I'm fucking BORED

I'm fucking BORED

What's a good multiplayer FPS on PC that isn't dead or full of kids?

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I want to have sex. I'm tired of being a virgin




I fell for the 3D is all PD meme from Sup Forums. I have been fapping to 3D more lately not even loli and 2D can compete with them anymore.


dat good bich i fak dat bich


CS:GO when you're DMG or higher. Best would be to play on CEVO or faceit.
It's sad to say but it's the only relevant multiplayer FPS on the market.


The unreleased ones.

Huh ... so 2B's body WAS realistic after all :o

I have had sex before. Its pretty good.

Video games are designed for kids, especially shooters, so good luck find any

Was 2B a hispanic girl? No? Then it wasnt...

Tell me more.

What do you want me to tell

She's an android, she has no race user.

That lady is so hot she might aswell be a honorary white.


Your sex life.

prepare your anus OP

Don't drink coffee before you fuck.
The chick should be just as into it just as much as you are.
It's okay if you don't last long at your first time.

Non existent.

You're going to have to lower your standards very low to achieve that.

Go fuck an insecure whale. Seriously. It's not hard.

You said you had sex before.

Once you do, be careful not to fall in love.

>Don't drink coffee before you fuck.


Siege, battlefield 1, Titanfall 2, or overwatch.

Siege is full of kids but it's also one of the most fresh FPS games on the market right now.

Jk lol

That's bullshit, I've had multiple games with kids on mic/fucking around

>isn't full of kids

>isnt full of kids

>Don't drink coffee before you fuck.

is that an american thing?

fuk u

>multiplayer FPS

fuck off, normie.

What if I last too long? That's what happened. I fapped so much during my life that I didn't came in about 20 minutes and got bored. Vagina is shit compared to a tight arm. Then we had a fight because she didn't believe me that I was a virgin

>It's okay if you don't last long at your first time.

Lets be honest, the problem is not going to be finishing fast but keeping it hard and actually finishing or even passing out .

Not me

Anyways. It is pretty good. I have a girlfriend so I get it pretty regularly.

Staying in casual keeps most of the super toxic players away. Or when someone does go full tilt they generally get called out on their bullshit because it is casual so who cares?

>virgin detected

Maybe because you will have to shit? Idk...

Im a 25 years old virgin.

Elite Dangerous

... through your cumhole?

Day of Infamy just came out I think. Looks promising

Siege seems like one of those games where you need to rely on your teammates to have fun.
Does playing with retards absolutely ruin your match, or can you still preform well on your own even if the rest of the team is losing?

>Pro gamer
>/fit/ as fuck
>fucks weather meme girl

Is he /our guy/?


What? No. It would just be a mood killer to have to stop mid fuck so you can go shit

You'll get too tense, and if it's your first time it'll be awkward as fuck.

Shouldn't you be sorta proud of that? Either you need to chill down on your fap sessions, or her pussy was too loose.
I'm starting to last very long too, sometimes upto 70 mins. My dick hurts like crazy so I pretend to cum and just jack off in the toilet.

Yeah, that's sorta why you shouldn't really drink coffee. It's either cumming too fast or keeping your dick hard (usually sorta the case)

go easy on the death grip

lube up every time you wank and do it gently

you will regain your sensitivity and vaginas will feel great, so wet and warm :)