Religion of """""""""""""""peace""""""""""""""""

>religion of """""""""""""""peace""""""""""""""""

Do the Japanese hate religion because they lack a soul or because Americans beat the shit out of their god?

Probably because organized religion is a way to control the masses, their thoughts, beliefs, and their actions.

Because japs are know that religion is shit.

Japs were never trulycucked by a sand religion

If you want a real answer

It's because asians trend towards higher intelligence and religion more broadly appeals to people who are not intelligent. If you question the world earnestly, you don't tend to drink kool-aid telling you to follow special rules for special prize when you die.

Typically, they get sarin gassed when religion happens

>If you question the world earnestly, you don't tend to drink kool-aid telling you to follow special rules for special prize when you die.
Instead you drink the Kool-Aid that tells you to follow special rules to not die IRL.

This is the correct answer. Japan has had lots of cults spring up that do awful things.

That makes more sense. Get more mad fag.



No it doesn't, you niggas follow government orders like jews.


I thought jews are the ones that give out the government orders. Make up your mind.

anyone who thinks that part criticises religion itself has obviously not played the game

Yeah! That's why almost all historical contributions to the world have been by civilizations where there's the majority of the population are religious. I'm not even religious but this fucking fedora tier talk is pathetic

Of course jews follow jewish orders you dimwit.

Fuck off we're full

Fedora faggot nu-weebs have never heard of Shinto or Buddhism

You would have to be pretty retarded to interpret this part of the game as shitting on religion. Did you even play it?

Most of Asia seems to have much less formal religions, venerating ancestors or ideas, even religions not demanding belief in the god just the teachings.

"The big man in the sky has a specific book of rules for us" doesn't happen really.

yea and in most of those instances the few genius minds who made those contributions were not religious or only pretended to be so they wouldn't be targeted

>or because Americans beat the shit out of their god?
Probably this
>fucking indian religion imported from China is more popular than their native religion.

>yea and in most of those instances the few genius minds who made those contributions were not religious or only pretended to be so they wouldn't be targeted
>this user believes Issac Newton was actually an atheist in hiding

Because Abrahamic religions are a bunch of stories written by goatfuckers that are high on drugs.

Like that time god had a bunch of kids killed for calling a man bald. Or how he turned a city into salt for being ass men instead of tit men. And that time Jesus screamed autistically at a fig tree for not producing fruit outside its season.

if a buddhist shao lin monk walked up to your church and high kicked your priest across the room after doing 10 mid air back flips you would convert too probably

Any religion that is based around one all powerful god who can do nothing wrong is shit because obviously he's either malovelent if he knows of evil but refuses to stop it.

fuck off kid, thats some entry level shit.

>this user believes Issac Newton was actually an atheist in hiding
No, but he also had plenty of beliefs that would be considered unorthodox or even heretical. A lot of geniuses in history were religious but also had their own ideas of religion or mysticism that weren't mainstream, or even seem batshit crazy by today's standards.



The issue with the Epicurean Paradox is that the claim that God not being willing means he is malevolent. If evil is used in a controlled way to strengthen the good or come necessary with the good then it would be against the notion of being good to remove this option. You cannot make the assessment that God is malevolent then.

It's very easily refutable, Epicurus like many others till this day have a idealistic view of God (in the sense that all hardships, wars and diseases are bad hence if there was a God it'd all be gone), but this idealistic view of theirs is built on their personal perception which at the core their emotions and ignorance. Also it goes over the minds of many that for example the old testament God is as a flame of fire, incorporating attributes such as holiness and righteousness, and the very fact that the god of the bible never intended for life after the sin in the garden to be all easy. And about the garden of Eden it can be looked at this way, God let Adam and Eve to sin since after all they had free will, to usher in a age where it was up to a person to decide how to live and whom to worship, and God was strictly fair and neutral in that regard, about their choice,God didn't force them not to do it. But anyways if you were God would you want people to worship you in ignorance of what your actions can really do or be subjected to the truth and be left with a choice, to or to not.


>White Europeans have their own religions
>all convert to sandnigger religion
>group of whites are so hardcore in their beliefs, they actually leave Europe to go to the New World so they can worship their own brand of sandnigger religion in peace
>now a majority of world conflicts arise because followers of three different branches of sandnigger religions can't get along
What went wrong?

>A lot of geniuses in history were religious but also had their own ideas of religion or mysticism that weren't mainstream, or even seem batshit crazy by today's standards.
So just like everyone else?
>T-They were religious but not very religious!!

>Or how he turned a city into salt for being ass men instead of tit men
Absolutely justified.

