24 Hours Until The April Direct

Besides info on ARMS and Splatoon, what do you expect Nintendo to talk about? Will they give their plans on a Virtual Console for the Switch? Will they talk about Forever Oasis, or Pikmin 4? Will they even go so far as to tease the new games they'll reveal at E3?
Please don't start a console war guys.
Keep things civil

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It's going to be arms, Splatoon, Pikmin 3ds, and that Fire Emblem remake.

Everything else will be saved for E3, which is going to be exclusively based on the Switch

wait a direct is coming?

Splatoon is fucking trash you underage faggot. Go fap to badly drawn art.

I'll tell you what nintendo plans are


Yes. Nintendo announced yesterday that there would be a Direct starting at 3 pm PT/6 pm EST tomorrow.

49% Splatoon
49% Arms
1% 3DS shit no one cares about
1% saying to tune in for E3 for Switch news

I think some things will be saved for E3. I'm mostly expecting more details on Splatoon and Arms, which will launch in May and June. Maybe something on Xenoblade 2 and Mario Oddyssey, but not a whole lot.

I desperately am awaiting new Ever Oasis details, though. That game looks great. Please announce a Codename S.T.E.A.M 2.


If they are (and I hope to every God in existence they are) making a new Metroid for the Switch, they would save that for E3 to build up hype.

Fuck off, Metroid fags. You already had a game last year.

>Besides info on ARMS and Splatoon, what do you expect Nintendo to talk about?

Nothing. And that would be a good direct.

One word to say about it, now I'll be off


I just want a new Advance Wars.

That would be nice, but given how well FE is selling, that won't happen until the waifu gravey train dries up.

You got something better than that.

Besides, WarGroove is on the way.

What if Advance Waifu Wars

Now we're getting somewhere.

Where is the usual fake leak thread?

FE printing money means their B-team can do a lower-budget AW game if they want

Is't it just focused on Arms and Splatoon? If not, then Monster Hunter XX localisation, the rest is irrelevant.

Splatoon needs viable and replayable singleplayer content for when you're taking your Switch around in handheld mode.

Just some sort of shooting gallery or time attack thing would suffice. Ideally though, we'd get a large series of arcade style minigames like Mario 64 DS had.

I want both.

Splatoon will have local multiplayer and the story mode for when you are out and about without Wifi. Dunno what else they would add though the ability to train up gear solo would be nice.

Virtual console and maybe something like a web browser or app updates.

Soft launch AF

Splatoon also needs 4-player splitscreen for local MP, I skipped the first game because all it has was that awful 1-on-1 mode. I want to be able to play with people next to me, not just with people online, playing alone.

>story mode
No. That's not even remotely acceptable. Story mode isn't replayable in any real way and I don't think anybody wants them to spend MORE time on that shit. Most people will beat the story once and never touch it again.

Just do Squid themed minigames or some challenge mode type stuff. Something. Anything.

It needs to have value as a portable title in some way or else it's a really shitty Switch game.

Netflix probably.

Even confirmation of Netflix would be good.

>they say it's mostly about splat2n and arms
>everyone assumes major announcements and reveals


What does that have to do with my post?

Will they really waste time on a remake (i'm excited for it though) that's out/ about to be out in japan and has nothing hidden in it if datamine stuff is any proof?

Is going to have Netflix, you don't need official confirmation for that.


Direct hype is dead

>FE printing money means their B-team can do a lower-budget FE game if they want

Like Echos

bayo 2 switch port I hope

>playing splatoon in handheld mode
>using handheld mode at all

>new Retro Studios game
>either Metroid or a new ip

Fuck off weeb

If this direct is only splatoon and arms is gonna be shit, they already showed off arms and spaltoon is a sequel, not a lot is gonna be added.


Hurry and claim your seat

Whoever made that picture clearly hasn't played the game.

Splatoon is not a sequel. It's just a remaster but because Nintendo is doing it you dont care

Hipster art school fucks

nobody cares about splatoon and arms. where's the new f zero

>implying I want splatoon

Tried it at a friends, the one for the Wii U, was boring as fuck.

I just want actual new games that aren't Wii U games with a slight upgrade.

Nintendo will not release any more games. See wiiu. Hype, sell 5 consoles, then abandon.

Only hope might be jap Shit

>It's a Wii U port

Just give me a new Wario game, Nintendo. It's about fucking time.


