ITT: Post shit you didn't fall for

ITT: Post shit you didn't fall for

>Every Ubisoft game after Blackflag
>All kickstarters

Other urls found in this thread:

Didn't fall for this thread with my sage



here, negated your sage with a bump :^)

Western AAA games

black flag is shit.

its still an assasins creed game. the pirate shit doesnt make up for it.

Not only do I fall for it, I seek it. That said, I still haven't purchased Overwatch for several reasons (early access for streamers/sabotaging Battleborn's launch with an open beta)

Feels good being superior.

>Every Ubisoft game after Blackflag
So you fell for about 10 games before that? How fucking retarded are you?
>All kickstarters
Every game I backed turned out great.

so you play 3 games?

Shitch and Meme of the Wild.

Siege is the best multiplayer shooter to come out in a decade, fight me.

I probably play more games than you if that's your response. I'm a serious hobby lover, Not some immature modern kiddy console "gamer".



i don't beat children

Not an argument :^).

any console after ps2

>I'm so clever that I only bought the first FOUR Assassin's Creed games, guys!!
Wow way to go, user!

>Special Snowflake Syndrome: The Thread

>i like to suck corporate cocks!

Here, read pic-related before continuing your conversation with

it's shorter to make a list of shit i did fall for.

>friends getting me to resub to wow post bc
>friends getting me to buy diablo 2

can't really think of anything else that was considered bad. it helps that i'm not an autist who has to buy games when they come out. it usually takes me a couple months and if it's widely regarded as shit i'll just skip it anyways.

Blunder No. 9
Nu Male Sky
That Android Skyrim machine
Mass Defect: Androgynous
Modern Ubishit games
The Pii Poo
Microsoft's water cooler
JRPG's with turn based combat

>Every Ubispft game after Blackflag
shame you missed out on a good game then

>Battlefield 1
>Currently available consoles
>every cod since mw3
> treyarch -waw
>gost recon wildlands
>Assassins creed

>"What's your hobby?"
>"I-I like playing v-vidya"
>"I'm sorry whatat did you say?
>rants for 5 hours about how you like game from real developers and how everyone else is a brainlet, even though she left the second you shouted

>That Android Skyrim machine


Shit you did fall for
>kekout 4

Star Citizen

I think she means the Shitendo Cucktch.

>Every Ubisoft game after Blackflag
>he didn't hop off the train @ Brotherhood

>there are tons of people who have actually spent hundreds of dollars on star citizen

A new HDD and two cans of Pringles. What more could a bro ask for?

>mighty No.9
>yuka laylee
>that kaiju fighting game that got overtaken by furfags
sadly, my love of the Neverhood got me to dump a lot on Armikrog. At least I have more shit to throw on the Tennapel pile.

>any ubisoft game
>any ea game
>any microsoft shilling tactic
>any microsoft game
>any blizzard game
>first two-three years of ps4
>nintendo anything