If this game is the future of Zelda we have a problem

If this game is the future of Zelda we have a problem

The Bad:
>Giant, empty world with hollow "exploration"
>Treasure chests in the wild yield nothing useful 99% of the time
>Apparently, filling an empty open world with 900 brain dead mini-puzzles is somehow revolutionary
>Shrines are equally as brain dead puzzle wise, challenges of strength are the exact same thing multiple times over
>Fully fleshed out, themed dungeons are gutted
>Sidequests are legitimately "go here and kill this/collect that" and yield NOTHING of value for your time, not even a percentage of the completion. Compare a sidequest in this game with something like the Kafei or Biggoron sidequests
>"Your weapon is severely damaged"
>There is no more than 2-3 memorable songs that aren't rehashes or mashups of older songs
>The story is actually fucking terrible, barebones, and has 4Kids tier voice acting for 90% of the cast

And perhaps worst of all

>Literally no incentive to start a new game and play fresh. The sheer monotony of getting to the same point in the game where you have done mostly everything is so unmemorable and uncharismatic that it would be more of a chore than fun. Compare to replaying Ocarina or A Link to the Past

The Good:
>God tier game play and physics
>Massive amounts of clothes that actually help
>Zeldas thigh gap
>Attention to detail

>lists 'empty world' as the first bad point
>proceeds to list a bunch of content, proving it's not empty

>Useless treasure chests
>Brain dead puzzles that take 15 seconds to get a seed 900 times
>Fetch quests that give you 50 rupees or a food item
>All sprinkled into vast expanses of nothing

Yeah so full! So full of content!

R.I.P. Zelda
Fell for the open world meme

Hopefully Final Fantasy will be able to bounce back from it, but I'm not too hopeful.

Skyward Sword has:

>Better graphics
>Better story
>Better dungeons
>Better music

Skyward Sword HD will save the Switch

why do you post this pasta so often anyways?
it isn't stopping people from enjoying the game and comes across as trying too hard to those on the fence about the game.

How is it a pasta if its literally the first time I ever posted it twice on teo different boards no less than 5 minutes ago? These are honest impressions of the game you drone fuck boy

Why did you make this post anyways?
It isn't stopping OP from making this thread and comes across as getting too butthurt he disagrees with you.

I've seen the exact same posts in multiple BotW threads
bit rude to answer a question with another question, user

Holy fuck I thought I was the only one going on about the replayability. The other games have great stories and dungeons, fun themes and sidequests. Why would anyone want to slog through Botw all over again, doing the same repetetive shit when you can play any of the others

Similar posts maybe, but I legitimately did not post a pasta. Honest thoughts. The game is not as good as everyone thinks

the other 3D zeldas also have a stupidly long tutorial/introductory segment. BotW lets you jump straight in and can be approached in any order you want once you leave the plateau, making it more replayable than the linear zeldas where you'll only get the exact same linear progression with little exception.
this is pasta. It's been in numerous BotW threads already, I think you may have added a few points to it but the majority is pasta.

Literally prove its pasta you fucking autist, I typed it out 15 minutes ago

>Replay for dungeons, music, sidequests, nostalgia

>Replay to do shrines and collect korok seeds

I'm too lazy :^)
The same applies for BotW as OoT there.

>le weapon durability is bad meme
>le no music blaring the whole time is bad meme
>le story meme
Zeldafags need to be sterilized.

If the opening post is indeed similar to some pasta, then it just goes to show how evident the flaws of Breath of the Wild are.

Nah. It just shows how petty nitpicking cunts are.

Yes. It's full of content. It's just not full of le epic lewtz to trick your feeble mind into thinking you've accomplished something. Some people don't have terminal game AIDS and can just enjoy the experience of playing a game without a constant stream of "rewards".

Still not getting the best game of the year sony cuck

t. overly defensive faggots only making OP's arguments look much stronger

>Being this deluded of a nintendocuck


pretty sure OP just looked at common shitposts and merged them into some fresh(?) pasta. I think the incorrect quote "Your weapon is severely damaged" from OP is strong evidence on its own that he hasn't played the game

I see some niggas can't handle the truth.

OP please quit samefagging. It's sad.

I don't think you will either, considering even with Todd's massive amount of critic review shilling, he was still completely BTFO'd by Witcher being GOTY.

If BOTW had vast cities on the scale of GTA with numerous shops and NPCs with meaningful sidequests it could've been a masterpiece. But overall the world is pretty boring.

Still a fun game though. an 8.0 and a damn great time.

