of course do something about it asap
This was their promise, and they probably would have cut that poem even without the backer's consent. But the backer wanted to avoid a controversy, so he gave his consent anyway. But the joke was not about trannies (nor was the original, by the way), the new poem reads
>some retards complained, so this poem is now censored
It was about trannies. It was a tombstone about a guy who killed himself after realizing he slept with a tranny prostitute.
>This was their promise
No it wasn't, they specifically said that they only removed it because the backer told them too.
6/10 made me reply though
Nah, it was a poem about a guy who liked to get wasted and have drunk sex, until he once woke up next to a guy. It never said anything about trannies, only that he was so fucking drunk he accidentally didn't realize he fucked a guy until he sobered up.
I think they fixed them since i havent noticed long loading times anymore. I think they were just caused by some maps having too much crap. Like talked dialogue and other stuff.
way too many trash mobs, lame companions and companion quests, too much verbose in the writing, poor third/final act, managing/upgrading caed nua was a pain that didn't offer worthwile benefits. other than that it was great
>We must defend Obsidian at all costs, even if they go SJW or do something stupid
>Just cling to the lies when all else fails
No, Sawyer instantly said that he'll have Obsidian look into it. They contacted the backer telling him that his poem was causing a riot, and the guy was nice enough to go along with having it removed. It wasn't him that went to Obsidian asking them to remove it, Obsidian fucking reached out to him because they were freaking out.
It would have been very interesting to see what would have happened if he just told them to fuck off. Shame that it didn't happen.
>It would have been very interesting to see what would have happened if he just told them to fuck off
Massive social media shitstorm for retarded liberals with nothing better to do to pile into and a PR nightmare for Obsidian. Honestly I think Sawyer handled it well - quickly deal the problem and make a tongue in cheek reference to it in game where the triggered SJWs will probably never read it.
Plus, they added a bounty to make fun of it
On the contrary, I think Obsidian handled it terribly. It was just some snowflakes crying on a platform so fast you blink and you miss it. The only reason journalist even picked up the story is because Obsidian responded to it. It's hard not to report on a studio putting out an official statement.
Had they ignored it completely, not dismissing it, or arguing with it, but simply not responding to it at all, most people probably wouldn't even know there was a controversy. They fucked up when they went along with the suggestion that this was somehow a big deal that needed to be resolved.
Fuck RPGCodex
>coolest human portrait is a black dude
Literally had to BLACKED my character.
The Alternative stat system was fucking retarded and made less sense than D&D.
>STILL hung up on the fucking names
Just rename Might to Power, and Intellect to Force or something, who gives a fuck.
I don't understand Obsidian. They had the ability to do an new, interesting setting. Yet instead they made notD&D.
They spent all their time on this boring shit instead of Tyranny.
It's not just a name though, that's clearly not how the game thinks about it. Might skill checks deal with "grab him by the throat" style physical strength.
Well, when did they ever create a new, interesting setting? I don't think they even have it in them.
Tyranny is more boring and has no depth whatsoever.
Very little. I liked the plot even though it takes much to long to get going. The gods are really important to the plot, but don't get introduced as an active part of the setting until very late, the game only mentioning Eothas.
The White March is even better, intrigue between the gods being a very interesting angle to take. Zahua, despite his lolwacky introduction, has one of the best questlines I've ever seen. Wish they'd do more with building up Stalwart though, just like with Caed Nua.
wtf i hate tyranny now
I guess that's just how it works in the magical fantasy definitely-not-reality setting.