How on earth do I beat this team?
I've felt like every battle has been somewhat fair and possible until now, this is just not fun. I manage to slice Ornstein a few times with my Quelaag's Furysword and by the time he's down only 1/4th of his health I've already used about 1/3rd of my estus flasks. Then they combo me and I'm dead. I hate this fucking boss.
Ornstein's armor is pretty cool though.
Ornstein and Smough
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what are you playing on?
if the answer is pc then i advice you to download DSCFix so you can coop this shit:
If you want to do it solo then the best things i could tell you are to use fire based weapon or the occult club if you've found it cause its pretty effective against ornstein due to the fact of him having low resistance to occult damage same should work with smough i think
Kite them around the room. Focus more on landing hits on Orienstein as stage 2 will be easier if you kill him first. Also try summoning if you have humanities to burn.
Git gud
dance around the pillars and only attack when you see the both of them clearly not preparing to attack
If you want Ornstetin's armor kill Smough first.
If you want Smoug's klll armor kill Ornsetin first.
Use the pillars in the room and the i -frames that, fast to medium, rolls give you .
This boss can show if you're a retard or not. Just run around the room, you'll notice that Smough is always far behind. It's not a 2v1, it's a 1v1 followed by a 1v1. Forget about Smough, just dodge Ornstein's charge and hit him, bosses in DaS have very little health and have very slow attacks.
bigfat has a habit of getting spooked away if you roll into him as he's finishing an attack
that's my go-to trick to separating them
Smough uses some weird sprint move whenever I manage to separate them. It usually goes that I get them separated, sprint towards Ornstein and manage to get two hits on him, then I try to run away but Smough is already right there and slams me with his hammer. He's almost never far behind.
I beat em first try and i'm a 47 year old faggot
Git gud scrub nubs
So where is Smough's face?
2h the lightning spear you got in sen's and you can take out smough before he can attack twice. Then solo ornstein and use his soul to turn your spear into something good.
>playing video games
Why don't you just do society a favor and kill yourself?
Some of us have jobs and families while also enjoying video games. Just because you're a burnout leeching off mommy doesn't mean that's true for everyone here.
>Catch ornstein
>Get two hits
>Smough catches up
>I try to run but it's too late and he hits me
So start withdrawing after the first hit you knucklehead
yeah they each use like 4 different attacks just memorize them
ffs its a boss fight
don't get between them
that's it
>Some of us
Yeah. And you're not one of them
>Not using trainer for infinite health and souls
I played Dark Souls 1 on ps3 and got platinum trophy (every achievement), but I haven't owned a ps3 in like 2 or 3 years so my thoughts are sort of vague.
Don't use lock-on. Try to keep both O&S in your field of view at all times. You should try to kill Ornstein first, as when you are fighting both of them, Smough is easier to kite/ignore. Beyond that, git gud.
Use the pillars for relief and make sure you watch for Ornstein's weird flying around the room attack. If you just do those two things it's hard to get hit randomly.
Then just attack whichever one you want to kill first during the generous openings they leave.
Fucking beat him with the help of Solaire, he kept Smough busy before dying so I could kill Ornstein. I love this game, I love this boss fight. I love Solaire.
Try tongue but hole.
63 year old here. Go fuck yourself, sonny.
Don't use lock on. Try to keto them both in view at all times. Only focus on hitting and killing 1 of them. I recommend Ornstein first.
Why would you recommend this when Wulf's Connectivity Mod (DSCM) is infinitely better?
Pic related
Use the pillars to stop Smough. When he starts to go around it, run for the next pillar while always looking at Ornstein since he has that lunge attack that pretty much closes any gap.
It's only surprising that someone that age would tolerate the underage faggots like you on Sup Forums
Last time i did this i was using a morningstar or some hammer, its a pretty slow fight since you have to kite them aroud trying to keep smough stick behind a pillar while fucking ornstein stops fucking around getting close to you, if you dont do that they will most of the time reach you both at the same time and be cancerous retards, i dont really understand why this fight is being praised, its slow as fuck and just shows how flawed the combat in the game is with them attacking through eachother
84 year old here. Isn't past your bedtime, whippersnapper?