Damn, just realized

That's really obvious, OP


>take a look at the user reviews out of curiosity
>filled with spammed 1's and 0's from consolewarriors

OP here, fully upgraded the wild set. At least 200 hours in, 56 put of 76 sidequesrs done. 31. Something% done. All of these points I came up with on my own.

Not me

>weapon is severely damaged
You haven't even played the fucking game

your brain is severely damaged

Not OP, you were blown the fuck out.

>All of these points I came up with on my own
You should realize that this means your opinions are as worthless as a copypasta, my dude.

>that is the full list of good

You sound like you've never played a zelda before, damn normies
see name

Proof. Doubt you played for long if you can get that wrong

Yeah, in a pool of 10,000 user reviews, console wars shitposting made up enough of it to bring down the score 2.5 points.

Maybe it just wasn't as great as the reviewers made it out to be

Reminds me of a certain other "okay but not 10/10 GOTY MASTERPIECE" open world game...

As stated in the thread, if everyone has the same complaint about something its usually correct. Nothing OP stated was false or out of reach for criticism of this game. Please, feel free to refute any of the points

Andd more padding
And Open World fags relish in it. They relish in wasting their time on this fucking shit.
Open World games were a mistake.

>if everyone has the same complaint about something its usually correct
You do realize copypastas are just meme shit and nitpicking right? If you have pretty much the exact same thoughts as a copypasta then your opinion is a meme.

Skyrim is on basically all platforms, though, there's no consolewarrior bullshit surrounding it. BotW, meanwhile, it only on Wii U and Switch, with CEMU making reasonable progress (though still has a long way to go)

Or maybe it means that the copy pasta is correct.

I probably played the game longer than you have

>Criticisms are invalid if people have the same ones

The hype is really killing this game for me I'm expecting so much playing it. I can't get into it like I got into other Zelda's. Playing lttp or oot I felt excited to progress and see the next part of the game, I wouldn't be on the internet talking about it I would be playing it. In botw it feels empty so far but on the contrary I haven't even gotten the paraglider yet I just don't feel like running in that fucking wasteland and climbing cliffs.

What a shit argument. It's entirely subjective if something is a nitpick or something that is legitimately bothersome. Just because you don't give a shit about those flaws and are able to overlook them doesn't mean that everyone else needs to do the same.

>Common opinion is shit smells
>Some people love shit and eat it, but theyre the vast minority in the eyes of public opinion
>Does this mean shit isnt fucking disgusting? Its a meme to think it smells?

>It's been said before, so it's not valid
You're a stupid faggot

but here, the vast majority opinion is that BotW is good if not great.

>we have a problem
More like Nintendo has a problem. The game's lack of popularity speaks for itself.
all those worthless 10/10 reviews mean nothing to the fact it hasn't even sold 2 million units in over a month and a half.

>Open world faggots are this retarded
Reminder Zelda has been ruined to appease to this exact type of idiot

I hope this is not the future of the series. It's good, it's different, but has enough problems to sink its own boat.

I couldn't get past 20 hours and the combat already feels old.

Mindless masses who want it to be the next Ocarina are shilling it heavily. Nothing OP said was a nitpick, these are all valid criticisms. Again, feel free to refute anything in the OP with an argument that isnt "not valid if everyone says it"

Good or Great doesn't mean flawless. How about you discuss the "nitpicks" that are being presented? Or is all you got "It's been said before, so it doesn't count"?

it's definitely slow at first, but after like 3 hours or so (depending how quickly you get off the plateau) you'll start to get drawn in by the world and will quickly be finding yourself doing one thing only to be distracted 4-5 times on the way with something unrelated. The less you know about the game going in, the better.


You literally got the phrase wrong you niggerfaggot. You either haven't been paying attention or don't hear the game

>defending copypastas as a legitimate form of criticism
>using majority rules as an argument when majority rule is that BotW is nearly flawless, thus raping OP and his copypasta meme opinions
neo-Sup Forums at its best
Sounds like it was ruined with SS to appease droolers like you.

>Zelda game is legitimately perfect, the critic reviews are legit!!
Do people still believe this after Skyward Sword?

You're the faggot bringing up copypastas, you stupid idiot. The cricticisms in the OP aren't any less valid because they've been said before.

ctrl-f "played the" 3 results

Three "you didn't play the games" That's a record for a thread this young.


>disprove opinions
Why do I bother, when it's obvious the Op hasn't even played the game, no knowing exactly what he is annoyed by

I'l post a screen shot in a few, you fucking absolute cuck. Gimme a bit


There's 4.

>being too intellectually challenged to defend a game you enjoy
>needing to repeat over and over again that you've read these criticisms before in the hopes that diminishes them in any way, shape or form

The thing is it's obvious this time as he got one of the main critisms literally wrong. Like wrong. Not even an opinion, but wrong, although he has supposedly been playing for 200 hours

That's 4, now.