Have you stupid ledditor fedorafags never heard of Taoism, Buddhism, or Shinto?

Now regarding things like war my understanding of what happened in the old testament is that God either let two sinful nations duke it out and that war was a punishment for both nations, God used a less sinful or perhaps not even really sinful nation at all to punish a sinful one, and if a "bad" nation did attack a good nation that nation which was the aggressor would suffer later for their unjustified actions. So now the real BIG misunderstanding with people is that people think if a nation was punished for their sin by another nation then it's evil since people die you know, yet the biblical God never stood against punishment, never stood against destruction of those who are deemed bad according to the biblical standards. So the question is why do people, and even those who may have a high intellect let their emotions confuse them about who the God of the old testament was?

Also I don't want to be seen as a Christian apologetic. I'm not even technically a Christian, but what I said about the biblical God though is true. Now the purpose of why I typed that out is to inform people because all the emotion filled butthurt statements and assumptions I see all over the internet are obnoxious, people shouldn't even try to bother to rationalize something they totally do not understand nor want to understand and probably will not understand on their own unless someone tells them. Bye.

>So just like everyone else?

>Crossbows - Chinese invention.
>Gunpowder - Chinese invention.
>The domestication of chickens - Done by the Chinese.
>Tea - Chinese

I fucking hate chinks and even I realize you're full of shit.

Yes actually

The super Soaker was made by a religious black man so BAM!


My point was that geniuses tend to believe in weird shit since a lot of them were probably a bit on the autism spectrum. It's silly to take someone's personal beliefs as gospel just because they're intelligent.

>Chinese had gunpower for hundreds of years before Europeans did
>they couldn't work out how to use it properly until the West came knocking a few hundred yeras later

Then I agree with you on that

The chinese can't figure out anything. Especially their own language. That doesn't mean they didn't come across the idea first.

I don't really see what those 4 random things have to do with what he posted, tbqh.

WRONG, fucking knuckle dragging sub human

Ancient China was extremely religious and superstitious. Only the Mongols and later Communism turned them into soulless robots.

please stop tainting nier threads with Sup Forums shit you crossboarding baiting faggot

Yeah, these days they do it through celebrity worship and political party adherence here in the States.

Maybe it was just because a whole damn town wouldn't give shelter to two travelers but i dunno that's just my theory

Have you not heard of Shinto Japan?

>What went wrong?

>if you were God would you want people to worship you in ignorance of what your actions can really do
actually I think I'd want them to believe in me because of the evidence that I exist, not blind faith

No one really knows if that's true though. There are enough records available to suggest the Greeks were at least on the way to making a form of cannon, and were aware of the concept of gunpowder. However the destruction of the library of Alexandria has robbed us of all knowledge of just how advanced those Mediterranean civilizations were.

>Or how he turned a city into salt for being ass men instead of tit men
It was because it was a den of sin and gay ass rape. The entire city demanded Lot send out the visiting angels so they could rape them.

>believe the earth revolves around the sun
>church goes excommunicate traitorus on me for heresy against the church
so much for religion and scientific breakthroughs
>inb4 islamic """"golden""" age

My priest is a Nam vet. So he'd either be a little panicky or pull out a 1911.

>real answer


>church goes excommunicate traitorus on me for heresy against the church
>people still fucking believe this is what happened
He was excommunicated because he had absolutely no fucking proof for his claims, and when called out on it he acted like an arrogant piece of shit. He was right in the end, but he had zero proof that was the case. The medieval Church was a bastion of scientific progress you fucking fedora. Or do you have no idea what monks did for their entire lives and how many of them contributed to science including the theory of evolution?

Every one of those things modernized the world in some way. Especially the later three. The first one modernized medieval european warfare to the point the DEUS VULT fags became outdated. No amount of armour is going to stop a crossbow bolt from killing you.

Im sure sure he is packing heat to gun down any monks that walk through his doors.

not an argument, reddit

>my opponents
So this guy is the Christian equivalent of that fat fedora guy with the "Debate me" shirt?

Galileo failed to make a case against the most important argument against heliocentrism: That if Heliocentrism was true then there would be an observable parallax shift in the stars location as the earth orbited around the sun. While later scientists were able to prove this, Galileo was not due to technical limitations on his equipment. He then went on to tell everyone he had proved it, was teaching students falsities, and slandering the rest of the scientific community and the Pope.They got sick of his shit, and put him under house arrest. While their political methods were debatable, scientifically the church was in the right, not Galileo.

