bigot. You'll like whatever we tell you to like.
Go away, please. Take this shit to Sup Forums or reddit or the youtube comments section. This is a place for vidya, not whatever the hell this is.
seems weird we'd still have trannys in the far off super scifi future. couldnt you just take a pill to swap gender
You can, Hainsley in the game is a woman that used to be a man. Bioware got in trouble for tokenism, Hainsley basically introduces themselves as HI YOUR FROM THE MILKY WAY I'M FROM THE MILKY WAY TOO I USED TO BE A DUDE THERE HAHA
with trannies you lose ALWAYS
>I don't like so is not vidya
lel get fucked retarded
I just don't understand why the technology to actually modify your body into that of the other gender isn't legal in that universe. According to it's own mythos changing genes and altering the body had been outlawed for some reason. I would think trannys would want this so they can "be the gender they always knew they were". Heck, now that they're in a galaxy without the previous ones rules Hainsley should be able to do that gene stuff without a fuss. But he'll always be a man, that Hainsley.
>yfw when SJW get heat even from their lgtbp pets
or a pill that stops you being mentally ill would be easier ....
AFAIK it wasn't illegal for Hainsley to be a woman in the milky way (I haven't met the NPC)
They just left to get a completely new start.
Which they immediately ruin by telling everyone they used to be a dude, kind of defeating the purpose of having a new start.
otherway around.
SJW's are the pets of LGBT
And like pets, they're dumb fucking animals that shit on the carpet and bite people they shouldn't sometimes when not discipline properly.
Eh, why not? Being LBGTQWERTYBBQ doesn't affect their usefulness in combat, does it?
It's not a companion, it's an incredibly irrelivant one note NPC that just introduces themselves as 'also i used to be a man'
the definition of hamfisted in for no reason than quotas
so the LGBT community got insulted and pissed as they should honestly
No, it wasn't illegal for Hainsley to be a tranny, but for some reason the technology that actually would've given him the ability to have a completely normal looking female body with reproductive organs is for some reason outlawed.
Probably something related to the laws surrounding genetic uplift of animals.
>Meet someone for the first time
in what universe did someone think that was good writing?
I agree that they hamfisted it. I don't agree that they're prioritizing it over actual bug fixes.
Also, this further illustrates that trannies are attention whores
Trannies are hot. I want to do them up the butt.
In what universe is Bioware capable of good writing?
Oh I'm sorry minorities that we do not exclusivity cater to your needs. I do not support Putin but at least he has one thing right: "Majority doesn't have to cater to the minorities but the minorities have to cope with majority".
No. We should take every opportunity to remind them that they are mentally troubled minority.
>Meet someone for the first time
>She seems like a cute girl, It would be nice to be her acquaintance
>"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm user and you...?"
>do a 180° and walk away
If all degenerates did that, the world would be a better place
>or a pill that stops you being mentally ill would be easier ....
Cyanide exists
They don't say I was a man verbatim but many trannies bring it being trans the first chance they get
They don't have real personalities and use their various afflictions as a substitute for being a real person
>Meet a trans in real life at work
>First thing that they bring up is that they are trans
>In a fucking corporate environment
But no keep telling me how these freaks are regular human beings.
>tranny character is shit because they bring it up the moment you meet them
>I'm a tranny by the way
Do they not see the irony?
Funny how the screenshot also ends up with videogame journalist telling us how transgender he/she is.
And thats why you guys are so lonely. Anal is awesome.
>meet a trans dude/girl/whatever IRL
>"guys I'm trans, I'm also trans, also I'm trans, btw I'm trans"
>a friend replies
>"We don't care, shut up about it already"
>he/she/it gets mad and leaves, never talks to us again
It wasn't even discriminatory, my friend is a pretty polite guy and he legit didn't care that he/she was trans
Wait what. That girl on the right, where is she from? She looks like someone I met few days ago
If a woman can have a penis and you can totally be a woman just because you think you are, why is trans representation so important
A pretty boy I found while looking for cuck pics. Lost her twitter though.
