Do you actually take Sup Forums's opinions on games seriously, at all...

Do you actually take Sup Forums's opinions on games seriously, at all? It feels like there's no real discussion besides just shouting buzzwords and memes constantly, or just hating everything new.

Do you use Sup Forums exclusively for gaming news/reviews, or do you use any other more 'reliable' sources?

I still honestly only browse Sup Forums for joke threads and funnies

i'd rather deal with constant hate and backlash than a circlejerk. you'll see some praise and some hate, compare the two and draw your own conclusion from it.

>I still honestly only browse Sup Forums for joke threads and funnies
Have you spotted the problem? And you're a part of it. It's your fault for making faggy threads and keeping them alive. But it's a good thing too. Those contain faggots like you

Yes you can still find wothwhile opinions and arguments here, you just have to sift through more shit than before. Obviously the more popular a game is the worse the shitposting.

As much as we complain how bad Sup Forums is everywhere else is worse unless you happen to conform to the hugbox opinions of different sites.

This as well. Way to be part of the problem OP you fucking idiot.

No, I don't take them seriously at all. That's not to say level headed people with decent opinions don't crop up on this board now and again.

I'm just worn out with all the bandwagon shitting. With Sup Forums it's either some game is 'fucking 10/10' or 'irredeemable shit' and anyone in between is a 'paid shill'

No critical complex discussion, just dumb, easy answers for everything.

Only if they make good points. People who claim something to be shit without telling why or because they're reaching aren't worth it to have their opinion taken seriously.

there are decent threads on Sup Forums sometimes, just gotta know where to look

and Sup Forums has introduced me to some great games I wouldn't have played otherwise, so there's that at least

If Sup Forums likes a game, I'll check it out.
If Sup Forums hates a game, I'll be wary of it.

Off the top of my head I was lead to EYE, Nier Automata, Dragon's Dogma, and D44M because of Sup Forums.

I'll play what I want regardless. "Fuck you I liked it" etc. etc.

4AM threads are the best time to do that, all the children are alseep, the board isn't as fast, and there's actual discussion

Only an underage fuck would take this place seriously. Any sane human bean just comes here to take a dump on these no life permavirgin walking failures and watch as they proceed to kill each other. I literally only come here to shitpost when I'm bored out of my fucking mind and have nothing better to do, which I do by constantly switching sides and baiting the ever living fuck out of the "opposition" and watch as the manipulated apes fall for it 100% of the time like monkeys dancing to my entertainment. It's hilarious when you say small thing and suddenly autists arrive with their 2000 characters post of sheer anal devastation.

This place has been consistently wrong about most things since the longest time. I can't even remember the last time Sup Forums was actually relevant but it sure as fuck is lost somewhere before the tortanic days. So yeah, this board is a glorified comic relief at best and anyone taking it even remotely seriously should legitimately kill themselves. Just like you said, the discussion here amounts to just attaching generic adjectives next to a game's name without any actual depth whatsoever. When I want to actually discuss games, which I rarely see the need to since I have very thoroughly defined tastes, I go to /vg/. That's it.

The vast majority of everything is just thoughtless noise though. People say they don't want a circlejerk which is understandable, but that makes it sound what is happening here is meaningful discourse. Which is rare.

No, not unless I get in a long form conversation with someone in a thread.

>Do you actually take Sup Forums's opinions on games seriously, at all?

Not really, no.

>I literally only come here to shitpost when I'm bored out of my fucking mind and have nothing better to do
You're the reason Sup Forums is so shitty in the first place.

>I still honestly only browse Sup Forums for joke threads and funnies
then you are doing it right, honestly why would you want "serious" discussing of vidya? neogaf is that and look how fucking cancer it is

I dont base my opinions on what people say here. But I do take them into consideration, definitely more so that a game reveiwer comment section.

I think it comes with time know which threads to avoid

Sometimes a couples good posters near the beginning came turn a thread good as well

There's good discussion to be found here, but you have to sift through a lot of bullshit and coax it out of people sometimes. Ignore people who just throw out their hot opinion with no supporting evidence, and when somebody seems willing to actually discuss the video game, mix questions into your replies to entice them to continue.

Lmao bro Sup Forums IS a circlejerk, just one where people jerk off over being negative towards videogames instead of possitive. This place and its posters haven't had real, non-community influenced discussion since 2011.

Sup Forums was never good. This board is nothing but a dumpster from other boards, it's literal Sup Forums 2.0 and you're championing it. The only chance for it being good was if the bar was set higher, but it will never be.

I bet you're the kind of fag that I so easily manipulate by baiting you into console wars so you can champion whatever plastic box your zero personality revolves around.

There hasn't been a good thread on Sup Forums in an extremely long time.

That's sad.

>Sup Forums was never good. This board is nothing but a dumpster from other boards, it's literal Sup Forums 2.0


This board never even had a chance to be good in the first place because its very reason to exist is a pretty garbage one. I mean, seriously, video games? What are you even going to discuss when the hobby has been in and on itself hot disposable trash for a decade now? Just play whatever shit you want to play and go discuss something that actually has any merit whatsoever of being discussed instead of wasting your time talking about the equivalent of virtual toys aimed at children.