I'd kill for Pikmin 4, but sadly I don't think we'll see it for quite some time thanks to that 3DS spin-off.

>Nintendo going out of its way to constantly state that they will pour enough games into the Switch to make it keep momentum in sales
>Direct is just for already known or released games

They can't be serious. There's practically nothing till E3 besides MK8, which is a enhanced port.

>Mariokart in April
>Arms in May
>Splatoon in June

That's how they see it. Nintendo thinks they're doing well with one release a month. But what about for those of us who already own MK8 and think ARMS looks like shit? We're fucked.

Thank god I'm interested in Disgaea 5 Complete.

No, they're going to talk about Splatoon 2 and Arms, are you dense?

>But what about for those of us who already own MK8 and think ARMS looks like shit? We're fucked.
Then maybe you shouldn't have bought a switch yet.

which is ironic considering that metroid fans have nothing to play.

>Splatoon needs viable and replayable singleplayer content for when you're taking your Switch around in handheld mode.

wifi hotspot

>Splatoon 2
>Ever Oasis
>Pikmin 3DS
>Virtual Console info
>App's like Youtube, Amazon, Netflix announcement
>Smash for Switch announcement

>Bros, they CAN'T talk about [x] game because it was LEAKED before RELEASE bro they just can't! They CAN'T do it my man!

Swing and a miss. It will, at bare minimum, receive a passing mention.

I'm expecting only FE: Echoes news to go along with ARMS and Splatoon 2. I'd love them to say the VC is starting up and maybe have a teaser or two for E3, though.

>I'm only expecting FE: Echoes

Pikmin 3DS and Ever Oasis are at least smart predictions. They have to talk about the former at this point. It was revealed alongside that Mario Sports game in September, and the Mario game released in March, yet we haven't heard of Pikmin since.

Could it be, they talked about some GCN titles on the Switch a while ago

As for the 3DS, perhaps a mention of Echoes and some Atlus related announcements. Nothing much.

I just want a new pikmin for switch


>Yoshi's New Pikmin for 3DS exists only to promote the *REAL* *TRUE* Pikmin 4 on Switch

All is forgiven?

Hopefully they announce a couple of new Switch titles, nothing too big but something other than shitty indies would be good.

As for the 3DS my hopes are that we get dates for the shit that's still coming like Ever Oasis and Lady Layton, as well as an announcement of Fatlus localizing EOV on the west. Props to them if they unveil a new title that is actually big for the 3DS, i.e. new Pokemon.

>Mariokart in april
>Arms in may
>Splatoon 2 in june

meanwhile, a example of the Wii U's release schedule:
>Pikmin 3 in august
>Rayman Legends in september
>Windwaker HD in october

So what you are saying is, Nintendo didn't learn anything from the Wii U.

How is "one big AAA Nintendo first party title" per month a bad strategy? Zelda worked for March because they knew everybody would be fucking playing Zelda, so obviously they're gonna hold shit like Mario Kart, Splatoon and ARMS back.

>the Switch isn't a weeb device
>because it's made in America

Honestly any game being released end of this month be great, first time im actually going to buy multiplayer games so MKart8 is a givin but something else thats not indie aswell be sweet

>Mario Kart is "April's game"
>comes out at the very tail end of April

Codename Steam floped hard so i doubt they will be touching the franchise anytime soon.

>until the waifu gravey train dries up

So basically never? There are lots of waifu gravey games that have pretty much turned themselves into money making machines that oil up by themselves, see Senran, Neptunia.

Something decent. Seriously, I'm not even picky at this point.

Announce something decent that isn't Mario and I might go out and buy a Switch

user, that's pretty much why they just made 2 FE games at the same time, one by the A-team and one by the B-team.

I think something for Kirby's 25th anniversary is not entirely out of the question, but still a bit farfetched.

On one hand, games like Triple Deluxe and Robobot were announced on directs instead of E3. But on the other hand, it's only been about a year since Robobot came out, so it could still be too early for any significant development.

>console war shit
Fuck. off.

You forgot the huge drought between the Wii U's launch and that schedule you just posted.
So they at least learned one thing. The very obvious lesson of "don't go multiple months without releasing a single game."

There's been half a dozen in the last week.

Don't fuck with my emotions user

They said "mainly" so it seems like they will talk about other stuff.

These are two online focused, competetive games. They have to talk about the paid service sooner or later.