>Not having a wife who gets off on anal
That's normal, these are all the topics these mentally ill people talk about
>wow I'm trans btw
>wow I'm so cute btw look at this girly dress
>muh SJW issues in media
>Tran people aren't like that. We don't announce our Tranny status to random people we meat
>Meet a Tranny irl and the first thing they do is tell me they're mentally ill
Because trannies are awful people? I don't see your point.
They get pissy when you remove their supposed trump card.
trannies in general should just commit sudoku
>forced inclusion meme
if i could still sage bomb i would
I'm okay with this.
You guys sure she wasn't just being sincere? Would you guys prefer to be surprised in bed or after a kiss?
It's almost like they're trying to weave a false narrative so they can continue being manipulative sociopaths
>hainly abrams controversy
No. They included a Transexual Character and in return Trannies went "REEEEEE DEAD NAMES!"
>mad his trans/BLACKED/feet/sissy porn degenerate posting isn't working
Possible, but there's also always the chance that it is still too expensive for most people, or has other issues.
I mean when you think of it, it's true we've had a lot of medical advancements, but even now there are some practices that have not changed much compared to years ago.
Not like your kind even needs to introduce themselves as such, none of you pass.
What about the cripple pilot legs or the calibrations guy scars in ME2? Guess shits still expensive in the future.
Look, if a tranny is actually convincing and attractive enough to trick me into bedding them then I wouldn't be mad at all. However, most trannys are just men in dresses or women wearing guy clothing with dyke haircuts. They are neither convincing nor attractive and I would ever have sex with them even if I was the ugliest, loneliest fucker on the planet.
It's funny because it's actually how trannies think
Basically what you're saying is that in that one situation you quoted, a mentally ill dude just casually met a group of people and told them he was mentally ill because clearly all the guys would want to fuck him since he put on a dress
Nobody wanted to fuck them. Not everyone is fixated on sex
Were they FTM? All the MTF ones I've met are really chill and I didn't find out until someone told me. The one FTM I met was a piece of shit who couldn't shut up about it.
Almost all of the ones I've ever had the displeasure of meeting does this type of shit.
Wut. That story don't make sense male strippers do exist.
>They made a tranny
>They did it retardedly
It was bad. I can't believe the japanese made a better trans character.
Cripple pilot actually has a rare genetic disorder which can't be cured.
Garrus actively resists facial reconstruction in ME2
These plotholes are sewn up as soon as they're introduced.
>nobody bothers to even fucking skim through the article
>muh outrage
bunch of lazy faggots.
the article is basically saying the same thing Sup Forums says about bioware's writing
>This character is written like pandering garbage, no tranny would blurt out that they were trans to every random fuck they have a casual conversation with. That would be like bringing up your foot fetish five seconds into meeting someone.
>t. tranny
>male strippers do exist
they don't pull down the same kind of rediculous money though
And it requires a lot more effort
Not complaining just facts.
Actually you have to ask her why she came to Andromeda to get that story
Otherwise she's just a standard npc who gives you a quest.
No aliens for guys to fuck is one thing but this is just retarded to get offended by
If you want we can get mad at the actual article content instead
>trannies cry for ages for representation
>devs put one in a game
>waaaaah he doesn't treat his mental illness the exact same way I do
Nice assumption. However, I did read it. It's funny however that the article righter says a tranny wouldn't just blurt out that they're trans in before the first paragraph of the article is done he fucking just blurts out that he's trans.
Who Link?
It depends on the clientele from what a few friends told me. Also, you have to be at a real high class place to make 3k a week or put out.
>This character is written like pandering garbage, no tranny would blurt out that they were trans to every random fuck they have a casual conversation with. That would be like bringing up your foot fetish five seconds into meeting someone.
Funny thing is they actually behave like that. Any other """"marginalized"""" group wouldn't, but trannies go out of their way, which is probably why even the other oppression olympics members hate them.