I would argue that complaining about the weapon degradation and treasure not being 'worthwhile' is a nitpick. The weapon degradation is indeed ridiculous in the early-game, but after just a few hours of play you'll get a high quantity of weapons that last ages, as well as weapons with durability perks. As for the treasure, it's all subjective (it'd help if OP was more specific...), but I'd say that anything I find is useful to me in some way, though the usefulness varies usually by how hard the chest was to find/obtain.
It counts, obviously, though I do have high suspicions that OP actualy has not played much of the game and is just parroting common shitposts, and ones that I don't fully agree with. I could reply to each of his points, however I feel that'd be a complete waste of all our time.



>a 10 means a game is perfect
user no

Again, OP here. Prepare to be BTFO in a few minutes, eating now

And that's 6

Not an argument

>get drawn into the boring ass world

If the game had an actual world to be invested in, I'd agree

>Everyone except based gamestop giving SS 9.5s/10s
Surely they legitimately thought this game was perfect and there was no foul play by Nintendo.

doesn't bother me as I don't agree with your points either way, OP.

Here's an idea: instead of moaning about what the game has, how about posting suggestions for what you wanted in the game's world?

Last time I asked this of a shitposter they listed things that were already present in the game, so I'll be eager to know what you and/or OP suggest.

10's don't indicate that a game is "perfect", they just indicate that a reviewer liked it enough and felt it was of a standard high enough for them to award it that score. No reviewer would ever call a game 'perfect' since it implies a flawless product regardless of opinion, when reviews are inherently highly subjective.

It's not enough to be there. The content has to be meaningfully dense in comparison to the size of the map. That's a big part of the problem. If you're spending 20 minutes dodging the same copy pasted enemy fights and boring shrines, that doesn't suddenly get justified because there's one specific area in the game you might get to that has good content in it.

>post suggestions

we're not on neofag or gamefags. Leave your theory crafting and suggestions there.

>how about posting suggestions for what you wanted in the game's world?
Actual landmarks or memorable dungeons instead of just brushing a few shrines and yahahas over snow mountain #6 and calling it a day.

Sidequests with character development and story instead of fetchquest #32 that rewards food/rupees/maybe a horse once in a while.

I wish they had done more sidequests like Tarrey Town.

I just think the overworld just needed more content that was actually a part of it and really melded with things as opposed to self-contained, non-thematic shrines and random fetchquests sometimes. The world is pretty to look at but it really is a little empty for my tastes.

My opinion though.

Not only do I have over 30% completed, the wild set upgraded fully, and more than a fair share of sidequests, I actually had it days before most people thanks to Mocha Wii U. Cucks blown the fuck out.

I really hate geek culture, this faggot owns pops for sure.

Down a bottle of bleach, step on a stool and use the impact of a bullet to hang yourself. I'm mad


Nintendo fanboys and Open World faggots blown the fuck out

Good shit

the real user score would be even lower if the spammed 10's were removed.

>inb4 its a screenshot
>inb4 your criticisms are invalid if you spent so much time on it

>inb4 you get accused of showing a picture on the gamepad
last time I fell for the "you never played it" meme, I posted 3 separate timestamps + gamepad shots and they still told me I was faking.

>I couldn't suggest anything as I hadn't played the game
>Actual landmarks
this is a little vague, can you elaborate?
>Sidequests with character development and story
This I do agree with, though I don't think having multiple Tarrey Town quests would sort out this issue. For the record, though, whilst most of the quests are ultimately fetchquests, I liked that they still gave the characters distinct personalities and their own little story to accompany the quest - there's appropriate context for them.
I can't help but wonder why you bothered to get every shrine when you apparently hate the game so much. I love the game but even I couldn't bother with every shrine. Should I post a timestamp as well, or would I just be called a ;nintendyearold' or whatever the fuck just because I disagree with OP?

So not only did I play the game longer than you did, you deflect opinions either way? KEK

>"You didnt play the game"
>You played the game but I dont care if they were your real opinions"

>it's not perfect if it's skyward sword
>it's perfect if it's breath of the wild
zelda fandom is the best fandom

we need a way to prove people have played the games on metacritic to avoid blatant fanboyism from both sides.

>I can't help but wonder why you bothered to get every shrine when you apparently hate the game so much. I love the game but even I couldn't bother with every shrine.
He doesn't hate the game, you stupid faggot. He gave his completely fair share of criticisms on it. You're the one who got butthurt and spun your narrative from there.

>no hand in the shot

wew, guess we all know why that is

Your ass status: Rekt