>never played an FPS in my entire life
>friend buys me pic related
>I find using kb+m to play a game weird as fuck but just roll with it, get used to the controls
>it's actually fun as fuck
Holy shit, what else did I miss? Recommend me some good FPS games, doesn't really have to be old school
Never played an FPS in my entire life
>I find using kb+m to play a game weird as fuck but just roll with it, get used to the controls
Come on user, I played on consoles all my life and only recently got into PC gaymen. Take it easy
How old are you?
pls no bully
It's too late for you, forget about pc, gb2console.
Fear is such a good game and it did a lot of technology that has since been thrown away that its hard to suggest other FPS games that would live up to it. Most anything I can think of would be a step down.
My favorite thing to do in this game is using dual pistols only and jump kicking everyone in slo-mo.
I couldnt complete fear cause it was too spooky for me
Half-Life 2 & episodes, Far Cry
Anyway, some first person games I'd suggest would be Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and the Condemned games.
Outside of fps, definitely try out the Max Payne games, starting with the first (consider adding Kung Fu mod 3.0 for flavor)
>>never played an FPS in my entire life
how does one go about achieving that??
Go play the original Dooms (1-2), Duke 3D, BLOOD, Half-Life series in whole, Far Cry 1, STALKER trilogy, Crysis, Underhell: Chapter 1, and maybe Killing Floor & Sanctum 2 if yer into online co-op.
Yeah, FEAR's pretty good. I'm not an fps buff, but I also enjoyed Rage almost as much.
Play Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate afterwards. PM isn't as good but it gets more shit than it deserves.
Don't touch FEAR 2 or 3, whatever you do.
Don't play Stalker. Don't listen to idiots who hype it.
now who is the idiot here?
you fucked up, fps games peaked with Fear. It's only downhill from here
don't play stalker if you actually like first person shooters, the shooting itself in the game feels like absolute shit, only good thing the game got going for it is the atmosphere
The shooting is fucking fine, especially compared to modern CoD shit. Actual bullet physics, ammo types, etc. Landing a headshot insta-kill from several hundred meters, using irons, is fucking satisfying.
Learn to low-crouch, use single-shot firing mode, and AIM with guns.
You forgot the original Shadow Warrior, that shit is cash. and Quake 1.
Wait, Rage was good? I never looked into it because the word of mouth was so bad.
Different user here, I enjoyed the actual on foot combat in rage, but that was a tasty peanut in a turd of a game.
Serious Sam with VR, Timesplitters, CoD 1 and 2, STALKER.
reminder that these posters were 1 year old when stalker came out and can legally post here because there is no justice in the world
by "shooting feels like shit" he means "i am an emasculated britfag who has never shot a gun and guns should make a big BOOM noise and have no recoil otherwise it's bad because i am a gun expert having never even been within 100 miles of a firearm"
Do you realize console shooters have been popular for at least two decades now? Goldeneye is 20 years old and Halo CE is 16, it's extremely common now to find someone over 18 who has never played an FPS with a mouse.
I just prefer shooting games where the outcome of a shootout is dependent on my skill, not dice rolling
>Landing a headshot insta-kill from several hundred meters, using irons, is fucking satisfying.
also random because of the way the "devs" programmed the game
It's not for everyone but if you want something that's really different from the kind of FPS you can find on console: try S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
Don't listen to those telling you no to play it, you're on the machine that has the better games now so play the better ones.
Also for the most recent and still good ones:
Wolfenstein: The New Order
DOOM 2016
Shadow Warrior 2013
You need to play the classics like Doom and Quake though.
And look at Quake Champions too, it could be the next big thing for multiplayer FPS.
But fuck man you missed so many things by staying on consoles that long, most of the best games of all time, I don't know if it's possible to catch up. Deus Ex, VtM:B, so many games.
This was better than it had any right to be
>Fps thread
>not one mention of soldier of fortune
The game lacks story and music.
Everything else is great.
doom, duke, shadow warrior, blood, far cry, cod, battlefield, medal of honor, zombeer, xiii, kingpin, homefront, hard reset, syndicate, singularity, stalker, crysis, cryostasis, condemned, call of juarez, jericho, undying, nosferatu, postal, portal, painkiller, counter strike, e.y.e., necrovision, brothers in arms, receiver rc7, alien rage, alien vs predator, alien isolation, payday, wolfenstein, vampire the masquerade, thief, system shock, superhot, serious sam, rage, rainbow six, rambo, enemy front, bulltstrom, borderlands, blue estate... just to name a couple