No, hint it's the best atlus evo
Why does the video games community seem to have a greatly disproportionate number of trans people compared to the real world or other hobbies?
>talking about regular humans while browsing Sup Forums
>using a word like degenerate negatively while browsing Sup Forums
Where are all these fucking newfags coming from? Are they funneling here from reddit through Sup Forums or something?
>all the trannies that I know are trannies told me they were trannies
no shit. otherwise you wouldn't know because you would think they're just that gender, unless they're ugly
>hurr why they call them traps?
Its a new medium they think they can make a name for themselves in.
It's immersive escapism, and being transexual is all about escapism due to the unrelenting horror that your mental disorder has turned your life into.
It's just the internet in general m8
Shut-in people like us not living healthy social lives but getting fucked up in a different way
Ah, purse owner.
Just don't make tranny characters period, no matter what you do, you always lose with Trannies.
Because Trannies are mentally unstable.
>Speaking personal opinion in a SJW hugbox
>Get banned
Was it deserved?
>otherwise you wouldn't know
Samantha, please.
Fuck off, I'm sick and tired of every single faggot with a fetish for the mentally ill perpetuating the myths that most trannies look passable and that there's way more of them than there really are
>Starting sentences with "so"
Is this the new "ugh" and "problematic"?
In this case, aren't they doing that to show signify that they have experience in this subject? Or at least to placate the audience. It's blurting when your subordinate on a a ship randomly tells you they're sporting a cock, but it's actually relevant to the subject of the article. I can't imagine trannies would react well to some cis white man telling them how they should be portrayed in media instead.
It reads like autism.
You had some decent points buried in there but you went too far in some places.
But they banned you for a personal opinion so that's bullshit.
I guess trannies are trying so hard to be women they even appropriated the "oh no I swear THIS time my gender actually totally matters so I need to bring it up" bullshit
>trap = tranny
fuck you pieces of shit for ruining the porn i enjoy
can't even search for trap pics anymore without getting assaulted by pics of fucking ugly trannies with rock balloons glued to their chest
game development majors are full of autistic spergs. It's of no surprise that many of them also fell for the tranny meme
id do a 360
So you wouldn't?
But there's an actual reason to do so in this case. Gives him credibility for talking about trans shit and cover his ass so it's not seen as some cisfag trying to speak for the trannies
I fail to see how your fetish being ruined has any influence on the frequency of trannies in real life
Why is it that every single cringe-worthy SJW trannywriter who bitches about "muh representation" is an MtF?
You literally never hear of FtMs bitching about anything, except for that one die cis scum chick who later said she regretted doing it and that she was a closeted cisgender.
That really the best you can do? That face looks weird as hell, I wouldn't even want to guess what he looks like without a low-res camera
>You will never pull her feet towards you, and fuck her tight pussy
Can you honestly be upset at someone for criticizing BIOWARE writing? Because "muh representation" is beside the point here.
>But there's a reason
Yeah, but he still does it. And he didn't need to do it. If he just pretended to be a cis male advocating for trannys in bideo games he could've played it off as, "I'm just like you guys and I think these people are all right and here's my reason why." But he didn't. Again, he plays up the victim in this article just like trannys tend to do because most of all remember that they're an oppressed minority.
>it's a Sup Forums runoff thread
user, I would the trap
But I would be going in with both eyes open
You would pull HIS feets towards you and fuck HIS tight ASSpussy while whispering to HIM what a good little girl HE is
MTF are far more common than FTM in general which already accounts for a lot of the difference
That shot look outright hideous. Would not fuck.
>persona in evo
Catherine you moron.
Which hey, look, another plothole, because in ME1 Ashley talks about the genetic enhancements she had to get to enlist in the Navy! Or Marines. Whatever she was. I hate her so much, but I remember that because girls turning into aggressive sexy fighters is my fetish.
Also lol @ bioware not even pandering correctly.
Why throw Catherine in evo?