But, prior to his aggressive promotion of Copernican astronomy, the church actually had no qualms with the idea, and even protected Johannes Kepler from persecution.
Galileo however forced the church to take a stance due to publicly ridiculing clergy members and promoting his theory as fact, which as has been mentioned, still lacked conclusive evidence at the time. It was actually Galileo's aggressive stance against the church and his insistence on demonising or ignoring those who actually supported him that resulted in the official banning of Copernican texts.

>criticizing religion in any way, shape, or form

The byzantine's had greek fire. A shame we still don't know how the fuck they did it.

There's an argument there if you bothered to read anything but your trigger word.


The Catholic church has generally supported the major scientific consensus throughout its history; which back then was the geocentric model of the universe (it should be noted that today the church supports evolution and the big bang theory).
With this in mind, Galileo found (largely inconclusive) evidence for heliocentricity and planned to publish a book. The pope, whom he was actually friends with, allowed him to discuss his findings in a book under the caveat that he also put forth and discuss the geocentric model, due to the massive scientific and theological implications of his hypothesis.
Galileo decided, "nah, fuck that" and proceeded to call the pope an imbecile in his book and not give any restraint in describing his heliocentric model.

>tl;dr: the church did not want to hastily rewrite the modern scientific and theological doctrine on the basis of inconclusive evidence, Galileo told them to go fuck themselves

the reviewer is an atheist, actually

fun fact: copernicus was a canon

>christians trying to prove their religion wrong
seems contradictory

lol stupid christcuck, all you contribute to is more muslims because christfag women live to birth sandniggers

It wasn't about proving religion wrong. It was about examining the truth of God's world. Modern Christians are shit. Medieval monks were god tier.

that chart should look like a slow steady ramp through out then after the french revolution and scientific method it should shoot up at a 89 degree angle

>Rich fag pays me to disprove a church thesis because pope is artsfag
>church wants to peer review my shit
>rich fag technically owns it
>I embarrass myself because don't have access to my shit
>daughter is super embrassed because she's a nun
>die in shame while rich fag laughs that he pissed off the church

>it should be noted that today the church supports evolution and the big bang theory
fucking how

Nip artists resent their culture's fucked up hierarchy. The best way for them to complain is to make something similar (a highly hierarchical church) and have it be corrupt and evil.

Is this belief of higher intelligence why large masses of people grasp onto science without exploring and thinking about it and then disavow any field of science that doesn't push what they want it to mean? Is it just their replacement of religion?

>god tier

>(it should be noted that today the church supports evolution and the big bang theory).

Because religious people who aren't braindead hicks can understand the idea that science unveils the methods through which God created the universe and acts on it.

Yeah, I dont think the cultbots went crazy on purpose. Whenever machines go all red eyed they start acting really weird and aggressive even if they weren't before, I think its the network reasserting control over them against their will. The machines who weren't affected imply that their intention really was to open up relations with Pascal's village, not ambush him and 2B. It was the machine network that corrupted the cult, not the fact that they wore purple pope hats.

How what?


Japan was historically a mixture of buddhism and shintoism. So to them, abrahamic religion is more of a novelty than anything.

after watching this many chinese cartoons, every fucking time a "religion incident" pops up in a show that isn't part of the "mystical/spiritual" genre, its usually a cult and fucking terrorist attacks or some fucking fanatic who serves as a retarded antagonist

Become as gods > this cannot continue

fight me

> correlation = causation

Look up the middle ages.

I mean he teaches firearm safety and range classes at a Community College.

reminder that japan hates religion due to western imperialism and pushing for christianity

>Whenever machines go all red eyed they start acting really weird and aggressive even if they weren't before
Play Drakengard to find out why.

but doesn't it go against holy scripture and in turn throw doubt onto the credibility of the source of their in god in the first place?

The church in the middle ages actually helped preserve Roman knowledge and contributed extremely heavily to scientific progress. But you wouldn't know that because you're an underaged faggot getting spoonfed opinions by uneducated shitwads on reddit.

pretty much all science and mathematics was done by the church until like the 14 century

The Big Bang was proposed by a Catholic monk. The Catholic Churches website has more info. They are against GMO's in regards to making animals that only exist to suffer by having to much breast meat or beef.

Why would it? There's nothing in scripture that speaks against examining and understanding the world. And the deeper you get into science, the more fucked up and confusing shit you find that makes no sense. Like the double slit experiment.

So they just hate culture in general.

Actual catholic scholars admit much of the old testament, like Genesis, is not meant to be taken literally. They say it's mythical and the purpose is the convey a message.

t. "white" norsecuck