>Codename Steam floped hard so i doubt they will be touching the franchise anytime soon.
This makes me sad.

Hey user, remember that 3D minigame from Planet Robobot?

Not sure if you catch my drift haha

I'm a huge Nintendo fan. I have to say I haven't seen a good direct since Iwata passed. They've all been too small and only focus on one or two games that usually don't have a lot of buzz. They don't tend to announce new games in them anymore.

I expect Splatoon and Arms and nothing else.

I think a port of his older stuff sounds pretty likely. The problem with ports is that only die hard fans and people who have never played the game before buy ports. So while I personally would enjoy more Kirby, the general consumer may be underwhelmed by it. It just isn't what people want to see unless it's just fluff in between larger bits of information. People are pretty lukewarm on Mariokart here at least.

>The STEAM will probably get is a couple Smash trophies
I miss when Nintendo made games and not Smash add-ons

I share your pain, user.

prease be excited for e3

Thank you for my (you) I get paid 2 rupees for each one I get.

My predictions.

They will talk about:

-supplies for Switch
-Currently available titles
-The Eshop, browser, and other stuff (probably delayed)
-Upcoming titles
-Focus on gimmicks literally no one cares about except for the fake hype pushing marketers and desperate drones
-A hardware price drop for either the joycon or switch pro controllers
-The last 3DS titles

What they wont talk about:
-Hardware defects of the switch
-Joycon defects
-the fact that 3rd parties will drop off like flies like the WiiU because the hardware is impossible to work with considering the power gap between PS4/Xbone base models, which are already struggling to run multiplats themselves. A downgrade wont help here sorry.
-the fact that you can get a stronger console for cheaper with no forced gimmick shit

I know I come across as bitter but I really am tired of modern Nintendo's shit. They're so scared witless of competing they'll try any fancy gimmick to avoid providing at least a baseline of console power. It's not even the hardware power that was entirely the problem but their poor storage format choices. No deflection or damage control can change my mind on this. I've never bought Nintendo consoles JUST for ONLY Nintendo games. You can and SHOULD expect more from them, dont accept sub standards.

This shit wasn't better than Advance Wars.

>How is "one big AAA Nintendo first party title" that can be completed almost entirely in the span of one month, per month a bad strategy?

Fixed that for you famalamadingdong.
Its bad strategy to only get one new game a month. Wanna know one of the main reasons people were excited for the Switch?
Because of the assumption that they would unite the 3DS and Wii U developers to making games for the same system. Why?
Because that would mean MULTIPLE AAA NINTENDO FIRST PARTY TITLES PER MONTH. At the least, one from the console developers, and one from the previous handheld developers.
I consider one game a month to be a drought.

>I've never bought Nintendo consoles JUST for ONLY Nintendo games.
Kek what the fuck, there is literally no reason to buy them other than for their exclusives, and that goes for the other consoles as well. Any multiplats are meant to be played on PC.

what did they expect? a lot of people wanted another Advance Wars, yet they give us a game filled to the brim with american folklore and the unbearable long enemy turns wich where patched yes but it was there on release.

I dont have personal grudges with the game i think it would have performed better if IS where to give the fans what they actually have been wanting for years

>only Nintendo games are exclusives
Did you know that third party developers can and have made exclusive games for consoles before? Or are you so fucking braindead that you are incapable of comprehending the existence of games that exist outside of what Treehouse shills to you? Did you know that many of the best titles on Nintendo systems were developed by third parties such as Capcom, Konami, Square-Enix and Atlus? I suppose a lack of intelligence is fitting for a PChue.

Spoken like a true child born in the late 90's who never knew the Nintendo that was the only platform you needed for gaming whether first or 3rd party exclusive, or multiplat.

I want Monster Hunter

You guys are probably sick of hearing this every direct, but you will and there's nothing you can do about it.

Stop living in the past, wheels.

Oh shit, my bad then. When you said Nintendo games I thought you meant Nintendo console(s) exclusive games.
Times have changed.

Times only changed because Nintendo refused to get their heads out of their asses. Pic mostly related, it's their fault that they're in the position they're in. Not the Sonybros, not the microwiggers, Just theirs.

Im not sick of hearing it i also really want a Monster Hunter game, this time on the Switch.

I dont care if its a port of XX with no save transfer, i dont care starting all over again from scratch.


Probably some dumb shit nobody cares about like always.

>there won't be xenoblade 2 info